Source: golang-github-azure-go-autorest
Version: 10.15.5-1
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20200321 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
>  debian/rules build
> dh build --buildsystem=golang --with=golang
>    dh_update_autotools_config -O--buildsystem=golang
>    dh_autoreconf -O--buildsystem=golang
>    dh_auto_configure -O--buildsystem=golang
>    dh_auto_build -O--buildsystem=golang
>       cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go install -trimpath -v -p 4 
> runtime/internal/sys
> internal/race
> runtime/internal/atomic
> internal/cpu
> sync/atomic
> runtime/internal/math
> unicode
> unicode/utf8
> encoding
> math/bits
> internal/bytealg
> internal/testlog
> math
> unicode/utf16
> crypto/internal/subtle
> crypto/subtle
> vendor/
> internal/nettrace
> container/list
> runtime/cgo
> runtime
> vendor/
> internal/reflectlite
> sync
> internal/singleflight
> math/rand
> errors
> sort
> internal/oserror
> io
> strconv
> syscall
> vendor/
> bytes
> reflect
> strings
> bufio
> hash
> crypto/internal/randutil
> time
> internal/syscall/unix
> crypto
> regexp/syntax
> crypto/hmac
> hash/crc32
> crypto/rc4
> vendor/
> vendor/
> path
> regexp
> context
> internal/poll
> encoding/binary
> internal/fmtsort
> os
> encoding/base64
> crypto/cipher
> crypto/sha1
> crypto/sha512
> crypto/aes
> fmt
> crypto/des
> crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519
> crypto/md5
> crypto/sha256
> encoding/pem
> path/filepath
> net
> io/ioutil
> vendor/
> encoding/json
> encoding/xml
> math/big
> encoding/hex
> net/url
> compress/flate
> vendor/
> crypto/rand
> crypto/dsa
> crypto/elliptic
> encoding/asn1
> crypto/rsa
> crypto/ed25519
> compress/gzip
> vendor/
> crypto/ecdsa
> crypto/x509/pkix
> vendor/
> vendor/
> vendor/
> log
> vendor/
> vendor/
> vendor/
> mime
> vendor/
> mime/quotedprintable
> net/http/internal
> flag
> vendor/
> os/user
> os/exec
> crypto/x509
> net/textproto
> vendor/
> vendor/
> mime/multipart
> crypto/tls
> net/http/httptrace
> net/http
> net/http/cookiejar
>    dh_auto_test -O--buildsystem=golang
>       cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 
> === RUN   TestWithAuthorizer
> --- PASS: TestWithAuthorizer (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTokenWithAuthorization
> --- PASS: TestTokenWithAuthorization (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenWithAuthorizationNoRefresh
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenWithAuthorizationNoRefresh (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenWithAuthorizationRefresh
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenWithAuthorizationRefresh (0.00s)
> === RUN   
> TestServicePrincipalTokenWithAuthorizationReturnsErrorIfConnotRefresh
> --- PASS: 
> TestServicePrincipalTokenWithAuthorizationReturnsErrorIfConnotRefresh (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestBearerAuthorizerCallback
> --- PASS: TestBearerAuthorizerCallback (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestApiKeyAuthorization
> --- PASS: TestApiKeyAuthorization (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCognitivesServicesAuthorization
> --- PASS: TestCognitivesServicesAuthorization (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestResponseHasStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestResponseHasStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestResponseHasStatusCodeNotPresent
> --- PASS: TestResponseHasStatusCodeNotPresent (0.00s)
> === RUN   
> TestNewPollingRequestDoesNotReturnARequestWhenLocationHeaderIsMissing
> --- PASS: 
> TestNewPollingRequestDoesNotReturnARequestWhenLocationHeaderIsMissing (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewPollingRequestReturnsAnErrorWhenPrepareFails
> --- PASS: TestNewPollingRequestReturnsAnErrorWhenPrepareFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewPollingRequestDoesNotReturnARequestWhenPrepareFails
> --- PASS: TestNewPollingRequestDoesNotReturnARequestWhenPrepareFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewPollingRequestReturnsAGetRequest
> --- PASS: TestNewPollingRequestReturnsAGetRequest (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewPollingRequestProvidesTheURL
> --- PASS: TestNewPollingRequestProvidesTheURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestGetLocation
> --- PASS: TestGetLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestGetLocationReturnsEmptyStringForMissingLocation
> --- PASS: TestGetLocationReturnsEmptyStringForMissingLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestGetRetryAfter
> --- PASS: TestGetRetryAfter (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestGetRetryAfterReturnsDefaultDelayIfRetryHeaderIsMissing
> --- PASS: TestGetRetryAfterReturnsDefaultDelayIfRetryHeaderIsMissing (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestGetRetryAfterReturnsDefaultDelayIfRetryHeaderIsMalformed
> --- PASS: TestGetRetryAfterReturnsDefaultDelayIfRetryHeaderIsMalformed (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggingInspectorWithInspection
> --- PASS: TestLoggingInspectorWithInspection (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggingInspectorWithInspectionEmitsErrors
> --- PASS: TestLoggingInspectorWithInspectionEmitsErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggingInspectorWithInspectionRestoresBody
> --- PASS: TestLoggingInspectorWithInspectionRestoresBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggingInspectorByInspecting
> --- PASS: TestLoggingInspectorByInspecting (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggingInspectorByInspectingEmitsErrors
> --- PASS: TestLoggingInspectorByInspectingEmitsErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggingInspectorByInspectingRestoresBody
> --- PASS: TestLoggingInspectorByInspectingRestoresBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewClientWithUserAgent
> --- PASS: TestNewClientWithUserAgent (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAddToUserAgent
> --- PASS: TestAddToUserAgent (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientSenderReturnsHttpClientByDefault
> --- PASS: TestClientSenderReturnsHttpClientByDefault (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientSenderReturnsSetSender
> --- PASS: TestClientSenderReturnsSetSender (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientDoInvokesSender
> --- PASS: TestClientDoInvokesSender (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientDoSetsUserAgent
> --- PASS: TestClientDoSetsUserAgent (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientDoSetsAuthorization
> --- PASS: TestClientDoSetsAuthorization (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientDoInvokesRequestInspector
> --- PASS: TestClientDoInvokesRequestInspector (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientDoInvokesResponseInspector
> --- PASS: TestClientDoInvokesResponseInspector (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientDoReturnsErrorIfPrepareFails
> --- PASS: TestClientDoReturnsErrorIfPrepareFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientDoDoesNotSendIfPrepareFails
> --- PASS: TestClientDoDoesNotSendIfPrepareFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientAuthorizerReturnsNullAuthorizerByDefault
> --- PASS: TestClientAuthorizerReturnsNullAuthorizerByDefault (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientAuthorizerReturnsSetAuthorizer
> --- PASS: TestClientAuthorizerReturnsSetAuthorizer (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientWithAuthorizer
> --- PASS: TestClientWithAuthorizer (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientWithInspection
> --- PASS: TestClientWithInspection (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientWithInspectionSetsDefault
> --- PASS: TestClientWithInspectionSetsDefault (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientByInspecting
> --- PASS: TestClientByInspecting (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestClientByInspectingSetsDefault
> --- PASS: TestClientByInspectingSetsDefault (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCookies
> --- PASS: TestCookies (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsPackageType
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsPackageType (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsMethod
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsMethod (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsMessage
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsMessage (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsUndefinedStatusCodeIfRespNil
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsUndefinedStatusCodeIfRespNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_AcceptsArgs
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_AcceptsArgs (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsError
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_AssignsError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithResponse_ContainsStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithResponse_ContainsStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithResponse_nilResponse_ReportsUndefinedStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithResponse_nilResponse_ReportsUndefinedStatusCode 
> (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithResponse_Forwards
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithResponse_Forwards (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_Forwards
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_Forwards (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_DoesNotWrapADetailedError
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_DoesNotWrapADetailedError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_WrapsAnError
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_WrapsAnError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDetailedError
> --- PASS: TestDetailedError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDetailedErrorConstainsPackageType
> --- PASS: TestDetailedErrorConstainsPackageType (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDetailedErrorConstainsMethod
> --- PASS: TestDetailedErrorConstainsMethod (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDetailedErrorConstainsMessage
> --- PASS: TestDetailedErrorConstainsMessage (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDetailedErrorConstainsStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestDetailedErrorConstainsStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDetailedErrorConstainsOriginal
> --- PASS: TestDetailedErrorConstainsOriginal (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDetailedErrorSkipsOriginal
> --- PASS: TestDetailedErrorSkipsOriginal (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithCustomBaseURL
> --- PASS: TestWithCustomBaseURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithCustomBaseURLwithInvalidURL
> --- PASS: TestWithCustomBaseURLwithInvalidURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithPathWithInvalidPath
> --- PASS: TestWithPathWithInvalidPath (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithPathParametersWithInvalidPath
> --- PASS: TestWithPathParametersWithInvalidPath (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePreparerDoesNotModify
> --- PASS: TestCreatePreparerDoesNotModify (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePreparerRunsDecoratorsInOrder
> --- PASS: TestCreatePreparerRunsDecoratorsInOrder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsContentType
> --- PASS: TestAsContentType (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsFormURLEncoded
> --- PASS: TestAsFormURLEncoded (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsJSON
> --- PASS: TestAsJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithNothing
> --- PASS: TestWithNothing (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithBearerAuthorization
> --- PASS: TestWithBearerAuthorization (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithUserAgent
> --- PASS: TestWithUserAgent (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithMethod
> --- PASS: TestWithMethod (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsDelete
> --- PASS: TestAsDelete (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsGet
> --- PASS: TestAsGet (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsHead
> --- PASS: TestAsHead (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsOptions
> --- PASS: TestAsOptions (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsPatch
> --- PASS: TestAsPatch (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsPost
> --- PASS: TestAsPost (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsPut
> --- PASS: TestAsPut (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestPrepareWithNullRequest
> --- PASS: TestPrepareWithNullRequest (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithFormData
> --- PASS: TestWithFormData (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithMultiPartFormDataSetsContentLength
> --- PASS: TestWithMultiPartFormDataSetsContentLength (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithMultiPartFormDataWithNoFile
> --- PASS: TestWithMultiPartFormDataWithNoFile (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithFile
> --- PASS: TestWithFile (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithBool_SetsTheBody
> --- PASS: TestWithBool_SetsTheBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithFloat32_SetsTheBody
> --- PASS: TestWithFloat32_SetsTheBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithFloat64_SetsTheBody
> --- PASS: TestWithFloat64_SetsTheBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithInt32_SetsTheBody
> --- PASS: TestWithInt32_SetsTheBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithInt64_SetsTheBody
> --- PASS: TestWithInt64_SetsTheBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithString_SetsTheBody
> --- PASS: TestWithString_SetsTheBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithJSONSetsContentLength
> --- PASS: TestWithJSONSetsContentLength (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithHeaderAllocatesHeaders
> --- PASS: TestWithHeaderAllocatesHeaders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithPathCatchesNilURL
> --- PASS: TestWithPathCatchesNilURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithEscapedPathParametersCatchesNilURL
> --- PASS: TestWithEscapedPathParametersCatchesNilURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithPathParametersCatchesNilURL
> --- PASS: TestWithPathParametersCatchesNilURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithQueryParametersCatchesNilURL
> --- PASS: TestWithQueryParametersCatchesNilURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestModifyingExistingRequest
> --- PASS: TestModifyingExistingRequest (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestModifyingRequestWithExistingQueryParameters
> --- PASS: TestModifyingRequestWithExistingQueryParameters (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateResponderDoesNotModify
> --- PASS: TestCreateResponderDoesNotModify (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateResponderRunsDecoratorsInOrder
> --- PASS: TestCreateResponderRunsDecoratorsInOrder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByIgnoring
> --- PASS: TestByIgnoring (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByCopying_Copies
> --- PASS: TestByCopying_Copies (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByCopying_ReturnsNestedErrors
> --- PASS: TestByCopying_ReturnsNestedErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByCopying_AcceptsNilReponse
> --- PASS: TestByCopying_AcceptsNilReponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByCopying_AcceptsNilBody
> --- PASS: TestByCopying_AcceptsNilBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosing
> --- PASS: TestByClosing (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingAcceptsNilResponse
> --- PASS: TestByClosingAcceptsNilResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingAcceptsNilBody
> --- PASS: TestByClosingAcceptsNilBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingClosesEvenAfterErrors
> --- PASS: TestByClosingClosesEvenAfterErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingClosesReturnsNestedErrors
> --- PASS: TestByClosingClosesReturnsNestedErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingIfErrorAcceptsNilResponse
> --- PASS: TestByClosingIfErrorAcceptsNilResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingIfErrorAcceptsNilBody
> --- PASS: TestByClosingIfErrorAcceptsNilBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingIfErrorClosesIfAnErrorOccurs
> --- PASS: TestByClosingIfErrorClosesIfAnErrorOccurs (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByClosingIfErrorDoesNotClosesIfNoErrorOccurs
> --- PASS: TestByClosingIfErrorDoesNotClosesIfNoErrorOccurs (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByDiscardingBody
> --- PASS: TestByDiscardingBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByDiscardingBodyAcceptsNilResponse
> --- PASS: TestByDiscardingBodyAcceptsNilResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByDiscardingBodyAcceptsNilBody
> --- PASS: TestByDiscardingBodyAcceptsNilBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByUnmarshallingJSON
> --- PASS: TestByUnmarshallingJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByUnmarshallingJSON_HandlesReadErrors
> --- PASS: TestByUnmarshallingJSON_HandlesReadErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByUnmarshallingJSONIncludesJSONInErrors
> --- PASS: TestByUnmarshallingJSONIncludesJSONInErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByUnmarshallingJSONEmptyInput
> --- PASS: TestByUnmarshallingJSONEmptyInput (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByUnmarshallingXML
> --- PASS: TestByUnmarshallingXML (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByUnmarshallingXML_HandlesReadErrors
> --- PASS: TestByUnmarshallingXML_HandlesReadErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestByUnmarshallingXMLIncludesXMLInErrors
> --- PASS: TestByUnmarshallingXMLIncludesXMLInErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRespondAcceptsNullResponse
> --- PASS: TestRespondAcceptsNullResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCodeOKResponse
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCodeOKResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCodeEmitsErrorForUnacceptableStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCodeEmitsErrorForUnacceptableStatusCode 
> (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessOK
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessOK (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessOKEmitsErrorIfNotOK
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessOKEmitsErrorIfNotOK (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestExtractHeader
> --- PASS: TestExtractHeader (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestExtractHeaderHandlesMissingHeader
> --- PASS: TestExtractHeaderHandlesMissingHeader (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestExtractHeaderValue
> --- PASS: TestExtractHeaderValue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestExtractHeaderValueHandlesMissingHeader
> --- PASS: TestExtractHeaderValueHandlesMissingHeader (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestExtractHeaderValueRetrievesFirstValue
> --- PASS: TestExtractHeaderValueRetrievesFirstValue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSendWithSenderRunsDecoratorsInOrder
> --- PASS: TestSendWithSenderRunsDecoratorsInOrder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateSender
> --- PASS: TestCreateSender (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSend
> --- PASS: TestSend (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAfterDelayWaits
> --- PASS: TestAfterDelayWaits (2.00s)
> === RUN   TestAfterDelay_Cancels
> --- PASS: TestAfterDelay_Cancels (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestAfterDelayDoesNotWaitTooLong
> --- PASS: TestAfterDelayDoesNotWaitTooLong (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsIs
> --- PASS: TestAsIs (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoCloseIfError
> --- PASS: TestDoCloseIfError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoCloseIfErrorAcceptsNilResponse
> --- PASS: TestDoCloseIfErrorAcceptsNilResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoCloseIfErrorAcceptsNilBody
> --- PASS: TestDoCloseIfErrorAcceptsNilBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoErrorIfStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestDoErrorIfStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoErrorIfStatusCodeIgnoresStatusCodes
> --- PASS: TestDoErrorIfStatusCodeIgnoresStatusCodes (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoErrorUnlessStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestDoErrorUnlessStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoErrorUnlessStatusCodeIgnoresStatusCodes
> --- PASS: TestDoErrorUnlessStatusCodeIgnoresStatusCodes (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForAttemptsStopsAfterSuccess
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForAttemptsStopsAfterSuccess (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForAttemptsStopsAfterAttempts
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForAttemptsStopsAfterAttempts (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForAttemptsReturnsResponse
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForAttemptsReturnsResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForDurationStopsAfterSuccess
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForDurationStopsAfterSuccess (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForDurationStopsAfterDuration
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForDurationStopsAfterDuration (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForDurationStopsWithinReason
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForDurationStopsWithinReason (5.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForDurationReturnsResponse
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForDurationReturnsResponse (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestDelayForBackoff
> --- PASS: TestDelayForBackoff (2.00s)
> === RUN   TestDelayForBackoff_Cancels
> --- PASS: TestDelayForBackoff_Cancels (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestDelayForBackoffWithinReason
> --- PASS: TestDelayForBackoffWithinReason (5.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForStatusCodes_IgnoresUnspecifiedStatusCodes
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForStatusCodes_IgnoresUnspecifiedStatusCodes (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForStatusCodes_PollsForSpecifiedStatusCodes
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForStatusCodes_PollsForSpecifiedStatusCodes (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForStatusCodes_CanBeCanceled
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForStatusCodes_CanBeCanceled (0.01s)
> === RUN   
> TestDoPollForStatusCodes_ClosesAllNonreturnedResponseBodiesWhenPolling
> --- PASS: 
> TestDoPollForStatusCodes_ClosesAllNonreturnedResponseBodiesWhenPolling (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForStatusCodes_LeavesLastResponseBodyOpen
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForStatusCodes_LeavesLastResponseBodyOpen (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForStatusCodes_StopsPollingAfterAnError
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForStatusCodes_StopsPollingAfterAnError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForStatusCodes_ReturnsPollingError
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForStatusCodes_ReturnsPollingError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithLogging_Logs
> --- PASS: TestWithLogging_Logs (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithLogging_HandlesMissingResponse
> --- PASS: TestWithLogging_HandlesMissingResponse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodesWithSuccess
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodesWithSuccess (6.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodesWithNoSuccess
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodesWithNoSuccess (14.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_CodeNotInRetryList
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_CodeNotInRetryList (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_RequestBodyReadError
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_RequestBodyReadError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDelayWithRetryAfterWithSuccess
> --- PASS: TestDelayWithRetryAfterWithSuccess (4.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_NilResponseTemporaryError
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_NilResponseTemporaryError (1.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_NilResponseTemporaryError2
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_NilResponseTemporaryError2 (1.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_NilResponseFatalError
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_NilResponseFatalError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_Cancel429
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryForStatusCodes_Cancel429 (3.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewDecoderCreatesJSONDecoder
> --- PASS: TestNewDecoderCreatesJSONDecoder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewDecoderCreatesXMLDecoder
> --- PASS: TestNewDecoderCreatesXMLDecoder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewDecoderReturnsNilForUnknownEncoding
> --- PASS: TestNewDecoderReturnsNilForUnknownEncoding (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCopyAndDecodeDecodesJSON
> --- PASS: TestCopyAndDecodeDecodesJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCopyAndDecodeDecodesXML
> --- PASS: TestCopyAndDecodeDecodesXML (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCopyAndDecodeReturnsJSONDecodingErrors
> --- PASS: TestCopyAndDecodeReturnsJSONDecodingErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCopyAndDecodeReturnsXMLDecodingErrors
> --- PASS: TestCopyAndDecodeReturnsXMLDecodingErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCopyAndDecodeAlwaysReturnsACopy
> --- PASS: TestCopyAndDecodeAlwaysReturnsACopy (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeReadCloser_Copies
> --- PASS: TestTeeReadCloser_Copies (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeReadCloser_PassesReadErrors
> --- PASS: TestTeeReadCloser_PassesReadErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeReadCloser_ClosesWrappedReader
> --- PASS: TestTeeReadCloser_ClosesWrappedReader (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestContainsIntFindsValue
> --- PASS: TestContainsIntFindsValue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestContainsIntDoesNotFindValue
> --- PASS: TestContainsIntDoesNotFindValue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestContainsIntAcceptsEmptyList
> --- PASS: TestContainsIntAcceptsEmptyList (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestContainsIntAcceptsNilList
> --- PASS: TestContainsIntAcceptsNilList (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEscapeStrings
> --- PASS: TestEscapeStrings (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEnsureStrings
> --- PASS: TestEnsureStrings (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringWithValidString
> --- PASS: TestStringWithValidString (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringWithStringSlice
> --- PASS: TestStringWithStringSlice (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringWithEnum
> --- PASS: TestStringWithEnum (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringWithEnumSlice
> --- PASS: TestStringWithEnumSlice (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEncodeWithValidPath
> --- PASS: TestEncodeWithValidPath (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEncodeWithValidQuery
> --- PASS: TestEncodeWithValidQuery (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEncodeWithValidNotPathQuery
> --- PASS: TestEncodeWithValidNotPathQuery (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMapToValues
> --- PASS: TestMapToValues (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMapToValuesWithArrayValues
> --- PASS: TestMapToValuesWithArrayValues (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIsTemporaryNetworkErrorTrue
> --- PASS: TestIsTemporaryNetworkErrorTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIsTemporaryNetworkErrorFalse
> --- PASS: TestIsTemporaryNetworkErrorFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExamplePrepareDecorator
> --- PASS: ExamplePrepareDecorator (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExamplePrepareDecorator_pre
> --- PASS: ExamplePrepareDecorator_pre (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleCreatePreparer
> --- PASS: ExampleCreatePreparer (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleCreatePreparer_multiple
> --- PASS: ExampleCreatePreparer_multiple (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleCreatePreparer_chain
> --- PASS: ExampleCreatePreparer_chain (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExamplePrepare
> --- PASS: ExamplePrepare (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithBaseURL
> --- PASS: ExampleWithBaseURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithBaseURL_second
> --- FAIL: ExampleWithBaseURL_second (0.00s)
> got:
> parse ":": missing protocol scheme
> want:
> parse :: missing protocol scheme
> === RUN   ExampleWithCustomBaseURL
> --- PASS: ExampleWithCustomBaseURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithCustomBaseURL_second
> --- FAIL: ExampleWithCustomBaseURL_second (0.00s)
> got:
> parse ":": missing protocol scheme
> want:
> parse :: missing protocol scheme
> === RUN   ExampleWithHeader
> --- PASS: ExampleWithHeader (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithFormData
> --- PASS: ExampleWithFormData (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleWithJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithEscapedPathParameters
> --- PASS: ExampleWithEscapedPathParameters (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithPathParameters
> --- PASS: ExampleWithPathParameters (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithQueryParameters
> --- PASS: ExampleWithQueryParameters (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithErrorUnlessOK
> --- PASS: ExampleWithErrorUnlessOK (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleByUnmarshallingJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleByUnmarshallingJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleByUnmarshallingXML
> --- PASS: ExampleByUnmarshallingXML (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleSendWithSender
> --- PASS: ExampleSendWithSender (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDoRetryForAttempts
> --- PASS: ExampleDoRetryForAttempts (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDoErrorIfStatusCode
> --- PASS: ExampleDoErrorIfStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleString
> --- PASS: ExampleString (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleAsStringSlice
> --- PASS: ExampleAsStringSlice (0.00s)
> FAIL   43.057s
> === RUN   TestNewOAuthConfig
> --- PASS: TestNewOAuthConfig (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceCodeIncludesResource
> --- PASS: TestDeviceCodeIncludesResource (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfSendingFails
> --- PASS: TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfSendingFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfBadRequest
> --- PASS: TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfBadRequest (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfCannotDeserializeDeviceCode
> --- PASS: TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfCannotDeserializeDeviceCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfEmptyDeviceCode
> --- PASS: TestDeviceCodeReturnsErrorIfEmptyDeviceCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturns
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturns (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfSendingFails
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfSendingFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfServerError
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfServerError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfCannotDeserializeDeviceToken
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfCannotDeserializeDeviceToken (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfAuthorizationPending
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfAuthorizationPending (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfSlowDown
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfSlowDown (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenSucceedsWithIntermediateAuthPending
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenSucceedsWithIntermediateAuthPending (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenSucceedsWithIntermediateSlowDown
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenSucceedsWithIntermediateSlowDown (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfAccessDenied
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfAccessDenied (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfCodeExpired
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfCodeExpired (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorForUnknownError
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorForUnknownError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfTokenEmptyAndStatusOK
> --- PASS: TestDeviceTokenReturnsErrorIfTokenEmptyAndStatusOK (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoadToken
> --- PASS: TestLoadToken (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoadTokenFailsBadPath
> --- PASS: TestLoadTokenFailsBadPath (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoadTokenFailsBadJson
> --- PASS: TestLoadTokenFailsBadJson (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSaveToken
> --- PASS: TestSaveToken (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSaveTokenFailsNoPermission
>     TestSaveTokenFailsNoPermission: persist_test.go:150: In Debian, the test 
> is run by root.
> --- SKIP: TestSaveTokenFailsNoPermission (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSaveTokenFailsCantCreate
>     TestSaveTokenFailsCantCreate: persist_test.go:163: In Debian, the test is 
> run by root.
> --- SKIP: TestSaveTokenFailsCantCreate (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTokenExpires
> --- PASS: TestTokenExpires (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTokenIsExpired
> --- PASS: TestTokenIsExpired (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTokenIsExpiredUninitialized
> --- PASS: TestTokenIsExpiredUninitialized (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTokenIsNoExpired
> --- PASS: TestTokenIsNoExpired (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTokenWillExpireIn
> --- PASS: TestTokenWillExpireIn (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenSetAutoRefresh
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenSetAutoRefresh (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenSetRefreshWithin
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenSetRefreshWithin (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenSetSender
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenSetSender (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshUsesPOST
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshUsesPOST (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIRefreshUsesGET
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIRefreshUsesGET (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIRefreshCancel
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIRefreshCancel (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshSetsMimeType
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshSetsMimeType (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshSetsURL
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshSetsURL (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenManualRefreshSetsBody
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenManualRefreshSetsBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenCertficateRefreshSetsBody
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenCertficateRefreshSetsBody (0.76s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenUsernamePasswordRefreshSetsBody
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenUsernamePasswordRefreshSetsBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenAuthorizationCodeRefreshSetsBody
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenAuthorizationCodeRefreshSetsBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenSecretRefreshSetsBody
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenSecretRefreshSetsBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshClosesRequestBody
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshClosesRequestBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshRejectsResponsesWithStatusNotOK
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshRejectsResponsesWithStatusNotOK 
> (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshRejectsEmptyBody
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshRejectsEmptyBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshPropagatesErrors
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshPropagatesErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshReturnsErrorIfNotOk
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshReturnsErrorIfNotOk (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshUnmarshals
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenRefreshUnmarshals (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenEnsureFreshRefreshes
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenEnsureFreshRefreshes (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenEnsureFreshFails
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenEnsureFreshFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenEnsureFreshSkipsIfFresh
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenEnsureFreshSkipsIfFresh (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRefreshCallback
> --- PASS: TestRefreshCallback (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRefreshCallbackErrorPropagates
> --- PASS: TestRefreshCallbackErrorPropagates (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestServicePrincipalTokenManualRefreshFailsWithoutRefresh
> --- PASS: TestServicePrincipalTokenManualRefreshFailsWithoutRefresh (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI
> --- PASS: TestNewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithUserAssignedID
> --- PASS: TestNewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithUserAssignedID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualTokenSecret
> --- PASS: TestNewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualTokenSecret (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestGetVMEndpoint
> --- PASS: TestGetVMEndpoint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMarshalServicePrincipalNoSecret
> --- PASS: TestMarshalServicePrincipalNoSecret (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMarshalServicePrincipalTokenSecret
> --- PASS: TestMarshalServicePrincipalTokenSecret (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMarshalServicePrincipalCertificateSecret
> --- PASS: TestMarshalServicePrincipalCertificateSecret (0.15s)
> === RUN   TestMarshalServicePrincipalMSISecret
> --- PASS: TestMarshalServicePrincipalMSISecret (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMarshalServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret
> --- PASS: TestMarshalServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMarshalServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret
> --- PASS: TestMarshalServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMarshalInnerToken
> --- PASS: TestMarshalInnerToken (0.00s)
> ok      0.949s
> ?  [no test files]
> === RUN   TestCreateFromInvalidRequestVerb
> --- PASS: TestCreateFromInvalidRequestVerb (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker201Success
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker201Success (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker201FailNoLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker201FailNoLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker201FailBadLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker201FailBadLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessBoth
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessBoth (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessBadLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker202SuccessBadLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker202FailBadAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker202FailBadAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreateDeleteTracker202FailBadLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreateDeleteTracker202FailBadLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker201Success
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker201Success (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker201SuccessNoHeaders
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker201SuccessNoHeaders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker201FailBadAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker201FailBadAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker202SuccessAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker202SuccessAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker202SuccessLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker202SuccessLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker202SuccessBoth
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker202SuccessBoth (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker202FailBadAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker202FailBadAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePatchTracker202FailBadLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreatePatchTracker202FailBadLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker201Success
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker201Success (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker201FailNoHeader
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker201FailNoHeader (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker201FailBadHeader
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker201FailBadHeader (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessBoth
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessBoth (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessBadLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker202SuccessBadLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker202FailBadAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker202FailBadAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePostTracker202FailBadLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreatePostTracker202FailBadLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker201SuccessAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker201SuccessAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker201SuccessNoHeaders
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker201SuccessNoHeaders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker201FailBadAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker201FailBadAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessBoth
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessBoth (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessBadLocation
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker202SuccessBadLocation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCreatePutTracker202FailBadAsyncOp
> --- PASS: TestCreatePutTracker202FailBadAsyncOp (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestPollPutTrackerSuccessNoHeaders
> --- PASS: TestPollPutTrackerSuccessNoHeaders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestPollPutTrackerFailNoHeadersEmptyBody
> --- PASS: TestPollPutTrackerFailNoHeadersEmptyBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAsyncPollingReturnsWrappedError
> --- PASS: TestAsyncPollingReturnsWrappedError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLocationPollingReturnsWrappedError
> --- PASS: TestLocationPollingReturnsWrappedError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLocationPollingReturnsUnwrappedError
> --- PASS: TestLocationPollingReturnsUnwrappedError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForAsynchronous_Success
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForAsynchronous_Success (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForAsynchronous_Failed
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForAsynchronous_Failed (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoPollForAsynchronous_CanBeCanceled
> --- PASS: TestDoPollForAsynchronous_CanBeCanceled (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_PollsUntilProvisioningStatusSucceeds
> --- PASS: TestFuture_PollsUntilProvisioningStatusSucceeds (0.02s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_MarshallingSuccess
> --- PASS: TestFuture_MarshallingSuccess (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_MarshallingWithError
> --- PASS: TestFuture_MarshallingWithError (7.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_CreateFromFailedOperation
> --- PASS: TestFuture_CreateFromFailedOperation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_WaitForCompletion
> --- PASS: TestFuture_WaitForCompletion (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_WaitForCompletionRef
> --- PASS: TestFuture_WaitForCompletionRef (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_WaitForCompletionTimedOut
> --- PASS: TestFuture_WaitForCompletionTimedOut (3.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_WaitForCompletionRetriesExceeded
> --- PASS: TestFuture_WaitForCompletionRetriesExceeded (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_WaitForCompletionCancelled
> --- PASS: TestFuture_WaitForCompletionCancelled (2.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_GetResultFromNonAsyncOperation
> --- PASS: TestFuture_GetResultFromNonAsyncOperation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFuture_GetResultNonTerminal
> --- PASS: TestFuture_GetResultNonTerminal (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithReturningClientIDReturnsError
> --- PASS: TestWithReturningClientIDReturnsError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithClientID
> --- PASS: TestWithClientID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithReturnClientID
> --- PASS: TestWithReturnClientID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestExtractClientID
> --- PASS: TestExtractClientID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestExtractRequestID
> --- PASS: TestExtractRequestID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIsAzureError_ReturnsTrueForAzureError
> --- PASS: TestIsAzureError_ReturnsTrueForAzureError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIsAzureError_ReturnsFalseForNonAzureError
> --- PASS: TestIsAzureError_ReturnsFalseForNonAzureError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_UsesReponseStatusCode
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_UsesReponseStatusCode (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_ReturnsUnwrappedError
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_ReturnsUnwrappedError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithError_WrapsAnError
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithError_WrapsAnError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_NotAnAzureError
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_NotAnAzureError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_FoundAzureErrorWithoutDetails
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_FoundAzureErrorWithoutDetails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_FoundAzureFullError
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_FoundAzureFullError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_NoAzureError
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_NoAzureError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_UnwrappedError
> --- PASS: TestWithErrorUnlessStatusCode_UnwrappedError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRequestErrorString_WithError
> --- PASS: TestRequestErrorString_WithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRequestErrorString_WithErrorNonConforming
> --- PASS: TestRequestErrorString_WithErrorNonConforming (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestParseResourceID_WithValidBasicResourceID
> --- PASS: TestParseResourceID_WithValidBasicResourceID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestParseResourceID_WithValidSubResourceID
> --- PASS: TestParseResourceID_WithValidSubResourceID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestParseResourceID_WithIncompleteResourceID
> --- PASS: TestParseResourceID_WithIncompleteResourceID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestParseResourceID_WithMalformedResourceID
> --- PASS: TestParseResourceID_WithMalformedResourceID (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromURL_NoOverride_Success
> --- PASS: TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromURL_NoOverride_Success (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromURL_OverrideStorageSuffix_Success
> --- PASS: TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromURL_OverrideStorageSuffix_Success 
> (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromURL_EmptyEndpoint_Failure
> --- PASS: TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromURL_EmptyEndpoint_Failure (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromFile
> --- PASS: TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromFile (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromName_Stack
> --- PASS: TestEnvironment_EnvironmentFromName_Stack (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEnvironmentFromName
> --- PASS: TestEnvironmentFromName (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDeserializeEnvironment
> --- PASS: TestDeserializeEnvironment (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRoundTripSerialization
> --- PASS: TestRoundTripSerialization (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryWithRegistration
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryWithRegistration (1.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetrySkipRegistration
> --- PASS: TestDoRetrySkipRegistration (1.00s)
> === RUN   TestDoRetryWithRegistration_CanBeCancelled
> --- PASS: TestDoRetryWithRegistration_CanBeCancelled (0.01s)
> === RUN   ExampleWithClientID
> --- PASS: ExampleWithClientID (0.00s)
> ok     14.041s
> === RUN   TestNewAuthorizerFromFile
> --- PASS: TestNewAuthorizerFromFile (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewAuthorizerFromEnvironment
> --- PASS: TestNewAuthorizerFromEnvironment (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDecodeAndUnmarshal
> --- PASS: TestDecodeAndUnmarshal (0.00s)
> ok        0.008s
> ? [no test files]
> ?     [no test files]
> === RUN   TestDateString
> --- PASS: TestDateString (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDateBinaryRoundTrip
> --- PASS: TestDateBinaryRoundTrip (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDateJSONRoundTrip
> --- PASS: TestDateJSONRoundTrip (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDateTextRoundTrip
> --- PASS: TestDateTextRoundTrip (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDateToTime
> --- PASS: TestDateToTime (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDateUnmarshalJSONReturnsError
> --- PASS: TestDateUnmarshalJSONReturnsError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDateUnmarshalTextReturnsError
> --- PASS: TestDateUnmarshalTextReturnsError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalTextforInvalidDate
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalTextforInvalidDate (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalJSONforInvalidDate
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalJSONforInvalidDate (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeString
> --- PASS: TestTimeString (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeStringReturnsEmptyStringForError
> --- PASS: TestTimeStringReturnsEmptyStringForError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeBinaryRoundTrip
> --- PASS: TestTimeBinaryRoundTrip (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeJSONRoundTrip
> --- PASS: TestTimeJSONRoundTrip (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeTextRoundTrip
> --- PASS: TestTimeTextRoundTrip (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeToTime
> --- PASS: TestTimeToTime (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalJSONNoOffset
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalJSONNoOffset (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalJSONPosOffset
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalJSONPosOffset (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalJSONNegOffset
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalJSONNegOffset (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalTextNoOffset
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalTextNoOffset (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalTextPosOffset
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalTextPosOffset (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalTextNegOffset
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalTextNegOffset (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeRFC1123MarshalJSONInvalid
> --- PASS: TestTimeRFC1123MarshalJSONInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalJSONforInvalidDateRfc1123
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalJSONforInvalidDateRfc1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnmarshalTextforInvalidDateRfc1123
> --- PASS: TestUnmarshalTextforInvalidDateRfc1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeStringRfc1123
> --- PASS: TestTimeStringRfc1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeStringReturnsEmptyStringForErrorRfc1123
> --- PASS: TestTimeStringReturnsEmptyStringForErrorRfc1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeBinaryRoundTripRfc1123
> --- PASS: TestTimeBinaryRoundTripRfc1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeJSONRoundTripRfc1123
> --- PASS: TestTimeJSONRoundTripRfc1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeTextRoundTripRfc1123
> --- PASS: TestTimeTextRoundTripRfc1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeToTimeRFC1123
> --- PASS: TestTimeToTimeRFC1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1969-12-31_23:59:59_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1969-12-31_23:59:59_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:74: 
>         got : -1
>         want: -1
>         diff: 0
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/2017-04-14_20:27:47_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/2017-04-14_20:27:47_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:74: 
>         got : 1.492201667e+09
>         want: 1.492201667e+09
>         diff: 0
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:74: 
>         got : 0
>         want: 0
>         diff: 0
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1800-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1800-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:74: 
>         got : -5.3646624e+09
>         want: -5.3646624e+09
>         diff: 0
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/2200-12-29_00:01:37.000000082_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/2200-12-29_00:01:37.000000082_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:74: 
>         got : 7.289395297000001e+09
>         want: 7.289395297000001e+09
>         diff: 0
> --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1969-12-31_23:59:59_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/2017-04-14_20:27:47_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/1800-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: 
> TestUnixTime_MarshalJSON/2200-12-29_00:01:37.000000082_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/0
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1492203742
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/-1
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.5
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/0e1
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.3e+2
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.6E-10
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/2E-6
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.289345e9
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1e-9
> --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/0 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1492203742 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/-1 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.5 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/0e1 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.3e+2 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.6E-10 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/2E-6 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1.289345e9 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON/1e-9 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:144: 
>         got : 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
>         want: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
>         diff: 0s
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/2005-11-05_00:00:00_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/2005-11-05_00:00:00_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:144: 
>         got : 2005-11-05 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
>         want: 2005-11-05 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
>         diff: 0s
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1969-12-31_23:59:54_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1969-12-31_23:59:54_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:144: 
>         got : 1969-12-31 23:59:54 +0000 UTC
>         want: 1969-12-31 23:59:54 +0000 UTC
>         diff: 0s
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-02-03_08:00:00_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-02-03_08:00:00_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:144: 
>         got : 1970-02-03 08:00:00 +0000 UTC
>         want: 1970-02-03 08:00:00 +0000 UTC
>         diff: 0s
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00.000000001_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00.000000001_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:144: 
>         got : 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000001 +0000 UTC
>         want: 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000001 +0000 UTC
>         diff: 0s
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/2015-09-05_04:30:12.000009992_+0000_UTC
>     TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/2015-09-05_04:30:12.000009992_+0000_UTC: 
> unixtime_test.go:144: 
>         got : 2015-09-05 04:30:12.000009984 +0000 UTC
>         want: 2015-09-05 04:30:12.000009992 +0000 UTC
>         diff: -8ns
> --- PASS: TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/2005-11-05_00:00:00_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1969-12-31_23:59:54_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-02-03_08:00:00_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: 
> TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00.000000001_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: 
> TestUnixTime_JSONRoundTrip/2015-09-05_04:30:12.000009992_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary/#00
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary/#01
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary/#02
> --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary/#00 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary/#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalBinary/#02 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1970-01-01_13:20:00_+0000_UTC
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1970-01-01_07:00:00_+0000_UTC
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1969-12-31_23:59:59.999999999_+0000_UTC
> --- PASS: TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC 
> (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1970-01-01_13:20:00_+0000_UTC 
> (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1970-01-01_07:00:00_+0000_UTC 
> (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: 
> TestUnixTime_BinaryRoundTrip/1969-12-31_23:59:59.999999999_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalText
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#00
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#01
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#02
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#03
> --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalText (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#00 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#02 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_MarshalText/#03 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/1969-12-31_23:59:59.999999999_+0000_UTC
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00.000000001_+0000_UTC
> === RUN   TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/2017-04-17_21:00:00_+0000_UTC
> --- PASS: TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: 
> TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/1969-12-31_23:59:59.999999999_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: 
> TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/1970-01-01_00:00:00.000000001_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestUnixTime_TextRoundTrip/2017-04-17_21:00:00_+0000_UTC (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleParseDate
> --- PASS: ExampleParseDate (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDate
> --- PASS: ExampleDate (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDate_MarshalBinary
> --- PASS: ExampleDate_MarshalBinary (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDate_UnmarshalBinary
> --- PASS: ExampleDate_UnmarshalBinary (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDate_MarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleDate_MarshalJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDate_UnmarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleDate_UnmarshalJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDate_MarshalText
> --- PASS: ExampleDate_MarshalText (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleDate_UnmarshalText
> --- PASS: ExampleDate_UnmarshalText (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleParseTime
> --- PASS: ExampleParseTime (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTime_MarshalBinary
> --- PASS: ExampleTime_MarshalBinary (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTime_UnmarshalBinary
> --- PASS: ExampleTime_UnmarshalBinary (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTime_MarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleTime_MarshalJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTime_UnmarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleTime_UnmarshalJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTime_MarshalText
> --- PASS: ExampleTime_MarshalText (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTime_UnmarshalText
> --- PASS: ExampleTime_UnmarshalText (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTimeRFC1123
> --- PASS: ExampleTimeRFC1123 (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTimeRFC1123_MarshalBinary
> --- PASS: ExampleTimeRFC1123_MarshalBinary (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTimeRFC1123_UnmarshalBinary
> --- PASS: ExampleTimeRFC1123_UnmarshalBinary (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTimeRFC1123_MarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleTimeRFC1123_MarshalJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTimeRFC1123_UnmarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleTimeRFC1123_UnmarshalJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTimeRFC1123_MarshalText
> --- PASS: ExampleTimeRFC1123_MarshalText (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleTimeRFC1123_UnmarshalText
> --- PASS: ExampleTimeRFC1123_UnmarshalText (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleUnixTime_MarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleUnixTime_MarshalJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON
> --- PASS: ExampleUnixTime_UnmarshalJSON (0.00s)
> ok      0.024s
> ?     [no test files]
> === RUN   TestString
> --- PASS: TestString (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringHandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestStringHandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringPtr
> --- PASS: TestStringPtr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringSlice
> --- PASS: TestStringSlice (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringSliceHandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestStringSliceHandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringSlicePtr
> --- PASS: TestStringSlicePtr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringMap
> --- PASS: TestStringMap (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringMapHandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestStringMapHandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStringMapPtr
> --- PASS: TestStringMapPtr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestBool
> --- PASS: TestBool (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestBoolHandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestBoolHandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestBoolPtr
> --- PASS: TestBoolPtr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestInt
> --- PASS: TestInt (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIntHandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestIntHandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIntPtr
> --- PASS: TestIntPtr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestInt32
> --- PASS: TestInt32 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestInt32HandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestInt32HandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestInt32Ptr
> --- PASS: TestInt32Ptr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestInt64
> --- PASS: TestInt64 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestInt64HandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestInt64HandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestInt64Ptr
> --- PASS: TestInt64Ptr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFloat32
> --- PASS: TestFloat32 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFloat32HandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestFloat32HandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFloat32Ptr
> --- PASS: TestFloat32Ptr (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFloat64
> --- PASS: TestFloat64 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFloat64HandlesNil
> --- PASS: TestFloat64HandlesNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFloat64Ptr
> --- PASS: TestFloat64Ptr (0.00s)
> ok        0.011s
> ?     [no test files]
> === RUN   TestCheckForUniqueInArrayTrue
> --- PASS: TestCheckForUniqueInArrayTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckForUniqueInArrayFalse
> --- PASS: TestCheckForUniqueInArrayFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckForUniqueInArrayEmpty
> --- PASS: TestCheckForUniqueInArrayEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckForUniqueInMapTrue
> --- PASS: TestCheckForUniqueInMapTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckForUniqueInMapFalse
> --- PASS: TestCheckForUniqueInMapFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckForUniqueInMapEmpty
> --- PASS: TestCheckForUniqueInMapEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckEmpty_WithValueEmptyRuleTrue
> --- PASS: TestCheckEmpty_WithValueEmptyRuleTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckEmpty_WithEmptyStringRuleFalse
> --- PASS: TestCheckEmpty_WithEmptyStringRuleFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckEmpty_IncorrectRule
> --- PASS: TestCheckEmpty_IncorrectRule (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckEmpty_WithErrorArray
> --- PASS: TestCheckEmpty_WithErrorArray (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckNil_WithNilValueRuleTrue
> --- PASS: TestCheckNil_WithNilValueRuleTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckNil_WithNilValueRuleFalse
> --- PASS: TestCheckNil_WithNilValueRuleFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckNil_IncorrectRule
> --- PASS: TestCheckNil_IncorrectRule (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_WithNilValueRuleTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_WithNilValueRuleTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_WithNilValueRuleFalse
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_WithNilValueRuleFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_WithValueRuleNullTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_WithValueRuleNullTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_WithEmptyValueRuleTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_WithEmptyValueRuleTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_WithEmptyValueRuleFalse
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_WithEmptyValueRuleFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_WithEmptyRuleEmptyTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_WithEmptyRuleEmptyTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsIncorrectRule
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsIncorrectRule (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsNoError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsNoError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsWithEmpty
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MaxItemsWithEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsIncorrectRule
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsIncorrectRule (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsNoError1
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsNoError1 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsNoError2
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsNoError2 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsWithEmpty
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_MinItemsWithEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsIncorrectRule
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsIncorrectRule (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsNoError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsNoError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsWithEmpty
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MaxItemsWithEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsIncorrectRule
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsIncorrectRule (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsNoError1
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsNoError1 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsNoError2
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsNoError2 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsWithEmpty
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_MinItemsWithEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsFalse
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsEmpty
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsNil
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Map_UniqueItemsNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsFalse
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsEmpty
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsEmpty (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsNil
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsNil (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsInvalidType
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsInvalidType (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsInvalidConstraint
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_Array_UniqueItemsInvalidConstraint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint1
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint1 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint2
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint2 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint3
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint3 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint4
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraint4 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraintNilNotRequired
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraintNilNotRequired (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraintEmptyNotRequired
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ValidateChainConstraintEmptyNotRequired (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ReadOnlyWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ReadOnlyWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateArrayMap_ReadOnlyWithoutError
> --- PASS: TestValidateArrayMap_ReadOnlyWithoutError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_ReadOnly
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_ReadOnly (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_EmptyTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_EmptyTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_EmptyFalse
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_EmptyFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_MaxLengthInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_MaxLengthInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_MaxLengthValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_MaxLengthValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_MaxLengthRuleInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_MaxLengthRuleInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_MinLengthInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_MinLengthInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_MinLengthValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_MinLengthValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_MinLengthRuleInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_MinLengthRuleInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_PatternInvalidPattern
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_PatternInvalidPattern (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_PatternMatch1
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_PatternMatch1 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_PatternMatch2
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_PatternMatch2 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_PatternNotMatch
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_PatternNotMatch (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateString_InvalidConstraint
> --- PASS: TestValidateString_InvalidConstraint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_InvalidConstraint
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_InvalidConstraint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_InvalidRuleValue
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_InvalidRuleValue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_exclusiveMaximumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_exclusiveMaximumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_exclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_exclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_exclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_exclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_inclusiveMaximumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_inclusiveMaximumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_inclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_inclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_inclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_inclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_InclusiveMinimumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_InclusiveMinimumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_InclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_InclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateFloat_InclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateFloat_InclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_InvalidConstraint
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_InvalidConstraint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_InvalidRuleValue
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_InvalidRuleValue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_ExclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_exclusiveMaximumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_exclusiveMaximumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_exclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_exclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_exclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_exclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_inclusiveMaximumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_inclusiveMaximumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_inclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_inclusiveMaximumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_inclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_inclusiveMaximumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_InclusiveMinimumConstraintValid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_InclusiveMinimumConstraintValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_InclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_InclusiveMinimumConstraintInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_InclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_InclusiveMinimumConstraintBoundary (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_MultipleOfWithoutError
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_MultipleOfWithoutError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateInt_MultipleOfWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateInt_MultipleOfWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_NilTrue
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_NilTrue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_NilFalse
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_NilFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_NilReadonlyValid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_NilReadonlyValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_NilReadonlyInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_NilReadonlyInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_IntValid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_IntValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_IntInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_IntInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_IntInvalidConstraint
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_IntInvalidConstraint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_ValidInt64
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_ValidInt64 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_InvalidConstraintInt64
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_InvalidConstraintInt64 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_ValidFloat
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_ValidFloat (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_InvalidFloat
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_InvalidFloat (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_InvalidConstraintFloat
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_InvalidConstraintFloat (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_StringValid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_StringValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_StringInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_StringInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_ArrayValid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_ArrayValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_ArrayInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_ArrayInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_MapValid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_MapValid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_MapInvalid
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_MapInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_StructWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_StructWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_WithNilStruct
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_WithNilStruct (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidatePointer_StructWithNoError
> --- PASS: TestValidatePointer_StructWithNoError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_FieldNotExist
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_FieldNotExist (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_WithChainConstraint
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_WithChainConstraint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_WithoutChainConstraint
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_WithoutChainConstraint (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_WithArrayNull
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_WithArrayNull (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_WithArrayEmptyError
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_WithArrayEmptyError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_WithArrayEmptyWithoutError
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_WithArrayEmptyWithoutError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_ArrayWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_ArrayWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_MapWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_MapWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_MapWithNoError
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_MapWithNoError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidateStruct_MapNilNoError
> --- PASS: TestValidateStruct_MapNilNoError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_MapValidationWithError
> --- PASS: TestValidate_MapValidationWithError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_MapValidationWithoutError
> --- PASS: TestValidate_MapValidationWithoutError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_UnknownType
> --- PASS: TestValidate_UnknownType (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_example1
> --- PASS: TestValidate_example1 (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_Int
> --- PASS: TestValidate_Int (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_IntPointer
> --- PASS: TestValidate_IntPointer (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_IntStruct
> --- PASS: TestValidate_IntStruct (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_String
> --- PASS: TestValidate_String (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_StringStruct
> --- PASS: TestValidate_StringStruct (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_Array
> --- PASS: TestValidate_Array (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_ArrayPointer
> --- PASS: TestValidate_ArrayPointer (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_ArrayInStruct
> --- PASS: TestValidate_ArrayInStruct (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestValidate_StructInStruct
> --- PASS: TestValidate_StructInStruct (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewError
> --- PASS: TestNewError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewErrorWithValidationError
> --- PASS: TestNewErrorWithValidationError (0.00s)
> ok        0.006s
> === RUN   TestNilLogger
> --- PASS: TestNilLogger (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLogReqRespNoBody
> --- PASS: TestLogReqRespNoBody (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLogReqRespWithBody
> --- PASS: TestLogReqRespWithBody (0.00s)
> ok     0.004s
> ?    [no test files]
> dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 
> returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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