Hi Andreas,

On Sat, 12 Dec 2020 18:48:52 +0100 Andreas Henriksson <andr...@fatal.se> wrote:
> Hello again,
> So after wasting my time here I finally realized that apparently
> boltdb is archived upstream. It will not receive any fixes.
> Apparently golang-github-coreos-bbolt is a maintained feature-extended
> fork. We should likely encurage moving to that and get boltdb removed
> from debian.
> The timeout waiting for db.mmaplock that occurred in boltdb is
> apparently already fixed in bbolt, see:
> https://github.com/etcd-io/bbolt/commit/e06ec0a754bc30c2e17ad871962e71635bf94d45
> The pagesize issue seems to plague them both still though.
> See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=976926
> for the bug report against bbolt.

Thanks a lot for investigating! The problem with removing this 'right now' is 
that there are a few (important) reverse-dependencies and reverse-build-deps 
that this package has.

$ reverse-depends golang-github-boltdb-bolt-dev  
* golang-github-blevesearch-bleve-dev
* golang-github-hashicorp-nomad-dev
* golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb-dev
* golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-dev

$ reverse-depends golang-github-boltdb-bolt-dev -b
* snapd

* docker-libkv
* etcd
* go-dep
* golang-github-blevesearch-bleve
* golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb
* influxdb
* nomad
* snapd
* vuls

Can simply replacing the dependency in all of them with bbolt work?
This may also need upstream patching in the future.
Please let me know

Kind Regards,

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