On 12/05/16 20:31, Michael Hudson-Doyle wrote:

> 'testdata' is a little special to the Go tool: it ignores such
> directories entirely, and it does seem to be pretty commonly used in

You're right, I did not know about that special casing. Go is pretty
shit when documenting such things. In any case, it is just ignored, not
sure if that is enough to trigger automatic copying..

> the random subset of packages I have in my GOPATH today and
> https://codesearch.debian.net/perpackage-results/testdata%20path%3Adebian%2Frules%20/2/page_0
> certainly shows lots of lines that could be removed if this was added
> (in fact, maybe they would now cause errors or misbehave, which is
> perhaps an argument against this change without some compat stuff...)

Yes, that can only be added with a new compat level... Not too sure it
is worth it

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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