On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 2:17 AM, Alexandre Viau <av...@debian.org> wrote:

> This is great! Good job.

Thanks for the feedback :)

> >         Aside from the GitLab-side, we also need a .gitlab-ci.yml file
> >         in the repository itself. I can bulk-commit these, along with
> >         adding them to Files-Excluded in debian/copyright so that
> >         upstream copies are discarded.
> Please do. (it looks like the d/copyright thing won't be needed if you
> can change the path to debian/gitlab-ci)


> >     I suggest setting this path to “debian/gitlab-ci.yml” for our
> >     repositories, so that we don’t need to mangle upstream’s
> >     .gitlab-ci.yml and have all relevant files within the debian/
> +1
> On 2018-01-28 09:35 AM, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> >     On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 11:21 PM, Michael Stapelberg
> >     <stapelb...@debian.org <mailto:stapelb...@debian.org>> wrote:
> >         With this feature place, the next step I’d like to implement is
> >         a speculative package auto-updater: upon noticing the Debian and
> >         upstream version have diverged, we could import the new version,
> >         send a Merge Request, have the CI check for breakages and
> >         (manually) merge and upload if no breakages are introduced.
> That would be great.
> Did you see the recent devscripts commit? #811565[1] was marked as pending.

I saw it, but thanks for the pointer :)

> We will be ale to use uscan to watch for new upstream versions. The tool
> you are building could make use of this.
> Maybe you want to contribute to this script:
>  -
> https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-go-team/migrate-pkg-go-to-
> salsa/blob/master/configure-all-projects.py
> It protects branches and create webhooks on all repositories in the
> "packages" subgroup on salsa. We should add the debian/gitlab-ci.yml
> config too so that we can just run the script and have all salsa
> projects configured uniformly.

The ci tool which I linked to also applies to all repositories. We should
definitely join forces here. I’d prefer tooling to be written in Go,
because I’m much more familiar with it. Would you be okay with merging
configure-all-projects.py into ci.go? I’d be happy to review. If you don’t
have the time, I could also contribute the necessary changes.

> By the way, don't forget to update dh-make-golang too, so that new
> repositories have the setting.

Will do. I wanted to update it to be consistent with ci.go anyway.

> 1. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=811565
> Cheers,
> --
> Alexandre Viau
> av...@debian.org

Best regards,
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