I run josm from both JRE 17 and 21 as you asked, and had the same issue. I
couldn't find any significant difference in the respective logs (attached).

I installed and successfully run josm in a virtual machine with a fresh
unstable install, but I couldn't understand what is different.

Using /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64/bin/java to execute josm.
2024-07-30 13:06:28.366 INFO: Log level is at FINE (FINE, 500)
2024-07-30 13:06:28.373 FINE: lsb_release -i -s
2024-07-30 13:06:28.427 INFO: Plugin loading skipped
2024-07-30 13:06:28.444 WARNING: Replacing existing preference file 
'/home/ceppo/.config/JOSM/preferences.xml' with default preference file.
2024-07-30 13:06:28.782 FINE: System property 'http.agent' set to 'JOSM/1.5 
(19128 Debian en) Linux Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:06:28.783 FINE: System property 'user.language' set to ''. Old 
value was 'en'
2024-07-30 13:06:28.783 FINE: System property 'sun.net.http.retryPost' set to 
'false'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:06:28.784 FINE: System property 'java.security.manager' set to 
'allow'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:06:29.690 FINE: System property 'java.protocol.handler.pkgs' set 
to 'org.openstreetmap.josm.io.protocols'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:06:29.694 FINE: 
Preference with key 'gui.geometry' does not exist. Cannot restore window 
geometry from preferences.
2024-07-30 13:06:29.700 FINE: 
Preference with key 'gui.geometry' does not exist. Cannot restore window 
geometry from preferences.
2024-07-30 13:06:30.800 FINE: 
Preference with key 'gui.geometry' does not exist. Cannot restore window 
geometry from preferences.
2024-07-30 13:06:30.802 FINE: Initializing
2024-07-30 13:06:30.805 FINE: Setting defaults
2024-07-30 13:06:31.088 FINE: Creating main GUI
2024-07-30 13:06:31.101 FINE: Initializing coordinate format
2024-07-30 13:06:31.115 FINE: Initializing coordinate format completed in 13 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:31.116 FINE: Starting file watcher
2024-07-30 13:06:31.118 FINE: Starting file watcher completed in 1 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:31.118 FINE: Executing platform startup hook
2024-07-30 13:06:31.120 FINE: File watcher thread started
2024-07-30 13:06:31.143 FINE: Executing platform startup hook completed in 24 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:31.144 FINE: Building main menu
2024-07-30 13:06:31.663 FINE: VM arguments: 
 -Djosm.restart=true, -Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true, 
2024-07-30 13:06:33.252 FINE: Building main menu completed in 2.1 s
2024-07-30 13:06:33.254 FINE: Updating user interface
2024-07-30 13:06:33.303 FINE: Updating user interface completed in 48 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:33.304 FINE: Initializing internal boundaries data
2024-07-30 13:06:33.349 FINE: Prepare OSM data...
2024-07-30 13:06:33.350 FINE: Parsing OSM data...
2024-07-30 13:06:33.409 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:06:33.410 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=*/*, 
Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate}
2024-07-30 13:06:34.081 FINE: Preparing data set...
2024-07-30 13:06:34.278 INFO: GET 
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/StartupPage -> HTTP/1.1 200 (868 ms)
2024-07-30 13:06:34.280 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], 
Keep-Alive=[timeout=5, max=100], null=[HTTP/1.1 200 Ok], Server=[Apache/2.4.52 
(Ubuntu)], Connection=[Keep-Alive], Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:06:13 GMT], 
Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains], 
Cache-Control=[must-revalidate], Content-Encoding=[gzip], 
Vary=[Accept-Encoding], Set-Cookie=[, ], Expires=[Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:00:00 
GMT], X-Clacks-Overhead=[GNU Terry Pratchett], 
2024-07-30 13:06:34.284 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:06:34.385 FINE: Post-processing data set...
2024-07-30 13:06:34.386 FINE: Rendering data set...
2024-07-30 13:06:35.313 FINE: Skipping null because inner part of United Kingdom
2024-07-30 13:06:35.314 FINE: Skipping null because inner part of United Kingdom
2024-07-30 13:06:35.385 FINE: Skipping Lesotho because inner part of South 
2024-07-30 13:06:35.421 FINE: Retaining boundaries.osm to allow editing via 
advanced preferences
2024-07-30 13:06:35.423 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:06:35.424 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=null, 
Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate}
2024-07-30 13:06:35.487 INFO: GET 
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/remote/geofabrik-index-v1-nogeom.json -> HTTP/1.1 
200 (63 ms; 503 kB)
2024-07-30 13:06:35.488 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {Keep-Alive=[timeout=5, 
max=99], null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], X-Cache=[MISS from download-proxy8], 
Server=[Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)], Connection=[Keep-Alive], Last-Modified=[Sun, 
28 Jul 2024 03:55:28 GMT], Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:06:15 GMT], Via=[1.1 
download-proxy8 (squid/5.6)], Accept-Ranges=[bytes], 
Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains], 
X-Cache-Lookup=[HIT from download-proxy8:80], ETag=["7db2f-61e46b7175016"], 
Content-Length=[514863], Age=[12573], X-Clacks-Overhead=[GNU Terry Pratchett], 
2024-07-30 13:06:35.488 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:06:35.929 FINE: Initializing internal boundaries data completed 
in 2.6 s
2024-07-30 13:06:35.957 FINE: Initializing validator
2024-07-30 13:06:35.957 FINE: Initializing OSM API
2024-07-30 13:06:35.960 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:06:35.963 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=application/xml, 
*/*;q=0.8, Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate, Connection=close}
2024-07-30 13:06:35.962 FINE: Initializing map styles
2024-07-30 13:06:35.961 FINE: Initializing presets
2024-07-30 13:06:35.974 FINE: Reading presets from 
2024-07-30 13:06:36.104 FINE: Initializing validator completed in 146 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:36.107 FINE: Initializing Tag2Link rules
2024-07-30 13:06:36.198 INFO: Obtained 157 Tag2Link rules from 
2024-07-30 13:06:36.204 FINE: Initializing Tag2Link rules completed in 94 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:36.204 FINE: Loading imagery preferences
2024-07-30 13:06:36.241 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:06:36.245 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=null, 
Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate}
2024-07-30 13:06:36.313 INFO: GET https://josm.openstreetmap.de/maps -> 
HTTP/1.1 200 (71 ms)
2024-07-30 13:06:36.316 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], 
Keep-Alive=[timeout=5, max=98], null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], 
Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains], 
Server=[Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)], Connection=[Keep-Alive], 
Content-Encoding=[gzip], Vary=[Accept-Encoding], Last-Modified=[Fri, 26 Jul 
2024 23:12:54 GMT], X-Clacks-Overhead=[GNU Terry Pratchett], Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 
2024 13:06:16 GMT], Content-Type=[text/xml;charset=utf-8]}
2024-07-30 13:06:36.320 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:06:36.366 INFO: GET 
https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/capabilities -> HTTP/1.1 200 (402 ms)
2024-07-30 13:06:36.366 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], 
Server=[cloudflare], vary=[Origin,Accept-Encoding], 
 Content-Encoding=[gzip], x-powered-by=[Phusion Passenger(R) 6.0.22], 
referrer-policy=[strict-origin-when-cross-origin], x-runtime=[0.012072], 
Content-Type=[application/xml; charset=utf-8], 
x-request-id=[ZqjlSKqF1sVAdX7T_eqEQgADqAc], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], 
CF-RAY=[8ab590a31dd6c81c-DUS], Connection=[close], 
strict-transport-security=[max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload], 
Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:06:16 GMT], CF-Cache-Status=[DYNAMIC], 
content-security-policy=[default-src 'self'; child-src 'self'; connect-src 
'self' matomo.openstreetmap.org; font-src 'none'; form-action 'self'; 
frame-ancestors 'self'; frame-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: www.gravatar.com 
*.wp.com tile.openstreetmap.org gps.tile.openstreetmap.org 
*.tile.thunderforest.com tile.tracestrack.com *.openstreetmap.fr 
manifest-src 'self'; media-src 'none'; object-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 
matomo.openstreetmap.org; style-src 'self' 
'nonce-xKMs+cMUvT8aJt2fYc5SAbFFv5uvWSba'; worker-src 'none'], 
x-content-type-options=[nosniff], x-xss-protection=[0], 
Cache-Control=[max-age=0, private, must-revalidate], 
etag=[W/"4e52db1602d669b7131cbdf3fa1f9669-br"], alt-svc=[h3=":443"; ma=86400], 
status=[200 OK]}
2024-07-30 13:06:36.367 INFO: OK
2024-07-30 13:06:36.381 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:06:36.496 FINE: Starting SAX parsing of 
org.xml.sax.InputSource@3b8e243b using 
2024-07-30 13:06:36.503 FINE: SAX parsing completed in 7 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:36.508 FINE: Initializing OSM API completed in 550 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:36.825 FINE: Initializing map style 
resource://styles/standard/elemstyles.mapcss completed in 839 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:36.879 FINE: Initializing map styles completed in 914 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:37.432 FINE: Starting SAX parsing of 
org.xml.sax.InputSource@3d779344 using 
2024-07-30 13:06:38.670 FINE: SAX parsing completed in 1.2 s
2024-07-30 13:06:38.868 FINE: Loading imagery preferences completed in 2.7 s
2024-07-30 13:06:41.048 FINE: Reading presets completed in 5.1 s
2024-07-30 13:06:41.360 FINE: Initializing presets completed in 5.4 s
2024-07-30 13:06:41.380 FINE: Initializing validator tests
2024-07-30 13:06:41.382 FINE: Updating user interface
2024-07-30 13:06:41.385 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/addresses.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.404 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/combinations.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.408 FINE: Instance is null, returning unconfigured instance
2024-07-30 13:06:41.433 FINE: Updating user interface completed in 50 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:41.525 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/deprecated.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.625 FINE: Setting default auxiliaries to "null"
2024-07-30 13:06:41.644 FINE: setting defaultCompositeCacheAttributes to [ 
useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 1000, 
maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = UPDATE, spoolChunkSize = 2 ]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.654 FINE: setting defaultElementAttributes to [ IS_LATERAL 
= true, IS_SPOOL = true, IS_REMOTE = true, IS_ETERNAL = false, MaxLifeSeconds = 
-1, IdleTime = -1, CreateTime = 1722344801645, LastAccessTime = 1722344801645, 
getTimeToLiveSeconds() = -1, createTime = 1722344801645 ]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.654 FINE: Parsed regions []
2024-07-30 13:06:41.657 FINE: Finished configuration in 33 ms.
2024-07-30 13:06:41.658 FINE: No special ElementAttribute class defined for key 
[jcs.region.TMS.elementattributes], using default class.
2024-07-30 13:06:41.660 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/geometry.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.669 FINE: initialized MemoryCache for TMS
2024-07-30 13:06:41.670 FINE: Constructed cache with name [TMS] and cache 
attributes [ useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 0, 
maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = UPDATE, spoolChunkSize = 2 ]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.689 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Constructing 
BlockDiskCache with attributes
 DiskPath [/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles]
 MaxKeySize [524288]
 MaxPurgatorySize [5000]
 BlockSizeBytes [4096]
 KeyPersistenceIntervalSeconds [300]
 DiskLimitType [SIZE]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.690 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Cache file root 
directory: [/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.692 FINE: Constructing BlockDisk, blockSizeBytes [4 096]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.695 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Cache file root directory 
2024-07-30 13:06:41.695 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Key File 
2024-07-30 13:06:41.696 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Loading keys for 
2024-07-30 13:06:41.698 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Set maxKeySize to: "524 
2024-07-30 13:06:41.702 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/highway.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.704 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Resetting cache
2024-07-30 13:06:41.706 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Saving keys to 
[/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles/TMS_BLOCK_v2.key], key count [0]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.709 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Finished saving keys. It 
took 4ms. to store 0 keys. Key file length [4]
2024-07-30 13:06:41.718 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/multiple.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.723 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/numeric.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.764 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/religion.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.769 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/relation.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.775 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/territories.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.779 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/unnecessary.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.791 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/wikipedia.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:06:41.827 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Block Disk Cache is alive.
2024-07-30 13:06:41.876 INFO: Changeset updater active (checks every 60 minutes 
if open changesets have been closed)
2024-07-30 13:06:41.881 FINE: Initializing validator tests completed in 500 ms
2024-07-30 13:06:59.724 INFO: Changeset updater inactive
2024-07-30 13:06:59.728 FINE: Element event queue destroyed: 
2024-07-30 13:06:59.733 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] fromRemote [false]
2024-07-30 13:06:59.737 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] auxiliary [TMS_BLOCK_v2]
2024-07-30 13:06:59.744 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] put 0 into auxiliary 
2024-07-30 13:06:59.745 FINE: In dispose, destroying event queue.
2024-07-30 13:06:59.759 FINE: Cache event queue destroyed: CacheEventQueue 
[listenerId=62883219, cacheName=TMS_BLOCK_v2]
2024-07-30 13:06:59.763 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Saving keys to 
[/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles/TMS_BLOCK_v2.key], key count [0]
2024-07-30 13:06:59.765 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Finished saving keys. It 
took 1ms. to store 0 keys. Key file length [4]
2024-07-30 13:06:59.765 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Shutdown complete.
2024-07-30 13:06:59.767 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] disposing of memory cache.
2024-07-30 13:06:59.768 FINE: Memory Cache dispose called.
Using /usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk-amd64/bin/java to execute josm.
2024-07-30 13:07:18.071 INFO: Log level is at FINE (FINE, 500)
2024-07-30 13:07:18.081 FINE: lsb_release -i -s
2024-07-30 13:07:18.167 INFO: Plugin loading skipped
2024-07-30 13:07:18.178 WARNING: Replacing existing preference file 
'/home/ceppo/.config/JOSM/preferences.xml' with default preference file.
2024-07-30 13:07:18.556 FINE: System property 'http.agent' set to 'JOSM/1.5 
(19128 Debian en) Linux Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:07:18.556 FINE: System property 'user.language' set to ''. Old 
value was 'en'
2024-07-30 13:07:18.557 FINE: System property 'sun.net.http.retryPost' set to 
'false'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:07:18.557 FINE: System property 'java.security.manager' set to 
'allow'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:07:19.621 FINE: System property 'java.protocol.handler.pkgs' set 
to 'org.openstreetmap.josm.io.protocols'. Old value was 'null'
2024-07-30 13:07:19.626 FINE: 
Preference with key 'gui.geometry' does not exist. Cannot restore window 
geometry from preferences.
2024-07-30 13:07:19.655 FINE: 
Preference with key 'gui.geometry' does not exist. Cannot restore window 
geometry from preferences.
2024-07-30 13:07:21.478 FINE: 
Preference with key 'gui.geometry' does not exist. Cannot restore window 
geometry from preferences.
2024-07-30 13:07:21.480 FINE: Initializing
2024-07-30 13:07:21.483 FINE: Setting defaults
2024-07-30 13:07:21.846 FINE: Creating main GUI
2024-07-30 13:07:21.879 FINE: Initializing coordinate format
2024-07-30 13:07:21.895 FINE: Initializing coordinate format completed in 15 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:21.896 FINE: Starting file watcher
2024-07-30 13:07:21.897 FINE: File watcher thread started
2024-07-30 13:07:21.897 FINE: Starting file watcher completed in 0 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:21.898 FINE: Executing platform startup hook
2024-07-30 13:07:21.932 FINE: Executing platform startup hook completed in 33 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:21.933 FINE: Building main menu
2024-07-30 13:07:22.433 FINE: VM arguments: 
 -Djosm.restart=true, -Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true, 
2024-07-30 13:07:24.137 FINE: Building main menu completed in 2.2 s
2024-07-30 13:07:24.137 FINE: Updating user interface
2024-07-30 13:07:24.154 FINE: Updating user interface completed in 16 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:24.155 FINE: Initializing internal boundaries data
2024-07-30 13:07:24.204 FINE: Prepare OSM data...
2024-07-30 13:07:24.205 FINE: Parsing OSM data...
2024-07-30 13:07:24.345 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:07:24.346 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=*/*, 
Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate}
2024-07-30 13:07:24.899 FINE: Preparing data set...
2024-07-30 13:07:25.209 FINE: Post-processing data set...
2024-07-30 13:07:25.209 FINE: Rendering data set...
2024-07-30 13:07:25.383 FINE: Skipping Lesotho because inner part of South 
2024-07-30 13:07:25.437 INFO: GET 
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/StartupPage -> HTTP/1.1 200 (1.1 s)
2024-07-30 13:07:25.439 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {null=[HTTP/1.1 200 Ok], 
Keep-Alive=[timeout=5, max=100], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], 
Server=[Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)], Connection=[Keep-Alive], Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 
2024 13:07:05 GMT], Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=16070400; 
includeSubDomains], Cache-Control=[must-revalidate], Content-Encoding=[gzip], 
Set-Cookie=[, ], Vary=[Accept-Encoding], Expires=[Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:00:00 
GMT], X-Clacks-Overhead=[GNU Terry Pratchett], 
2024-07-30 13:07:25.441 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:07:26.217 FINE: Skipping null because inner part of United Kingdom
2024-07-30 13:07:26.217 FINE: Skipping null because inner part of United Kingdom
2024-07-30 13:07:26.263 FINE: Retaining boundaries.osm to allow editing via 
advanced preferences
2024-07-30 13:07:26.267 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:07:26.268 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=null, 
Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate}
2024-07-30 13:07:26.328 INFO: GET 
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/remote/geofabrik-index-v1-nogeom.json -> HTTP/1.1 
200 (59 ms; 503 kB)
2024-07-30 13:07:26.328 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], 
Keep-Alive=[timeout=5, max=99], X-Cache=[MISS from download-proxy8], 
Server=[Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)], Connection=[Keep-Alive], Last-Modified=[Sun, 
28 Jul 2024 03:55:28 GMT], Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:07:06 GMT], Via=[1.1 
download-proxy8 (squid/5.6)], Accept-Ranges=[bytes], 
Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains], 
ETag=["7db2f-61e46b7175016"], X-Cache-Lookup=[HIT from download-proxy8:80], 
Content-Length=[514863], X-Clacks-Overhead=[GNU Terry Pratchett], Age=[12624], 
2024-07-30 13:07:26.330 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:07:26.932 FINE: Initializing internal boundaries data completed 
in 2.8 s
2024-07-30 13:07:26.949 FINE: Initializing OSM API
2024-07-30 13:07:26.951 FINE: Initializing validator
2024-07-30 13:07:26.952 FINE: Initializing presets
2024-07-30 13:07:26.952 FINE: Initializing map styles
2024-07-30 13:07:26.956 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:07:26.957 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=application/xml, 
*/*;q=0.8, Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate, Connection=close}
2024-07-30 13:07:26.980 FINE: Reading presets from 
2024-07-30 13:07:27.061 FINE: Initializing validator completed in 108 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:27.061 FINE: Initializing Tag2Link rules
2024-07-30 13:07:27.126 INFO: Obtained 157 Tag2Link rules from 
2024-07-30 13:07:27.127 FINE: Initializing Tag2Link rules completed in 65 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:27.132 FINE: Loading imagery preferences
2024-07-30 13:07:27.166 FINE: Contacting Server...
2024-07-30 13:07:27.166 FINE: REQUEST HEADERS: {Accept=null, 
Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate}
2024-07-30 13:07:27.250 INFO: GET 
https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/capabilities -> HTTP/1.1 200 (293 ms)
2024-07-30 13:07:27.255 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], 
Server=[cloudflare], vary=[Origin,Accept-Encoding], 
 referrer-policy=[strict-origin-when-cross-origin], x-powered-by=[Phusion 
Passenger(R) 6.0.22], Content-Encoding=[gzip], x-runtime=[0.008402], 
Content-Type=[application/xml; charset=utf-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], 
x-request-id=[Zqjle6qF1sVAdX7T_eqH7gADpDw], CF-RAY=[8ab591e14b3cb8f0-AMS], 
Connection=[close], x-permitted-cross-domain-policies=[none], Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 
2024 13:07:07 GMT], strict-transport-security=[max-age=31536000; 
includeSubDomains; preload], CF-Cache-Status=[DYNAMIC], 
content-security-policy=[default-src 'self'; child-src 'self'; connect-src 
'self' matomo.openstreetmap.org; font-src 'none'; form-action 'self'; 
frame-ancestors 'self'; frame-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: www.gravatar.com 
*.wp.com tile.openstreetmap.org gps.tile.openstreetmap.org 
*.tile.thunderforest.com tile.tracestrack.com *.openstreetmap.fr 
manifest-src 'self'; media-src 'none'; object-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 
matomo.openstreetmap.org; style-src 'self' 
'nonce-ctkfLjMk8IutPhCb2yw59Qy7IU9+ytTR'; worker-src 'none'], 
Cache-Control=[max-age=0, private, must-revalidate], x-xss-protection=[0], 
etag=[W/"4e52db1602d669b7131cbdf3fa1f9669-br"], alt-svc=[h3=":443"; ma=86400], 
status=[200 OK]}
2024-07-30 13:07:27.256 INFO: OK
2024-07-30 13:07:27.263 INFO: GET https://josm.openstreetmap.de/maps -> 
HTTP/1.1 200 (96 ms)
2024-07-30 13:07:27.264 FINE: RESPONSE HEADERS: {null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], 
Keep-Alive=[timeout=5, max=98], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], 
Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains], 
Server=[Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)], Content-Encoding=[gzip], 
Connection=[Keep-Alive], Vary=[Accept-Encoding], Last-Modified=[Fri, 26 Jul 
2024 23:12:54 GMT], Date=[Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:07:07 GMT], 
X-Clacks-Overhead=[GNU Terry Pratchett], Content-Type=[text/xml;charset=utf-8]}
2024-07-30 13:07:27.265 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:07:27.265 FINE: Downloading data...
2024-07-30 13:07:27.377 FINE: Starting SAX parsing of 
org.xml.sax.InputSource@442fb747 using 
2024-07-30 13:07:27.387 FINE: SAX parsing completed in 9 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:27.388 FINE: Initializing OSM API completed in 438 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:27.575 FINE: Initializing map style 
resource://styles/standard/elemstyles.mapcss completed in 607 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:27.617 FINE: Initializing map styles completed in 663 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:28.814 FINE: Starting SAX parsing of 
org.xml.sax.InputSource@317b903 using 
2024-07-30 13:07:29.820 FINE: SAX parsing completed in 1.0 s
2024-07-30 13:07:31.027 FINE: Loading imagery preferences completed in 3.9 s
2024-07-30 13:07:31.619 FINE: Reading presets completed in 4.6 s
2024-07-30 13:07:31.931 FINE: Initializing presets completed in 5.0 s
2024-07-30 13:07:31.950 FINE: Updating user interface
2024-07-30 13:07:31.952 FINE: Initializing validator tests
2024-07-30 13:07:31.955 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/addresses.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:31.970 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/combinations.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:31.985 FINE: Instance is null, returning unconfigured instance
2024-07-30 13:07:32.012 FINE: Updating user interface completed in 61 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:32.094 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/deprecated.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.198 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/geometry.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.220 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/highway.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.237 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/multiple.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.241 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/numeric.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.274 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/religion.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.283 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/relation.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.290 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/territories.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.296 FINE: Adding 
resource://data/validator/unnecessary.mapcss to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.329 FINE: Adding resource://data/validator/wikipedia.mapcss 
to tag checker
2024-07-30 13:07:32.457 FINE: Setting default auxiliaries to "null"
2024-07-30 13:07:32.469 FINE: Initializing validator tests completed in 516 ms
2024-07-30 13:07:32.487 FINE: setting defaultCompositeCacheAttributes to [ 
useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 1000, 
maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = UPDATE, spoolChunkSize = 2 ]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.499 FINE: setting defaultElementAttributes to [ IS_LATERAL 
= true, IS_SPOOL = true, IS_REMOTE = true, IS_ETERNAL = false, MaxLifeSeconds = 
-1, IdleTime = -1, CreateTime = 1722344852488, LastAccessTime = 1722344852488, 
getTimeToLiveSeconds() = -1, createTime = 1722344852488 ]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.499 FINE: Parsed regions []
2024-07-30 13:07:32.501 FINE: Finished configuration in 45 ms.
2024-07-30 13:07:32.503 FINE: No special ElementAttribute class defined for key 
[jcs.region.TMS.elementattributes], using default class.
2024-07-30 13:07:32.513 FINE: initialized MemoryCache for TMS
2024-07-30 13:07:32.513 FINE: Constructed cache with name [TMS] and cache 
attributes [ useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 0, 
maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = UPDATE, spoolChunkSize = 2 ]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.550 INFO: Changeset updater active (checks every 60 minutes 
if open changesets have been closed)
2024-07-30 13:07:32.554 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Constructing 
BlockDiskCache with attributes
 DiskPath [/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles]
 MaxKeySize [524288]
 MaxPurgatorySize [5000]
 BlockSizeBytes [4096]
 KeyPersistenceIntervalSeconds [300]
 DiskLimitType [SIZE]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.555 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Cache file root 
directory: [/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.557 FINE: Constructing BlockDisk, blockSizeBytes [4 096]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.560 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Cache file root directory 
2024-07-30 13:07:32.560 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Key File 
2024-07-30 13:07:32.563 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Loading keys for 
2024-07-30 13:07:32.564 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Set maxKeySize to: "524 
2024-07-30 13:07:32.567 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Resetting cache
2024-07-30 13:07:32.569 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Saving keys to 
[/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles/TMS_BLOCK_v2.key], key count [0]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.573 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Finished saving keys. It 
took 5ms. to store 0 keys. Key file length [4]
2024-07-30 13:07:32.593 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Block Disk Cache is alive.
2024-07-30 13:07:47.656 INFO: Changeset updater inactive
2024-07-30 13:07:47.657 FINE: Element event queue destroyed: 
2024-07-30 13:07:47.658 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] fromRemote [false]
2024-07-30 13:07:47.660 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] auxiliary [TMS_BLOCK_v2]
2024-07-30 13:07:47.661 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] put 0 into auxiliary 
2024-07-30 13:07:47.661 FINE: In dispose, destroying event queue.
2024-07-30 13:07:47.666 FINE: Cache event queue destroyed: CacheEventQueue 
[listenerId=62934084, cacheName=TMS_BLOCK_v2]
2024-07-30 13:07:47.668 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Saving keys to 
[/home/ceppo/.cache/JOSM/tiles/TMS_BLOCK_v2.key], key count [0]
2024-07-30 13:07:47.670 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Finished saving keys. It 
took 1ms. to store 0 keys. Key file length [4]
2024-07-30 13:07:47.670 FINE: Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] : Shutdown complete.
2024-07-30 13:07:47.671 FINE: In DISPOSE, [TMS] disposing of memory cache.
2024-07-30 13:07:47.671 FINE: Memory Cache dispose called.

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Description: PGP signature

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