Andreas Putzo, 2008-07-13 22:42:19 +0200 :

> Hi,
> On Jul 07  16:07, Roland Mas wrote:
>> I'm just back from the Libre Software Meeting, where I fell in love
>> with Openstreetmap.  I'm trying to use JOSM, but I run into the same
>> bug as reported as #474626.  This is with an up-to-date sid system,
>> running either "JAVACMD=/usr/bin/jamvm josm" or "josm" directly.
>> $ JAVACMD=/usr/bin/jamvm josm
>>   Let me know if/how I can help debug.
> Thanks for your help debugging this so far. However, with openjdk-6 now
> available in debian and jamvm being the last classpath based jvm in
> lenny that works with josm, i think it's best to drop support for it for
> now and fully rely on openjdk.

I guess it's your decision to make.  I can't say I'll hate you for it,
since josm works fine for me with openjdk-6 :-)

Roland Mas

Il vaut mieux insulter une commode Louis XV qu'une armoire à glace.

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