On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:01:50AM +0100, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:

> My original idea was re-introducing ASAP the medium and hig-res coastlines,
> but it poses some problems which are naturally solved by the future(?)
> Debian data archiving facility.
> Currently this problem will be solved by moving to 4.5.2, but it is still
> a problem in Lenny or Etch, for instance where only old versions are 
> available.

As you later found during our IRC conversation, a work-around is to
download from ftp://ftp.iris.washington.edu/pub/gmt/ which keeps the
older versions around.

The coastline versions that works with GMT 4.5.1 is 2.0.1. The trick,
still as you suggested, is to look for matching file dates in the ftp



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