The annotated tag, debian/5.6.0-1 has been created
        at  6e32c686e3307a15bed2441cf9821e29760c81af (tag)
   tagging  65886ff4a855ee478388b2715fae46c6127da4ee (commit)
  replaces  debian/5.4.2-1
 tagged by  Francesco Paolo Lovergine
        on  Wed Dec 16 09:41:37 2009 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
[svn-buildpackage] Tagging mapserver (5.6.0-1)

Alan Boudreault (4):
      Mapserver package clean up + update for 5.6.0
      Added xml mapfile related files in mapserver-doc
      removed antigrain reference in copyright
      Final change for MapServer 5.6.0

Francesco Paolo Lovergine (2):
      Included AGG copyright and license.
      Updated for AGG.



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