Hi Bas,

> Can you install the gdal-bin-dbgsym & libgdal20-dbgsym packages an run
> the ogrinfo command via gdb to get a backtrace?

There does not appear to be an amd64 architecture version of these packages, 
so I am a bit stuck with this?

> Can you also provide a minimal test case to reproduce the issue on a
> system which doesn't have your ODBC data source configured?

The system which exhibits the problem is using an Oracle 11g ODBC driver 
(testing this outside of gdal shows no problems).  The following builds a test 
case with sqlite, but unfortunately this works fine!

1. install package libsqliteodbc

2. create test sqlite database:
sqlite3 -batch database.sqlite < create_db.sql

The contents of create_db.sql are:
CREATE TABLE table1(lat,lon);
INSERT INTO table1(lat,lon) VALUES(-54.00827,-38.06391),(-54.01001,-38.06845);

3. add this to ~/.odbc.ini :
Description=My SQLite test database
Database=/<full path>/database.sqlite

4. check with ogrinfo:
ogrinfo -ro -al gdaltest.xml

The contents of gdaltest.xml are:
 <OGRVRTLayer name="test">
   select lon, lat from table1
  <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="LON" y="LAT"/>

The final bit of information I have for now is that the last time this worked 
fine from packages in Testing is Mar 2 2016.  I have not run my system between 
then and yesterday (Mar 1 2017).


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