ADAPT is in LAST place!


Thanks to so many people from around the country who either came to DC or
supported ADAPT from home, we once again led a charge that has (for now)
saved Medicaid from efforts to destroy it.

Unfortunately, the Disability Community is likely to face many more attacks
in the coming year including more efforts to cut Medicaid, undercut the
ADA, underfund social services. We will also continue to experience
violence against our community in its various forms and need to fight back
against other ableist policies. It is clear that we are going to need
ADAPT's direct action and activism more than ever!

You can help with this fight! CREDO mobile has nominated ADAPT as one of
the three recipients of its October grant program. The amount ADAPT
receives is determined by a public voting process.

Please go to the link below and vote for ADAPT! (Some of you may need to
copy the link and paste it in your browser.)

It costs nothing. By voting with a valid email address, you can help ADAPT
continue to lead the fight against the attacks on our community and to push
for the Disability Integration Act which will ensure that no Disabled
American is denied Life and Liberty simply because they have a disability.

Please share the link with everyone you know over all of your networks and
ask them to vote for ADAPT.

The ADAPT Community


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