On 2018-03-26 11:52, Marek Żakowicz wrote:

First of all, thank you for the maintenance of spatialite* packages - it's
nice to install them using Debian packages from you.  Let me ask for
enabling in spatialite some functions like ST_Split
<http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/spatialite-sql-latest.html> coming from
lwgeom library and available in spatialite after switching:
during the build time.

To quote myself from the recent discussion on gdal-dev:

 lwgeom support was disabled to untangle the circular dependency as
 documented in the spatialite changelog:

  - Drop build dependency on liblwgeom-dev to untangle
    spatialite->postgis->gdal->spatialite circular dependency.

 rttopo support will be available in the next spatialite release, but
 it's taking forever to get past 4.4.0-rc1.

 There will most likely never be a 4.4.0 final release, and I've also
 heard talk about skipping 4.5.0 in favor of going for 5.0.0 instead.

 As long as there is no rttopo support in the released spatialite, the
 Debian package will not enable the support.

 The rttopo 1.1.0 final release also hasn't been published yet, this is
 all still work in process in preparation of proper topo support in


 > If you manually enable lwgeom in the Debian sources and rebuild the
 > package, everything works as expected... Didn't try for rttopo, but
 > should behave equal.

 Your system will fail to do distribution upgrades to newer stable
 releases. Even updating your systems to get the newer postgis or gdal
 packages will fail (assuming your on testing/unstable).

 You're very much on your own if you choose to re-instate the circular
 dependency. As they say: when it breaks you get to keep the pieces.


Kind Regards,


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