Emmanuel Bourg pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / commons-exec

74e59855 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:47:05+01:00
Wrap and sort

- - - - -
37e35933 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:48:15+01:00
Standards-Version updated to 4.5.1

- - - - -
64a66f34 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:48:17+01:00
Switch to debhelper level 13

- - - - -
9550715d by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:48:17+01:00
Use salsa.debian.org Vcs-* URLs

- - - - -
b55d022f by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:48:51+01:00
Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS

- - - - -
be81aabd by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:48:54+01:00
Use secure URIs

- - - - -
3f753cee by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:50:55+01:00
Remove Peter Collingbourne from Uploaders (Closes: #740322)

- - - - -
1ec4ecd1 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2021-02-03T22:54:33+01:00
Upload to unstable

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- − debian/compat
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- debian/rules
- debian/watch


@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
-commons-exec (1.3-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+commons-exec (1.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Team upload
+  [ tony mancill ]
   * Remove Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan from Uploaders (Closes: #859287)
- -- tony mancill <tmanc...@debian.org>  Sat, 01 Apr 2017 16:29:50 -0700
+  [ Emmanuel Bourg ]
+  * Remove Peter Collingbourne from Uploaders (Closes: #740322)
+  * Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
+  * Standards-Version updated to 4.5.1
+  * Switch to debhelper level 13
+  * Use salsa.debian.org Vcs-* URLs
+  * Use secure URIs
+ -- Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org>  Wed, 03 Feb 2021 22:51:08 +0100
 commons-exec (1.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

debian/compat deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

@@ -2,13 +2,17 @@ Source: commons-exec
 Section: java
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers 
-Uploaders: Peter Collingbourne <pe...@pcc.me.uk>,
- Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org>
-Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 9), default-jdk, maven-debian-helper, 
iputils-ping, junit4
-Standards-Version: 3.9.6
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/commons-exec.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-java/commons-exec.git
-Homepage: http://commons.apache.org/exec/
+Uploaders: Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org>
+ debhelper-compat (= 13),
+ default-jdk,
+ iputils-ping,
+ junit4,
+ maven-debian-helper
+Standards-Version: 4.5.1
+Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/commons-exec
+Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/commons-exec.git
+Homepage: https://commons.apache.org/exec/
 Package: libcommons-exec-java
 Architecture: all

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
 Upstream-Name: Apache Commons Exec
 Upstream-Contact: Apache Commons Developers <d...@commons.apache.org>
-Source: http://commons.apache.org/exec/
+Source: https://commons.apache.org/exec/
 Files: *
 Copyright: 2005-2010, The Apache Software Foundation.

@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/maven.mk
-JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
-       uscan --download-version $(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION) --force-download 
+       dh $@ --buildsystem=maven

@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

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