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> Dear Maintainer,
> Debian creates in the postinst script via systemd-sysusers
> a system user named tomcat whose home directory is /var/lib/tomcat. 
> This directory does not exist, but /var/lib/tomcat9

The idea was to create a general tomcat system user but without an existing
home directory for security reasons. Note that the shell is set to
/usr/sbin/nologin too.

Previously we created a new tomcat user for every new major version. You could
end up with several tomcat users on a normal server and that was not really
desirable. In theory it should be possible to install multiple major versions
on the same server by now (tomcat9 and tomcat10) but there are some bugs in
tomcat10 which require some attention before we can call this task as complete.

Is there anything we missed or can we close this bug report ?



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