Michael Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > tag 464735 wontfix
 > thanks


 > Thats not possible at all. libswt-gtk-3.2-java is not in the archive
 > anymore. The standalone SWT package got upgraded to 3.3 while the
 > version from Eclipse package does not yet.
 > Use the alternatives system is no solution in the long run either. We
 > should just drop one SWT from the archive.

I do not see any problem in this.
libswt-gtk-3.2-java (and probably libswt-gtk-3.3-java too) use 2 
alternatives entries, a versioned one (libswt-3.2-java) and a 
generic/unversioned one (swt.jar)

Packaging other software depending on swt would be much easier if ther 
would be some generic way using BOTH swt packages.
Including the complete SWT stuff into each application requiring swt is 
no solution.

Then the maintainer of each package requiring swt may decide if he needs 
a special version or would simply use /etc/alternatives/swt.jar and 
depend on one of the 2 packages.
The fanciest way would be if both swt-packages use the same Provides: 
tags, for example one unversioned and one including the version.

and BTW ... /usr/share/java and not /usr/lib/eclipse should be the place 
to locate the swt jar according to "Debian policy for Java" Chapter 2. 
Policy; 2.4. At least there should be a symlink in /usr/share/java

 > Cheers,
 > Michael

Best regards
Klaus Zerwes

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