Hi Maintainer,

rejected, various issues.

The copyright file misses Copyright (c) 2003 Stefan Gybas
<sgy...@debian.org> on 2 files: cdbs/maven.mk, cdbs/maven-vars.mk

Also, this package really makes on shudder. Build-Depending on oneself
is almost always wrong and to be avoided. Please, either rewrite it to
not use things it itself ships, or if that is, for whatever reason, to
painful, cant you just use the files from itself during the package

And also, 
            Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
            or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
            distributed with this work for additional information
            regarding copyright ownership.

However no NOTICE file is in the tarball.

bye Joerg


If you don't understand why your files were rejected, or if the
override file requires editing, reply to this email.

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