Friend in the Lord,
Greetings to you and your family in the name of God. In my search for a 
reliable and God fearing person and having gone through your profile your 
contact through prayers and painstaking efforts I have decided to seek your 
help in carrying out my last wishes. My name is Mrs Adara Dahab Baraka. I'm a 
61 years old woman,i am from Malaysia.I'm presently in a hospital where I have 
been undergoing treatment for oesophagi cancer and? my doctors have told me 
that I have only few months to live. It is my last wish to use my Money to 
build charity organization for the saints and the less privilege children.The 
person will take 20% of the total sum while the remaining 80% will be used for 
the project.The amount in question is $3.5millionUSD.

Get back to me through my personal email if you can undertake this task for me 
so that i can explain to you in details.(
Adara Dahab Baraka 

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