Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
I am not sure if the License for these images is DFSG compatible. The
LICENSE.html says "Sun Microsystems, Inc. Binary Code License
Agreement". I guess they were removed from debian source due to
license issues, but may be Marek Slama can clarify about this.
OK. I understand. Anyway, an alternative can be to use an other icon set. It is going to
be very easy to find remplacement (I can do that if you want).

Thanks for the quick answers,

IIRC even if javahelp sources was open sourced there was still some files with wrong license. I think we removed them from original sources to create upstream zip. But it is long time ago so I am not sure.
OK. Thanks for the feedback.
Are you OK if I look for some remplacements with a compatible license and
I insert them into the package ?

It is ok. Just let me know what will be replaced and I will look at it.



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