On Wed, 07 May 2014 23:02:08 +0200, Michael Hatzold wrote:

> Here is the (main part) of error output in konsole, top and bottom line got
> repeated dozens of time:

> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: init_
>    at gnu.javax.sound.midi.alsa.AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.init_(libgcj.so.15)
>    at gnu.javax.sound.midi.alsa.AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.<clinit>(libgcj.so.15)
>    at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(libgcj.so.15)
>    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(libgcj.so.15)
>    at gnu.classpath.ServiceProviderLoadingAction.run(libgcj.so.15)
>    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(libgcj.so.15)
>    at 
> gnu.classpath.ServiceFactory$ServiceIterator.loadNextServiceProvider(libgcj.so.15)
>    at gnu.classpath.ServiceFactory$ServiceIterator.<init>(libgcj.so.15)
>    at gnu.classpath.ServiceFactory.lookupProviders(libgcj.so.15)
>    at gnu.classpath.ServiceFactory.lookupProviders(libgcj.so.15)
>    at gnu.classpath.ServiceFactory.lookupProviders(libgcj.so.15)
>    at javax.sound.midi.MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo(libgcj.so.15)
>    at 
> org.herac.tuxguitar.player.impl.jsa.midiport.MidiPortProviderImpl.listPorts(Unknown
>  Source)
>    ...7 more


Now it would be nice to know which of the
> ii  gcj-4.6-jre [java2-runtime]    4.6.4-2
> ii  gcj-4.7-jre [java2-runtime]    4.7.3-2
> ii  gcj-4.8-jre [java2-runtime]    4.8.2-21
> ii  gcj-4.9-jre [java2-runtime]    4.9.0-2
> ii  openjdk-6-jre [java2-runtime]  6b31-1.13.3-1
> ii  openjdk-7-jre [java2-runtime]  7u55-2.4.7-1

at least 6 JREs is actually used.

(Wild guess: openjdk might work better than gcj.)


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