Hi Vincent, Thank you for the report. In fact I have patched libnative-platform-java/0.11-4 to work with gradle/2.13, see [1]. Turns out the upstream developer suddenly renamed the class without any transition.
I do not make sure this patch works for gradle/2.13 building all packages, but I can make sure that it works when building gradle/3.1-1 using gradle/2.13. Now that everything is ready, we will upload gradle/3.1-1 soon, but I'm still waiting for Emmanuel's sponsor. Let's not flag libnative-platform-java/0.11-4 Breaks gradle (<< 3.1) for the time being, as it will render gradle and libnative-platform-java uninstallable. [1]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/libnative-platform-java.git/tree/debian/additionalSrc/PosixFile.java?h=debian/0.11-4 __ This is the maintainer address of Debian's Java team <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pkg-java-maintainers>. Please use debian-j...@lists.debian.org for discussions and questions.