Le 8/12/2016 à 08:48, 殷啟聰 a écrit :

> android-toolchain-jack requires both the existing libecj-java and the
> "org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt" module in "eclipse.jdt.core". As the
> upstream of src:ecj is exactly "eclipse.jdt.core", so I wish that the
> entire "eclipse.jdt.core" is packaged in Debian as several non-GUI
> Java libraries.

I agree it would be an excellent idea to package the entire JDT Core
component, but I think this should be done in a separate package. The
ecj package is a bit special. It's main purpose is to address the needs
of GCJ, it has been designed with bootstrapping considerations in mind,
it's built with GCJ instead of OpenJDK and thus can't use Maven. This
may change in the future since GCC 7 will drop GCJ, but it would be
cleaner and faster to start with a new package free of the GCC constraints.

Emmanuel Bourg

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