Source: zookeeper
Severity: normal


Two thoughts about the config files:
1) Example configuration as in /etc/zookeeper/conf_example
   should typically go to /usr/share/doc/<package>/examples
   At least that what's basically all other packages do.

2) If you consider this however default configuration, it should
   either go to /usr/share/zookeper/somewhere or so, and symlinked
   from there... or be directly copied (from there or
   /u/s/d/<package>/examples) to /etc/zookeeper in postinst.
   Or altnerative, be handled as conffiles an just directly placed
   in /etc/zookeeper.

3) Using update-alternatives for config is at least uncommon, I think.
   And it doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?
   When should one have different config set *per host* that admins
   want to switch?

   And there is no real documentation about it, or is there? I had
   to look up the postinst file just to fine out the u-a group name
   to be zookeeper-conf.


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