Righty ho, I had a proper look at the above list.

Two packages have simple, direct dependencies on netty-3.x, and their
code is not easy to port to the netty-4.x API, and upstream haven't
cared. These are a big problem:

 * osmosis: https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/5489
 * zookeeper: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-2399

activemq depends directly on zookeeper's client library (but not
otherwise on netty-3.x).

Three packages are fixed upstream, so could just do with a new package:

 * apache-curator. ..but nobody cares. RM? https://bugs.debian.org/890624
 * libgpars-groovy-java: recommended-only rdeps (groovy),
    fixed upstream but not tagged. I've asked for a tag:
 * bookkeeper: fixed upstream in 4.6.1:
    They label 4.5.0 as "stable", though.

These packages are not serious, maintained packages:

 * eclipse-aether: RM'd: https://bugs.debian.org/881608
 * elasticsearch: not going to be shipped, and probably fixed upstream
    anyway: https://bugs.debian.org/803713

And then there's "aether", a utility library for maven repositories.
It's been deprecated, renamed, deprecated again, then merged into
maven-resolver. New enough maven-resolver is packaged, and our version
of maven (3.5) is new enough to not depend on aether. However, a couple
of libraries' upstreams maintain compatibility with older maven, which
involves supporting the aether names for classes. These are:

 * tycho, which is complicated and doesn't seem to have any rdeps, but
    Luca seems to care about it still, so I'm not (yet!) going to start
    yelling RM, RM, RM:
 * maven-indexer, which is fixed upstream:
 * maven-common-artifact-filters, which looks simple but upstream have
    told me is not, and they're almost certainly right:

And that's it, I think!

I'm going to continue attempting to port osmosis and zookeeper upstream,
but I've found it very challenging.

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