Quoting Xavier (2020-10-11 10:39:44)
> I fixed node-promise and rollup. Now acorn 8 seems ready for unstable.
> Unless someone disagrees, I'm planing to push it to unstable.

What are you really asking?

If you mean to imply that you have checked all reverse dependencies and 
reverse build-dependencies, and none of them fail with the new version, 
then I see no problem (and see no need for you to ask).

If instead you mean to imply that you have *not* checked all reverse 
dependencies and build-dependencies and ask others to do that task, then 
I find it (perfectly fine that you ask, but) unacceptable that you ask 
so vaguely: Please explicitly say so, if you are requesting others to 
some tasks.

Ideally, file bugreports for each such task - but I do recognize that 
both checking for problems and reporting each problem are tasks too.

> However, our usage of virtual names in build dependencies make dak 
> blind: only 2 packages (rollup and babel8) use the real package name 
> (node-debbundle-acorn). Others use one of its virtual names, then all 
> Debian tools can't find real reverse dependencies (ruby-team/meta, 
> dak, reverse-depends,...). So I'd like to add this in our policy: 
> "never use a virtual dependency in build dependencies unless it is 
> known by cme".

I don't like that proposal.

I do not use cme, and I don't want my work in the Javascript team to 
require me to use that spciic tool or have intimate knowledge on what 
that specific tool does or does not handle.

Such failures to detect relationships seems like issues we should track. 
Maybe issues with each of those tools not obeying Debian Policy, or 
maybe it turns out to be issues with how relationships are declared 
being not Policy compliant.

Are there already bugs files for these issues?  If not, could you please 
file bugs about it, so we can track each of them?

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

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