"David Prévot" <da...@tilapin.org> writes:

> Hi François-Régis,
> > I may be wrong but perhaps providing minified files in source tarball
> > (which are considered as binary files) is DFSG compliant providing we
> > have the sources, but debian policy is to exclude them from sources.
> Can you please be specific about what (point of) “debian policy” are
> you referring to?

I think the policy referred to there is not Debian Policy, but the
policy of the FTP-master team.

> The Developers’ Reference, on the contrary, advises to keep
> useless but DFSG-compliant files:

Note that the section you quote is explicitly limited to unused *build
infrastructure*, i.e. files that comprise tools needed for changing and
building from the source package.

That does not match compiled (minified) JavaScript files, which are
clearly not part of the build infrastructure – they are the *end
product* of a build, and hence not part of the source.

 \             “We can't depend for the long run on distinguishing one |
  `\         bitstream from another in order to figure out which rules |
_o__)               apply.” —Eben Moglen, _Anarchism Triumphant_, 1999 |
Ben Finney

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