Dmitry and I have been thinking for a long time in adding a kde-extras like 
subteam for Qt stuff, and with Qtav this is happening.

The subteam will have it's repos under pkg-kde/qt-extras on git.

The idea is more or less the same as KDE-extras: keep stuff not really comming 
from Qt upstream but really Qt related under a team.

For the moment I suggested Steve to use:

DEBFULLNAME="Debian Qt extras Maintainers"

Ie, much like we do for Krap. Of course if we need to change this (comments 
welcomed!) we will just go ahead.

Standard rules follow: use our scripts to create the repos, put the 
maintainer's name in Maintainer if you want strict control or the team's name 
if you want a more collaborative maintainance, etc.

Anything I am missing?

WRT the format of the git repos I'm all for keeping it under the maintainer's 
will as with kde-extras.


¿De qué vive un superamigo? De las regalías de su merchandising, que sólo
puede ser adquirido por burgueses. Como a los burgueses no les agradan las
clases bajas, los superamigos sólo salvan burgueses.
  José Hipólito Moyano -

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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