On Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 03:29:41PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> Hi,


> I want to join this team - if you will have me :-)

Very much, and welcome to the team.

> I have been a Debian developer for nearly 10 years, working on a wide  

Speaking of which: do you mind checking and sponsoring (if acceptable)


I've runtime-tested it a lot over the last six month. We shouldn't ship
squeeze without calf, the must-have plugin collection for audio
production. (ardour+calf is to audio what LAMP is to the web guys).


mail: a...@thur.de      http://adi.thur.de      PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

Once you're done, blog your changeset, twitter your blog post, then post the
twitter status as a Facebook link and ping me on IM to let me know.

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