On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 10:10:45AM +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 21:21:02 (CEST), Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Is/was DeMuDi a derivative work like debian-multimedia?  If so I agree
> > it is easiest to avoid it.
> >
> > If DeMuDi is/was a Debian-internal initiative similar to debian-edu, or
> > those active in it are/was interested in passing it on to Debian, then I
> > still find it interesting to consider using that name as I believe it is
> > well known also outside Debian.
> Quoting wikipedia:
> DeMuDi was developed by the AGNULA Project, a European Union funded
> project to improve access to multimedia software, and was also known as
> A/DeMuDi, with A standing for Agnula.  When funding ceased volunteers
> continued to work on the project for a short time, but it has now been
> completely absorbed into the Debian Multimedia Project.
> not sure about the last part, but it seems it was some kind of
> derivative work. What about turning it into a Debian-internal
> initiative? The name might be dead, but we can still revive it as a
> Debian Blend, can't we?

Sorry for jumping into the middle of a thread without reading all of
what came before and after. In case it hasn't been said, aiui DeMuDi was
implemented as a CDD. Free was frequently to be read saying something
like "think of it as a custom way of installing Debian to get a well
working audio workstation."

After the end of the funded period ended all, or nearly all, of the work
was merged back into Debian proper.


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