On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 07:14, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 09:56:41AM +0000, j...@users.alioth.debian.org wrote:
>>   Rewrite copyright file: Main licensing changed; Authors dropped;    Lack
>> of licensing added!!!
>> -Copyright: 1997-2005, Miller Puckette
>> -           1997-2007, Krzysztof Czaja
>> -           2003-2010, Hans-Christoph Steiner
>> -           2004-2005, Carmen Rocco
>> -           2009, IOhannes m. zmoelnig
>> +Copyright: 1997-2005, 2007, krzYszcz
>> +       1997-2005, Miller Puckette
> Please note that I dropped authors (or more accurately: copyright holders)
> not mentioned anywhere else as such.
> If e.g. IOhannes m. zmoelnig is mentioned due to Debian packaging, I suggest
> to add a copyright (and licensing! they always go together) statement in
> ebian/rules, and keep debian/copyright as a reference file rather than
> containing unique info on its own.
> NB! This is a kind suggestion only.  It is not mandated by Debian Policy
> AFAIK.  But it really helps for things like semi-automated copyright
> checking if separated like that.
>> +Copyright: cycling'74;
>> +License: NONE
>> + FIXME

I'm not sure (Hans please correct me if I'm wrong), but these would be
reimplementations of the documentation of the equivalent Max/MSP
plugins, so copyright would not apply?

>> +
>> +Files: ./bin/pddp/pddpserver.tcl
>> +Copyright: 1996-1997, Sun Microsystems
>> +License: NONE
>> + FIXME

This looks like a weird BSD, Hans please check it out.

> Above two must be fixed!

Good catch!

> I did not update changelog, as I am uncertain if current entry was already
> released or not.

I uploaded the wrong file, so it has not been released yet. I have
deleted the debian tag in the repository, please everyone delete it
locally if you have it, since the -1 upload will occur after we finish


Felipe Sateler

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