On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:
> Either the files are *only* provided as examples or they are handled by
> the packaging scripts.
> If only example files, then they are not owned by the package and should
> not be handled by the package.
> If handled by the package - no matter how rarely - they must not be
> located below /usr/share/doc/.
> Conffiles except for special cases where you need some complex
> maintenance routines. If conffile notifications occur without a sane
> reason, then something else is wrong with your packaging!

I totally agree, please decide whether treat those files as
conffiles or not, and then fix the packaging accordingly.

Alessio Treglia          | www.alessiotreglia.com
Debian Developer         | ales...@debian.org
Ubuntu Core Developer    | quadris...@ubuntu.com
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