Alessandro Ghedini <> writes:
>> ...
>> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ewf\\'" . ecasound-ewf-mode))
> Is this correct?

Pretty close.

It's good to wrap it all in a package-dir existence check like that
haml-elisp bit, because with "dpkg --remove" the /etc startup file is
left behind but the rest of the package is gone.  This is important for
an auto-mode-alist entry since if the ecasound.el is gone then visiting
a .ewf would get an error, where you'd prefer left as fundamental-mode
or whatever.

   ;; If package-dir does not exist, the haml-mode package must have
   ;; removed but not purged, and we should skip the setup.
   (when (file-directory-p package-dir)
     (autoload ...)
     (auto-mode-alist ...))

I don't know how often anyone uses dpkg --remove on lisp packages.
Perhaps by mistake when --purge was intended :-).

I bought a packet of baby powder mixed it up with some water, put it in
the oven, but it came out a blob looking nothing like a baby.

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