On Sun, 3 Feb 2013 21:27:06 +0100 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

> On 2013-02-03 18:38:17, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > I tried to test all the available options for the video output in
> > gnome-mplayer (with mplayer) and found the following awkward results.
> > 
> >
> > Leaving the setting blank seems to automatically select xv, according
> > to the verbose output:
> >   GMLIB-Message: VO: [xv] 400x304 => 400x304 Planar YV12 
> > but screenshots do not work:
> >   GMLIB-Message: sending VFCTRL_SCREENSHOT!
> >   GMLIB-Message: failed (forgot -vf screenshot?)
> If the setting is blank, the default output is used. Since you have
> manually set it to xv in your mplayer config, it's using xv here.

OK, but why did gnome-mplayer fail to pass the correct flags to enable
screenshots in mplayer?

By looking at the mplayer man page, I seem to understand that the
correct flag is just:

  -vf screenshot

Indeed, if I modify my ~/.mplayer/config so that

  $ cat ~/.mplayer/config 

and I leave the video output option blank for gnome-mplayer, then the
xv VO seems to be correctly selected and taking screenshots seems to
work fine (apart from the annoying double-screenshot issue with

> > Explicitly selecting xv works:
> >   GMLIB-Message: VO: [xv] 400x304 => 400x304 Planar YV12
> > and screenshots may be taken:
> >   GMLIB-Message: sending VFCTRL_SCREENSHOT!
> >   GMLIB-Message: *** screenshot 'shot0001.png' ***
> So in this case gnome-mplayer launched mplayer with the correct flags to
> take screenshots since it knew that xv is used.

If the correct flags are just "-vf screenshot", then I cannot see why
it has to know which video output is being used...

> > Selecting gl works:
> >   GMLIB-Message: VO: [gl] 400x304 => 400x304 Planar YV12
> > and screenshots may be taken:
> >   GMLIB-Message: sending VFCTRL_SCREENSHOT!
> >   GMLIB-Message: *** screenshot 'shot0002.png' ***
> > 
> > Selecting vdpau seems to lead to gl being used:
> >   GMLIB-Message: VO: [gl] 400x304 => 400x304 Planar YV12
> That's expected if your hardware doesn't support vdpau or you're missing
> the necessary libraries to actually use vdpau.
> > but screenshots do not work:
> >   GMLIB-Message: sending VFCTRL_SCREENSHOT!
> >   GMLIB-Message: failed (forgot -vf screenshot?)
> I guess this is one of the vos upstream mentioned, that don't support
> screenshots.

This does not seem to be the case: when I explicitly ask for gl, I am
able to take screenshots (without the vf=screenshot setting in

> > Selecting xvmc or vaapi fails to work (high CPU load, endless stream
> > of error messages and no visible video...).
> If the issues are reproducable with mplayer alone, I'd report bugs
> against those packages. Maybe you're just missing the proper hardware
> support.

Maybe later, I am already accumulating too many bugs to
investigate...   :-|

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