On Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 10:22:19PM +0100, Bálint Réczey wrote:

> Someone started working on the bug in the upstream bug tracker.
> Could you please provide a link which is usable for testing?

See playlist in attachment. But it seems that those bugs:


all are about the same problem. Though for different links (not for this
playlist, where all links are the same type and source) different errors
may be reported, nevertheless I think this problem caused by curl in all
cases. Time to time I am facing such problems with different MRL, though
those MRL are not permanent and dies after while. But in all cases I see
the same picture: xmbc doesn't works where all others (vlc, mplayer,
avplay) does.  

###  Vladimir Stavrinov
###  vstavri...@gmail.com

Attachment: livestream.m3u
Description: audio/mpegurl

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