On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 3:54 PM, umläute <zmoel...@umlaeute.mur.at> wrote:
> On 2015-06-01 16:49, Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
>> Does someone know what would be the best way to move the repository?
> $ cd /git/collab-maint
> $ mv ffmpeg.git /etc/pkg-multimedia
> $ ln -s /etc/pkg-multimedia/ffmpeg.git .
> should I do it?

Both this and Fabian's should be fine, I'd double check directories
and files permissions at the end of the procedure too.

Alessio Treglia          | www.alessiotreglia.com
Debian Developer         |     ales...@debian.org
Ubuntu Core Developer    |  quadris...@ubuntu.com
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