Le 2016-11-14 12:08, James Cowgill a écrit :
Where is the source for that documentation index?

If I grep the hydrogen sources, I can't find the strings from that
image. I also tried building upstream git master and the index doesn't
work for me there either.

Hi James and all,

I've been following up with Hydrogen upstream as you can see here : https://github.com/hydrogen-music/hydrogen/issues/74
The result is that something was missing and has been corrected now.

I guess we could cherry pick up this commit : https://github.com/hydrogen-music/hydrogen/commit/99aeea17d0f8cdf0ca8b12908d6499f586257610 and use it as a debian/patches/manual.patch to allow construction
of the index which is how Hydrogen is supposed to be.

In the meantime, I've been rebuilding (pbuilder) hydrogen git master on Debian Jessie from a debian/* close to what it was before Jaromir started to work on the 0.9.7 version + your patch, and I can see the menu index, the English manual, but the others links in the index (Manuale in italiano, manual en espanol,...etc) are giving an empty page.

Strangely enough, I can see the .po files for those in /usr/share/hydrogen/data/doc/, but can't see the different documentations in the same location. This is corroborated by launching Hydrogen from the terminal and clicking on the links which gives :
QTextBrowser: No document for manual_it.html
QTextBrowser: No document for manual_es.html
QTextBrowser: No document for manual_de.html
QTextBrowser: No document for manual_fr.html
QTextBrowser: No document for manual_nl.html
QTextBrowser: No document for tutorial_en.html
QTextBrowser: No document for tutorial_it.html
QTextBrowser: No document for tutorial_fr.html
QTextBrowser: No document for manual_de.html

I'm don't feel really knowledgeable here, but it does look to me that the *.html files are not generated from the *.po .

Hope that helps, and thanks for your interest.

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