Control: reassign -1 apt


On 2016-11-15 10:06:42, Brian Holaday wrote:
> Using jessie-backports seemed to fix the issue (should of tried it to begin
> with):
> apt-get install -t jessie-backports vlc
> apt-get install -t jessie-backports browser-plugin-vlc
> I was confused on the fact that looking at
> it shows jessie but does not list
> packages for jessie-backports so I assumed there was none even though there
> is a package.

There is no vlc version in jessie-backports. The problem is more like the

* vlc depends on libA.
* libB from jessie-backports is installed.
* libA and libB enforce a strict relationship, i.e. either both versions are
  from stable or from stable-backports.

So now apt fails to install libA from stable and does not pick up the version
from stable-backports (unless one explicitely adds -t stable-backports to the
command line).

So I'm reassigning this issue to apt. Dear apt maintainers, if this is a
use-case you do not want to support, feel free to close the issue.

> I did have one more question: as far as installing libdvdcss: I see that
> you guys don't package it, is it best to install via VideoLan directly or
> is there a repo set up already under debian packaging?

libdvd-pkg is available in jessie-backports.

Sebastian Ramacher

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