
Might be just a programming error. But it is important that you don't point
uint8_t pointer to a struct.

Might be some language basics missing?

It is the same for atoms. Just use void pointers, please.


On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 8:52 PM, Robin Gareus <ro...@gareus.org> wrote:
> Note that the LV2 event extension was deprecated years ago
> and the last plugins which were using it were /killed/ in 2014.
> http://lists.lv2plug.in/pipermail/devel-lv2plug.in/2014-January/000642.html
> As for the bug report itself, changing plugin API specifications
> post-factum is never a good idea. So uint8_t it is, besides the
> documentation in event.h makes it clear:
> /**
> The contents of the event buffer. This may or may not reside in the
> same block of memory as this header, plugins must not assume either.
> The host guarantees this points to at least capacity bytes of allocated
> memory (though only size bytes of that are valid events).
> */
> uint8_t* data;
> not a bug.
> On 08/11/2017 08:20 PM, Joël Krähemann wrote:
>> Hi
>> For sure you can cast any pointer. But feels somehow wrong. The
>> opinion was the specs
>> are always correct.
>> Bests,
>> Joël
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