
> Welcome to the team. I have seen you doing some Ubuntu Release stuff
> here and there. Actually, I had read somewhere that new account creation
> was switched off because we are about to move to something based on
> Gitlab soon. But it seemed to work anyway.

I've had this account for a while. ;)

> Vlc already has many uploaders listed, but most of the recent work has
> been done by Sebastian. I would check with him before starting work on
> anything. There are probably lots of bugs that need triaging as a start.

Ok, cool. In Ubuntu, I've focused on providing security updates for VLC
to all of our stable releases. If I can be of any assistance there, I'll
be more than happy to help (feel free to take my uploads from Ubuntu).

> Audacious looks like it could do with some love. So feel fee to get
> stuck in.

Awesome, Lubuntu ships with this by default (I'm the Lubuntu Release
Manager) and I would like to get a more up-to-date version in 17.10, but
let's see if I can get it in before Feature Freeze. ;)

> Please read our packaging guidelines:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/DevelopPackaging
> If you need help with basic packaging skills, I recommend using Debian
> Mentors (https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers), although we have
> some nice helpful people here in the team (time permitting).
Thanks for the links!

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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