The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit e8b28d80da697580fc7946a0ccc9a5f603acc103
Author: Stephane Glondu <>
Date:   Sun Jun 23 22:03:39 2013 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 108.07.00

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index c99578c..5d3ec57 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ price differences:
       let use op = fun field ->
         op (Field.get field a) (Field.get field b)
-      let price_equal p1 p2 = abs_float (p1 -. p2) < 0.001 in
+      let price_equal p1 p2 = Float.abs (p1 -. p2) < 0.001 in
         ~dir:(use (=)) ~quantity:(use (=))
         ~price:(use price_equal) ~cancelled:(use (=))
diff --git a/THIRD-PARTY.txt b/THIRD-PARTY.txt
index 2d00db2..da8a772 100644
--- a/THIRD-PARTY.txt
+++ b/THIRD-PARTY.txt
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ The repository contains 3rd-party code in the following 
locations and
 under the following licenses:
 - type_conv, sexplib and bin_prot: based on Tywith, by Martin
-  Sandin.  License can be found in base/sexplib/LICENSE.Tywith,
-  base/type_conv/LICENSE.Tywith, and base/bin_prot/LICENSE.Tywith.
+  Sandin.  License can be found in base/sexplib/LICENSE-Tywith.txt,
+  base/type_conv/LICENSE-Tywith.txt, and base/bin_prot/LICENSE-Tywith.txt.
 - Core's implementation of union-find: based on an implementation by
   Henry Matthew Fluet, Suresh Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks. License
diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index c1260b3..e920d4a 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 OASISFormat:  0.3
 OCamlVersion: >= 3.12.1
 Name:         fieldslib
-Version:      108.00.02
+Version:      108.07.00
 Synopsis:     OCaml record fields as first class values.
 Authors:      Jane street capital
 Copyrights:   (C) 2009-2011 Jane Street Capital LLC
diff --git a/lib/META b/lib/META
index 6efa429..0565a72 100644
--- a/lib/META
+++ b/lib/META
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT (digest: 6418aa3af91f18a74730d709ce8ea16b)
-version = "108.00.02"
+# DO NOT EDIT (digest: 1c5fae1fd197461ceef16312c983cfa5)
+version = "108.07.00"
 description = "OCaml record fields as first class values."
 archive(byte) = "fieldslib.cma"
 archive(byte, plugin) = "fieldslib.cma"
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ archive(native) = "fieldslib.cmxa"
 archive(native, plugin) = "fieldslib.cmxs"
 exists_if = "fieldslib.cma"
 package "syntax" (
- version = "108.00.02"
+ version = "108.07.00"
  description = "Syntax extension for Fieldslib"
  requires = "camlp4 type_conv fieldslib"
  archive(syntax, preprocessor) = "pa_fields_conv.cma"
diff --git a/lib_test/ b/lib_test/
index 1f5daaa..f31da07 100644
--- a/lib_test/
+++ b/lib_test/
@@ -1 +1,15 @@
-type t = {x:int;w:int} with fields
+module Simple = struct
+  type t = {x:int;w:int} with fields
+  let _ = x
+  let _ = w
+module Rec = struct
+  type a = {
+    something1 : b;
+  }
+  and b = A of a
+  with fields
+  let _ = something1
diff --git a/ b/
index 4cb4364..79fe327 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 7068fb54fba0422d669e85990e116476) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 14c30b8858baa68e5c490dd451e7c56b) *)
 module OASISGettext = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   let ns_ str =
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module OASISGettext = struct
 module OASISExpr = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ end
 # 117 ""
 module BaseEnvLight = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   module MapString = Map.Make(String)
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ end
 # 215 ""
 module MyOCamlbuildFindlib = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (** OCamlbuild extension, copied from 
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ module MyOCamlbuildFindlib = struct
 module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (** Base functions for writing
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
   type name = string 
   type tag = string 
-(* # 56 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
+(* # 56 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   type t =
@@ -395,78 +395,6 @@ module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
                   Options.ext_dll, "ext_dll";
-        | Before_rules ->
-          (* TODO: move this into its own file and conditionnaly include it, if
-           * needed.
-           *)
-          (* OCaml cmxs rules: cmxs available in ocamlopt but not ocamlbuild.
-             Copied from in ocamlbuild sources. *)
-          let has_native_dynlink =
-            try
-              bool_of_string (BaseEnvLight.var_get "native_dynlink" env)
-            with Not_found ->
-              false
-          in
-          if has_native_dynlink && String.sub Sys.ocaml_version 0 4 = "3.11" 
-            begin
-              let ext_lib = !Options.ext_lib in
-              let ext_obj = !Options.ext_obj in
-              let ext_dll = !Options.ext_dll in
-              let x_o = "%"-.-ext_obj in
-              let x_a = "%"-.-ext_lib in
-              let x_dll = "%"-.-ext_dll in
-              let x_p_o = "%.p"-.-ext_obj in
-              let x_p_a = "%.p"-.-ext_lib in
-              let x_p_dll = "%.p"-.-ext_dll in
-              rule "ocaml: mldylib & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmxs &"
-                   ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "profile"; "shared"; "library"]
-                   ~prods:["%.p.cmxs"; x_p_dll]
-                   ~dep:"%.mldylib"
-                   (OC.native_profile_shared_library_link_mldylib
-                      "%.mldylib" "%.p.cmxs");
-              rule "ocaml: mldylib & cmx* & o* -> cmxs & so"
-                   ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "shared"; "library"]
-                   ~prods:["%.cmxs"; x_dll]
-                   ~dep:"%.mldylib"
-                   (OC.native_shared_library_link_mldylib
-                      "%.mldylib" "%.cmxs");
-              rule "ocaml: p.cmx & p.o -> p.cmxs &"
-                   ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "profile"; "shared"; "library"]
-                   ~prods:["%.p.cmxs"; x_p_dll]
-                   ~deps:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o]
-                   (OC.native_shared_library_link ~tags:["profile"]
-                                                  "%.p.cmx" "%.p.cmxs");
-              rule "ocaml: p.cmxa & p.a -> p.cmxs &"
-                   ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "profile"; "shared"; "library"]
-                   ~prods:["%.p.cmxs"; x_p_dll]
-                   ~deps:["%.p.cmxa"; x_p_a]
-                   (OC.native_shared_library_link ~tags:["profile"; "linkall"]
-                                                  "%.p.cmxa" "%.p.cmxs");
-              rule "ocaml: cmx & o -> cmxs"
-                   ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "shared"; "library"]
-                   ~prods:["%.cmxs"]
-                   ~deps:["%.cmx"; x_o]
-                   (OC.native_shared_library_link "%.cmx" "%.cmxs");
-              rule "ocaml: cmx & o -> cmxs & so"
-                   ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "shared"; "library"]
-                   ~prods:["%.cmxs"; x_dll]
-                   ~deps:["%.cmx"; x_o]
-                   (OC.native_shared_library_link "%.cmx" "%.cmxs");
-              rule "ocaml: cmxa & a -> cmxs & so"
-                   ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "shared"; "library"]
-                   ~prods:["%.cmxs"; x_dll]
-                   ~deps:["%.cmxa"; x_a]
-                   (OC.native_shared_library_link ~tags:["linkall"]
-                                                  "%.cmxa" "%.cmxs");
-            end
         | After_rules -> 
             (* Declare OCaml libraries *)
@@ -507,7 +435,7 @@ module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
                    (* When ocaml link something that use the C library, then 
                       need that file to be up to date.
-                   dep  ["link"; "ocaml"; "program"; tag_libstubs lib]
+                   dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "program"; tag_libstubs lib]
                      [dir/"lib"^(nm_libstubs lib)^"."^(!Options.ext_lib)];
                    dep  ["compile"; "ocaml"; "program"; tag_libstubs lib]
@@ -545,7 +473,7 @@ module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
-# 548 ""
+# 476 ""
 open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
 let package_default =
@@ -559,7 +487,7 @@ let package_default =
 let dispatch_default = MyOCamlbuildBase.dispatch_default package_default;;
-# 563 ""
+# 491 ""
@@ -567,6 +495,19 @@ let protectx x ~f ~finally =
   let r = try f x with exn -> finally x; raise exn in
   finally x; r
+let rm_rf dir =
+  ignore (Printf.ksprintf Sys.command "/bin/rm -rf %S" dir : int)
+let temp_dir ?(in_dir = Filename.temp_dir_name) prefix suffix =
+  let base = Filename.concat in_dir prefix in
+  let rec loop i =
+     let dir = base ^ string_of_int i ^ suffix in
+     let ret = Printf.ksprintf Sys.command "/bin/mkdir %S 2>/dev/null" dir in
+     if ret = 0 then dir
+     else if Sys.file_exists dir then loop (i + 1)
+     else failwith ("mkdir failed on " ^ dir)
+   in loop 0
 let read_lines ic =
   let rec loop acc =
     match try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> None with
diff --git a/sample/ b/sample/
index bfbcc03..501d62e 100644
--- a/sample/
+++ b/sample/
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-open Fieldslib
-open Printf
-open StdLabels
 type ('a,'b) t = {
   dir : 'a * 'b;
diff --git a/ b/
index c7398b7..9b6dc39 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-(* generated for the first time by OASIS v0.3.0~rc5 *)
+(* generated for the first time by OASIS v0.3.0 *)
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 28bd53de529beb7f3824c9db7cfe453c) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: db2b0894d90ed4080b091edb46b8d3e1) *)
-   Regenerated by OASIS v0.3.0~rc5
+   Regenerated by OASIS v0.3.0
    Visit for more information and
    documentation about functions used in this file.
 module OASISGettext = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   let ns_ str =
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module OASISGettext = struct
 module OASISContext = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module OASISContext = struct
 module OASISString = struct
-(* # 1 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 1 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ module OASISString = struct
 module OASISUtils = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ module OASISUtils = struct
 module PropList = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ module PropList = struct
     let clear t =
       Hashtbl.clear t
-(* # 71 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 71 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   module Schema =
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ module PropList = struct
 module OASISMessage = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ module OASISMessage = struct
 module OASISVersion = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ module OASISVersion = struct
 module OASISLicense = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   (** License for _oasis fields
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ module OASISLicense = struct
 module OASISExpr = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ module OASISExpr = struct
 module OASISTypes = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ module OASISTypes = struct
   type plugin_data = (all_plugin * plugin_data_purpose * (unit -> unit)) list
-(* # 102 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 102 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   type 'a conditional = 'a OASISExpr.choices 
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ module OASISTypes = struct
 module OASISUnixPath = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   type unix_filename = string
   type unix_dirname = string
@@ -1188,8 +1188,11 @@ module OASISUnixPath = struct
   let parent_dir_name = ".."
+  let is_current_dir fn =
+    fn = current_dir_name || fn = ""
   let concat f1 f2 =
-    if f1 = current_dir_name || f1 = "" then
+    if is_current_dir f1 then
       let f1' =
@@ -1257,7 +1260,7 @@ module OASISUnixPath = struct
 module OASISHostPath = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open Filename
@@ -1290,7 +1293,7 @@ module OASISHostPath = struct
 module OASISSection = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
@@ -1369,12 +1372,12 @@ module OASISSection = struct
 module OASISBuildSection = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISExecutable = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
@@ -1405,7 +1408,7 @@ module OASISExecutable = struct
 module OASISLibrary = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISUtils
@@ -1556,11 +1559,13 @@ module OASISLibrary = struct
         add_pack_header ([cs.cs_name^".cma"] :: acc)
       let native acc =
-        let acc = [cs.cs_name^".cmxa"] :: [cs.cs_name^ext_lib] :: acc in
-        add_pack_header
-          (if has_native_dynlink then
-             [cs.cs_name^".cmxs"] :: acc
-           else acc)
+        let acc = 
+          add_pack_header
+            (if has_native_dynlink then
+               [cs.cs_name^".cmxs"] :: acc
+             else acc)
+        in
+          [cs.cs_name^".cmxa"] :: [cs.cs_name^ext_lib] :: acc
         match bs.bs_compiled_object with
           | Native ->
@@ -1836,38 +1841,54 @@ module OASISLibrary = struct
 module OASISFlag = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISPackage = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISSourceRepository = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISTest = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISDocument = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISExec = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISUtils
   open OASISMessage
-  let run ~ctxt ?f_exit_code cmd args =
+  (* TODO: I don't like this quote, it is there because $(rm) foo expands to
+   * 'rm -f' foo...
+   *)
+  let run ~ctxt ?f_exit_code ?(quote=true) cmd args =
+    let cmd =
+      if quote then
+        if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
+          if String.contains cmd ' ' then
+            (* Double the 1st double quote... win32... sigh *)
+            "\""^(Filename.quote cmd)
+          else
+            cmd
+        else
+          Filename.quote cmd
+      else
+        cmd
+    in
     let cmdline =
       String.concat " " (cmd :: args)
@@ -1923,7 +1944,7 @@ module OASISExec = struct
 module OASISFileUtil = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/oasis/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
@@ -2118,9 +2139,9 @@ module OASISFileUtil = struct
-# 2121 ""
+# 2142 ""
 module BaseEnvLight = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   module MapString = Map.Make(String)
@@ -2216,9 +2237,9 @@ module BaseEnvLight = struct
-# 2219 ""
+# 2240 ""
 module BaseContext = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open OASISContext
@@ -2229,7 +2250,7 @@ module BaseContext = struct
 module BaseMessage = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   (** Message to user, overrid for Base
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
@@ -2248,7 +2269,7 @@ module BaseMessage = struct
 module BaseEnv = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISUtils
@@ -2708,7 +2729,7 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
 module BaseArgExt = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open OASISUtils
   open OASISGettext
@@ -2736,7 +2757,7 @@ module BaseArgExt = struct
 module BaseCheck = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
@@ -2862,7 +2883,7 @@ module BaseCheck = struct
 module BaseOCamlcConfig = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
@@ -2978,7 +2999,7 @@ module BaseOCamlcConfig = struct
 module BaseStandardVar = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open OASISGettext
@@ -3053,6 +3074,23 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
   let default_executable_name  = c "default_executable_name"
   let systhread_supported      = c "systhread_supported"
+  let flexlink = 
+    BaseCheck.prog "flexlink"
+  let flexdll_version =
+    var_define
+      ~short_desc:(fun () -> "FlexDLL version (Win32)")
+      "flexdll_version"
+      (fun () ->
+         let lst = 
+           OASISExec.run_read_output ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
+             (flexlink ()) ["-help"]
+         in
+           match lst with 
+             | line :: _ ->
+                 Scanf.sscanf line "FlexDLL version %s" (fun ver -> ver)
+             | [] ->
+                 raise Not_found)
   let p name hlp dflt =
@@ -3274,23 +3312,47 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
       (fun () ->
          let res =
-           if bool_of_string (is_native ()) then
-             begin
-               let ocamlfind = ocamlfind () in
-                 try
-                   let fn =
-                     OASISExec.run_read_one_line
-                       ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-                       ocamlfind
-                       ["query"; "-predicates"; "native"; "dynlink";
-                        "-format"; "%d/%a"]
-                   in
-                     Sys.file_exists fn
-                 with _ ->
-                   false
-             end
-           else
-             false
+           let ocaml_lt_312 () = 
+             OASISVersion.comparator_apply
+               (OASISVersion.version_of_string (ocaml_version ()))
+               (OASISVersion.VLesser
+                  (OASISVersion.version_of_string "3.12.0"))
+           in
+           let flexdll_lt_030 () =
+             OASISVersion.comparator_apply
+               (OASISVersion.version_of_string (flexdll_version ()))
+               (OASISVersion.VLesser
+                  (OASISVersion.version_of_string "0.30"))
+           in
+           let has_native_dynlink = 
+             let ocamlfind = ocamlfind () in
+               try
+                 let fn =
+                   OASISExec.run_read_one_line
+                     ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
+                     ocamlfind
+                     ["query"; "-predicates"; "native"; "dynlink";
+                      "-format"; "%d/%a"]
+                 in
+                   Sys.file_exists fn
+               with _ ->
+                 false
+           in
+             if not has_native_dynlink then
+               false
+             else if ocaml_lt_312 () then
+               false
+             else if (os_type () = "Win32" || os_type () = "Cygwin") 
+                     && flexdll_lt_030 () then
+               begin
+                 BaseMessage.warning 
+                   (f_ ".cmxs generation disabled because FlexDLL needs to be \
+                        at least 0.30. Please upgrade FlexDLL from %s to 
+                   (flexdll_version ());
+                 false
+               end
+             else
+               true
            string_of_bool res)
@@ -3301,7 +3363,7 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
 module BaseFileAB = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open OASISGettext
@@ -3349,7 +3411,7 @@ module BaseFileAB = struct
 module BaseLog = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open OASISUtils
@@ -3468,7 +3530,7 @@ module BaseLog = struct
 module BaseBuilt = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISGettext
@@ -3615,7 +3677,7 @@ module BaseBuilt = struct
 module BaseCustom = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
@@ -3623,7 +3685,7 @@ module BaseCustom = struct
   open OASISGettext
   let run cmd args extra_args =
- ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
+ ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default ~quote:false
       (var_expand cmd)
@@ -3665,7 +3727,7 @@ module BaseCustom = struct
 module BaseDynVar = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open OASISTypes
@@ -3712,7 +3774,7 @@ module BaseDynVar = struct
 module BaseTest = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
@@ -3802,7 +3864,7 @@ module BaseTest = struct
 module BaseDoc = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
@@ -3837,7 +3899,7 @@ module BaseDoc = struct
 module BaseSetup = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/base/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
@@ -4415,9 +4477,9 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
-# 4418 ""
+# 4480 ""
 module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/internal/" 
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/internal/" *)
   (** Configure using internal scheme
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
@@ -4595,6 +4657,17 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
+    (* FlexDLL *)
+    if BaseStandardVar.os_type () = "Win32" ||
+       BaseStandardVar.os_type () = "Cygwin" then
+      begin
+        try
+          var_ignore_eval BaseStandardVar.flexlink
+        with e ->
+          warn_exception e;
+          add_errors (f_ "Cannot find 'flexlink'")
+      end;
     (* Check build depends *)
@@ -4648,7 +4721,7 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
 module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/internal/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/internal/" *)
   (** Install using internal scheme
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
@@ -4680,6 +4753,71 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
   let install_findlib_ev =
+  let win32_max_command_line_length = 8000
+  let split_install_command ocamlfind findlib_name meta files =
+    if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
+      (* Arguments for the first command: *)
+      let first_args = ["install"; findlib_name; meta] in
+      (* Arguments for remaining commands: *)
+      let other_args = ["install"; findlib_name; "-add"] in
+      (* Extract as much files as possible from [files], [len] is
+         the current command line length: *)
+      let rec get_files len acc files =
+        match files with
+          | [] ->
+              (List.rev acc, [])
+          | file :: rest ->
+              let len = len + 1 + String.length file in
+              if len > win32_max_command_line_length then
+                (List.rev acc, files)
+              else
+                get_files len (file :: acc) rest
+      in
+      (* Split the command into several commands. *)
+      let rec split args files =
+        match files with
+          | [] ->
+              []
+          | _ ->
+              (* Length of "ocamlfind install <lib> [META|-add]" *)
+              let len =
+                List.fold_left
+                  (fun len arg ->
+                     len + 1 (* for the space *) + String.length arg)
+                  (String.length ocamlfind)
+                  args
+              in
+              match get_files len [] files with
+                | ([], _) ->
+                    failwith (s_ "Command line too long.")
+                | (firsts, others) ->
+                    let cmd = args @ firsts in
+                    (* Use -add for remaining commands: *)
+                    let () = 
+                      let findlib_ge_132 =
+                        OASISVersion.comparator_apply
+                          (OASISVersion.version_of_string 
+                             (BaseStandardVar.findlib_version ()))
+                          (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual 
+                             (OASISVersion.version_of_string "1.3.2"))
+                      in
+                        if not findlib_ge_132 then
+                          failwithf
+                            (f_ "Installing the library %s require to use the 
flag \
+                                 '-add' of ocamlfind because the command line 
is too \
+                                  long. This flag is only available for 
findlib 1.3.2. \
+                                  Please upgrade findlib from %s to 1.3.2")
+                            findlib_name (BaseStandardVar.findlib_version ())
+                    in
+                    let cmds = split other_args others in
+                    cmd :: cmds
+      in
+      (* The first command does not use -add: *)
+      split first_args files
+    else
+      ["install" :: findlib_name :: meta :: files]
   let install pkg argv =
     let in_destdir =
@@ -4912,8 +5050,17 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
                   (f_ "Installing findlib library '%s'")
-       ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-                  (ocamlfind ()) ("install" :: findlib_name :: meta :: files);
+                let ocamlfind = ocamlfind () in
+                let commands =
+                  split_install_command
+                    ocamlfind
+                    findlib_name
+                    meta
+                    files
+                in
+                List.iter
+                  ( ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default ocamlfind)
+                  commands;
                 BaseLog.register install_findlib_ev findlib_name
@@ -4948,7 +5095,7 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
                   (fun () fn ->
-                       ~tgt_fn:cs.cs_name
+                       ~tgt_fn:(cs.cs_name ^ ext_program ())
@@ -5083,9 +5230,9 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
-# 5086 ""
+# 5233 ""
 module OCamlbuildCommon = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (** Functions common to OCamlbuild build and doc plugin
@@ -5187,7 +5334,7 @@ module OCamlbuildCommon = struct
 module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (** Build using ocamlbuild
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
@@ -5360,7 +5507,7 @@ module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
 module OCamlbuildDocPlugin = struct
-(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0~rc5/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
+(* # 21 "/tmp/oasis-0.3.0/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (* Create documentation using ocamlbuild .odocl files
      @author Sylvain Le Gall
@@ -5408,7 +5555,7 @@ module OCamlbuildDocPlugin = struct
-# 5411 ""
+# 5558 ""
 open OASISTypes;;
 let setup_t =
@@ -5431,7 +5578,7 @@ let setup_t =
           ocaml_version = Some (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual "3.12.1");
           findlib_version = None;
           name = "fieldslib";
-          version = "108.00.02";
+          version = "108.07.00";
           license =
@@ -5590,8 +5737,8 @@ let setup_t =
           plugin_data = [];
      oasis_fn = Some "_oasis";
-     oasis_version = "0.3.0~rc5";
-     oasis_digest = Some "'\1310\005,%\018\204uU\189lFZ\203{";
+     oasis_version = "0.3.0";
+     oasis_digest = Some "G\028w\231Z\018*\249vm\017c!F\213:";
      oasis_exec = None;
      oasis_setup_args = [];
      setup_update = false;
@@ -5599,6 +5746,6 @@ let setup_t =
 let setup () = BaseSetup.setup setup_t;;
-# 5603 ""
+# 5750 ""
 let () = setup ();;
diff --git a/syntax/ b/syntax/
index 1f11c4f..15f7e7c 100644
--- a/syntax/
+++ b/syntax/
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+(* Generated code should depend on the environment in scope as little as
+   possible.  E.g. rather than [foo = []] do [match foo with [] ->], to 
eliminate the
+   use of [=].  It is especially important to not use polymorphic comparisons, 
since we
+   are moving more and more to code that doesn't have them in scope. *)
 module List = ListLabels
 open Printf
 open Camlp4.PreCast
@@ -37,8 +42,30 @@ module Inspect = struct
   let fields ty = (Ast.list_of_ctyp ty []) ~f:field
+let generate_at_least_once rec_ ~f ~combine typedefs =
+  if not rec_ then
+    failwith "nonrec is not compatible with the `fields' preprocessor";
+  let rec aux = function
+    | Ast.TyDcl (_loc, ty_name, tps, rhs, _) -> f _loc ~ty_name ~tps ~rhs
+    | Ast.TyAnd (_loc, td1, td2) -> (
+      match aux td1, aux td2 with
+      | `Ok str1, `Ok str2 -> `Ok (combine _loc str1 str2)
+      | `Ok str1, `Error _ -> `Ok str1
+      | `Error _, `Ok str2 -> `Ok str2
+      | `Error _, `Error _ ->
+        `Error "'with fields' can only be applied on type definitions in which 
at \
+                least one type definition is a record"
+    )
+    | Ast.TyNil _loc ->
+      `Error "'with fields': unexpected TyNil without a TyAnd somewhere 
+    | _ -> assert false in
+  match aux typedefs with
+  | `Ok res -> res
+  | `Error s -> failwith s
 let raise_unsupported () =
-  failwith "Unsupported use of fields (you can only use it on records)."
+  `Error "Unsupported use of fields (you can only use it on records)."
 module Gen_sig = struct
   let apply_type _loc ~ty_name ~tps =
@@ -239,23 +266,30 @@ module Gen_sig = struct
+  let mani ~ty_name ~tps ty =
+    match ty with
+    | <:ctyp@loc< { $x$ } >> ->
+      `Ok (record ~ty_name ~tps loc x)
+    | _ -> `Error "the right hand side of the manifest must be a record"
   let fields_of_ty_sig _loc ~ty_name ~tps ~rhs =
     let unsupported = (fun _ _ -> raise_unsupported ()) in
-      ~mani:unsupported
+      ~mani:(fun (_:Loc.t) _tp1 tp2 -> mani ~ty_name ~tps tp2)
       ~nil:(fun _ -> raise_unsupported ())
-      ~record:(record ~ty_name ~tps)
+      ~record:(fun loc ty -> `Ok (record ~ty_name ~tps loc ty))
-  let generate = function
-    | Ast.TyDcl (_loc, ty_name, tps, rhs, _) -> fields_of_ty_sig _loc ~ty_name 
~tps ~rhs
-    | Ast.TyAnd (_loc, _, _) as tds    ->
-        ignore (_loc, tds);
-        failwith "Not supported"
-    | _                             -> assert false
+  let generate rec_ typedefs =
+    generate_at_least_once
+      rec_
+      ~f:fields_of_ty_sig
+      ~combine:(fun _loc item1 item2 -> <:sig_item< $item1$; $item2$; >>)
+      typedefs
 module Gen_struct = struct
@@ -351,7 +385,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
     let f    = Create.lambda _loc (patterns @ [ <:patt< compile_acc__ >> ]) 
body in
       value make_creator = $f$;
-      value _ = make_creator
@@ -366,7 +399,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
     let f    = Create.lambda _loc patterns f  in
       value create = $f$;
-      value _ = create
@@ -382,7 +414,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
       ( init :: patterns ) body in
       value fold = $lambda$;
-      value _ = fold
@@ -396,7 +427,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
     let lambda = Create.lambda _loc patterns body in
       value for_all = $lambda$;
-      value _ = for_all
@@ -410,7 +440,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
     let lambda = Create.lambda _loc patterns body in
       value exists = $lambda$;
-      value _ = exists
@@ -427,7 +456,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
         (patterns) body in
       value iter = $lambda$;
-      value _ = iter
@@ -446,7 +474,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
     let lambda     = Create.lambda _loc ( <:patt< record__ >> :: patterns) 
body in
       value iter = $lambda$;
-      value _ = iter
@@ -465,7 +492,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
       ( <:patt< record__ >> :: init :: patterns ) body in
       value fold = $lambda$;
-      value _ = fold
@@ -478,7 +504,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
     let f    = Create.lambda _loc patterns body in
       value map = $f$;
-      value _ = map
@@ -492,7 +517,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
     let f        = Create.lambda _loc patterns body in
       value to_list = $f$;
-      value _ = to_list
@@ -509,7 +533,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
       value map_poly record__ = $body$;
-      value _ = map_poly
@@ -535,7 +558,6 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
         $getter_and_setters$ ;
         module Fields = struct
           value names = $names$ ;
-          value _ = names ;
           $fields$ ;
           $create$ ; $simple_create$ ; $iter$ ; $fold$ ; $map$ ; $map_poly$ ; 
$andf$ ; $orf$ ; $to_list$ ;
           module Direct = struct
@@ -556,10 +578,10 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
   let mani ~record_name ty =
     match ty with
     | <:ctyp@loc< { $x$ } >> ->
-      record ~record_name loc x
-    | _ -> failwith "the right hand side of the manifest must be a record"
+      `Ok (record ~record_name loc x)
+    | _ -> `Error "the right hand side of the manifest must be a record"
-  let fields_of_ty _loc ~record_name ~tps:_ ~rhs =
+  let fields_of_ty _loc ~ty_name:record_name ~tps:_ ~rhs =
     let unsupported = (fun _ _ -> raise_unsupported ()) in
       ~alias:    unsupported
@@ -567,15 +589,15 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
       ~variants: unsupported
       ~mani:     (fun (_:Loc.t) _tp1 tp2 -> mani ~record_name tp2)
       ~nil:      (fun _ -> raise_unsupported ())
-      ~record:   (record ~record_name)
+      ~record:   (fun loc ty -> `Ok (record ~record_name loc ty))
-  let generate = function
-    | Ast.TyDcl (_loc, name, tps, rhs, _) -> fields_of_ty _loc 
~record_name:name ~tps ~rhs
-    | Ast.TyAnd (_loc, _, _) as tds ->
-        ignore (_loc, tds);
-        failwith "Not supported"
-    | _                             -> assert false
+  let generate rec_ typedefs =
+    generate_at_least_once
+      rec_
+      ~f:fields_of_ty
+      ~combine:(fun _loc item1 item2 -> <:str_item< $item1$; $item2$; >>)
+      typedefs
 let () = add_generator "fields" Gen_struct.generate
diff --git a/syntax/ b/syntax/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f73581..0000000
--- a/syntax/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e -u
-jomake --command=camlp4orf -I "$(hg root)/lib" pa_type_conv.cmo 
pa_fields_conv.cmo $@

fieldslib packaging

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