This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ecc-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository approx.

commit 3dafd6d70d6a066d81dc341b2c760ca810746173
Author: Eric Cooper <>
Date:   Fri Jun 19 19:18:27 2015 -0400

    use OUnit for tests
 Makefile                   |   9 +-
 _tags                      |   2 +                  |  27 ++++--
 config.mli                 |   4 +-             |   4 +-
 config_file.mli            |   6 +-
 tests/_tags                |   5 -
 tests/  |  89 ++++++++++++++++++
 tests/       |  52 +++++++++--
 tests/ | 180 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 tests/          |  28 ------
 tests/     |  33 -------
 tests/        |  21 -----
 tests/          |  13 +++
 tests/         |  18 ----
 tests/           |  18 ++++
 tests/         | 226 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                    |  34 ++++---
 util.mli                   |  17 ++++
 19 files changed, 606 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2aa1454..46e3816 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-# Copyright (C) 2014  Eric C. Cooper <>
+# Copyright (C) 2015  Eric C. Cooper <>
 # Released under the GNU General Public License
 OCAMLBUILD := ocamlbuild
@@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ clean:
        rm -f $(programs)
-.PHONY: tests
+test: tests/runtests
+       ./$(<F).$(TARGET)
-tests: $(subst .ml,,$(wildcard tests/*.ml))
 version := $(shell sed -n 's/^let version = "\(.*\)"$$/\1/p'
diff --git a/_tags b/_tags
index 1402352..d58b999 100644
--- a/_tags
+++ b/_tags
@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@
 <**/*.{byte,native}>: package(netsys), package(pcre), package(sha)
 <approx.{byte,native}>: package(nethttpd)
+<tests/*>: package(oUnit)
diff --git a/ b/
index d83acf6..2681dd0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,21 +31,34 @@ let () =
 let params = []
-let cache_dir = get "$cache" ~default: "/var/cache/approx"
+let cache_dir =
+  let dir = remove_trailing '/' (get "$cache" ~default: "/var/cache/approx") in
+  let n = String.length dir in
+  if n > 0 && dir.[0] = '/' then dir
+  else invalid_arg "$cache"
 let params = ("$cache", cache_dir) :: params
 let split_cache_path path =
   let err () = invalid_string_arg "split_cache_path" path in
-  if is_prefix cache_dir path then
-    let i = String.length cache_dir + 1 in
-    let j = try String.index_from path i '/' with Not_found -> err () in
-    substring path ~from: i ~until: j, substring path ~from: (j + 1)
+  let dir = cache_dir ^ "/" in
+  if is_prefix dir path then
+    let i = String.length dir in
+    let rest = remove_leading '/' (substring path ~from: i) in
+    let j = try String.index rest '/' with Not_found -> err () in
+    match (substring rest ~until: j,
+           remove_leading '/' (substring rest ~from: (j + 1))) with
+    | ("", _) | (_, "") -> err ()
+    | pair -> pair
     err ()
 let shorten path =
-  if is_prefix cache_dir path then
-    substring path ~from: (String.length cache_dir + 1)
+  let dir = cache_dir ^ "/" in
+  if is_prefix dir path then
+    match remove_leading '/' (substring path ~from: (String.length dir)) with
+    | "" -> path
+    | str -> str
diff --git a/config.mli b/config.mli
index 783e2b0..7a66efd 100644
--- a/config.mli
+++ b/config.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2011  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Copyright (C) 2014  Eric C. Cooper <>
    Released under the GNU General Public License *)
 val version : string
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ val index : string (* simple HTML index for the server *)
 (* Extract the distribution and relative filename
    from the absolute pathname of a file in the cache.
-   Example: split_pathname "/var/cache/approx/debian/pool/main/..."
+   Example: split_cache_path "/var/cache/approx/debian/pool/main/..."
    returns ("debian", "pool/main/...") *)
 val split_cache_path : string -> string * string
diff --git a/ b/
index 388f235..6acfeb0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2009  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Copyright (C) 2014  Eric C. Cooper <>
    Released under the GNU General Public License *)
 open Util
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ let words_of_line line = Pcre.split (remove_comment line)
 let map = ref []
+let reset () = map := []
 let mem k = List.mem_assoc k !map
 let get_generic convert ?default k =
diff --git a/config_file.mli b/config_file.mli
index 53f8cac..6e36143 100644
--- a/config_file.mli
+++ b/config_file.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2011  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Copyright (C) 2014  Eric C. Cooper <>
    Released under the GNU General Public License *)
 val read : string -> unit
@@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ val get_bool : ?default:bool -> string -> bool
 val fold : (string -> string -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
 val iter : (string -> string -> unit) -> unit
+(* For use by unit tests: remove all bindings *)
+val reset : unit -> unit
diff --git a/tests/_tags b/tests/_tags
deleted file mode 100644
index cd83ace..0000000
--- a/tests/_tags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-# Copyright (C) 2014  Eric C. Cooper <>
-# Released under the GNU General Public License
-<>: package(sha)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f43e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
+   Copyright (C) 2015  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
+open OUnit2
+open List
+open Printf
+open Testlib
+let bad_line = "one two three"
+let create_bad ctx =
+  let file, chan = bracket_tmpfile ctx in
+  output_string chan (bad_line ^ "\n");
+  close_out chan;
+  file
+let test_bindings =
+  ["$debug", "true";
+   "$interval", "120";
+   "$user", "approx"]
+let create_good ctx =
+  let file, chan = bracket_tmpfile ctx in
+  let print_binding (k, v) =
+    output_string chan "\n";
+    output_string chan ("# binding " ^ k ^ " = " ^ v ^ "\n");
+    output_string chan (k ^ " " ^ v ^ "\n")
+  in
+  iter print_binding test_bindings;
+  close_out chan;
+  file
+let cleanup () ctx = Config_file.reset ()
+let read_good ctx =
+  bracket
+    (fun ctx ->
+ (create_good ctx))
+    cleanup ctx
+let suite = [
+  "read_tests" >:::
+  ["(read \"good\")" >::
+   (fun ctx ->
+      let file = bracket create_good tear_down ctx in
+      assert_equal () ( file));
+   "(read \"bad\")" >::
+   (fun ctx ->
+     let file = bracket create_bad tear_down ctx in
+     assert_raises (Failure ("malformed line in " ^ file ^ ": " ^ bad_line))
+       (fun () -> file))];
+  "get_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (key, default, res) ->
+    sprintf "(get %s %s)" (p_str key) (p_opt p_str default) >::
+    (fun ctx ->
+      read_good ctx;
+      assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Config_file.get key ?default)))
+    ["$user", None, "approx";
+     "$syslog", Some "daemon", "daemon"];
+  "get_bool_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (key, default, res) ->
+    sprintf "(get_bool %s %s)" (p_str key) (p_opt p_bool default) >::
+    (fun ctx ->
+      read_good ctx;
+      assert_equal ~printer: p_bool res (Config_file.get_bool key ?default)))
+    ["$debug", None, true;
+     "$verbose", Some false, false];
+  "get_int_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (key, default, res) ->
+    sprintf "(get_int %s %s)" (p_str key) (p_opt p_int default) >::
+    (fun ctx ->
+      read_good ctx;
+      assert_equal ~printer: p_int res (Config_file.get_int key ?default)))
+    ["$interval", None, 120;
+     "$percent", Some 50, 50];
+  "fold_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    read_good ctx;
+    let collect_binding key value acc = (key, value) :: acc in
+    assert_equal ~printer: (p_list p_str2) test_bindings
+      (Config_file.fold collect_binding []));
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 621695d..b56a2a9 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,14 +1,50 @@
 (* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2007  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Copyright (C) 2014  Eric C. Cooper <>
    Released under the GNU General Public License *)
+open OUnit2
+open List
 open Printf
+open Testlib
-let file =
-  match Array.length Sys.argv with
-  | 2 -> Sys.argv.(1)
-  | _ -> eprintf "Usage: %s config-file\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1
+let suite = [
-let () =
- file;
-  Config_file.iter (fun k v -> printf "%s: %s\n" k v)
+  "cache_dir_test" >::
+  (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str "/var/cache/approx" Config.cache_dir);
+  "split_cache_path_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(split_cache_path %s)" (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str2 res (Config.split_cache_path str)))
+    ["/var/cache/approx/abc/def/ghi",   ("abc", "def/ghi");
+     "/var/cache/approx//abc/def/ghi",  ("abc", "def/ghi");
+     "/var/cache/approx///abc/def/ghi", ("abc", "def/ghi")]
+  @
+  (let bad s = (s, Invalid_argument ("split_cache_path: " ^ s)) in
+   map (fun (str, e) ->
+     sprintf "(split_cache_path %s)" (p_str str) >::
+     (fun _ -> assert_raises e (fun () -> Config.split_cache_path str)))
+     [bad "abc";
+      bad "/abc/def/ghi/jkl";
+      bad "/var/cache/approx";
+      bad "/var/cache/approx/";
+      bad "/var/cache/approx/abc";
+      bad "/var/cache/approx/abc/";
+      bad "/var/cache/approximately/abc/def/ghi"]);
+  "shorten_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(shorten %s)" (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Config.shorten str)))
+    ["/var/cache/approx/abc/def/ghi",   "abc/def/ghi";
+     "/var/cache/approx//abc/def/ghi",  "abc/def/ghi";
+     "/var/cache/approx///abc/def/ghi", "abc/def/ghi";
+     "abc", "abc";
+     "/abc/def/ghi/jkl",       "/abc/def/ghi/jkl";
+     "/var/cache/approx",      "/var/cache/approx";
+     "/var/cache/approx/",     "/var/cache/approx/";
+     "/var/cache/approx/abc",  "abc";
+     "/var/cache/approx/abc/", "abc/";
+     "/var/cache/approximately/abc/def/ghi", 
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d9a0046..283631e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,43 +1,145 @@
 (* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2010  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Copyright (C) 2015  Eric C. Cooper <>
    Released under the GNU General Public License *)
+open OUnit2
 open Printf
-open Util
-let verbose = ref false
-let file =
-  match Sys.argv with
-  | [| _; file |] -> file
-  | [| _; "-v"; file |] | [| _; "--verbose"; file |] ->
-      verbose := true;
-      file
-  | _ ->
-      eprintf "Usage: %s [-v] control-file\n" Sys.argv.(0);
-      exit 1
-let capitalize_parts str =
-  join '-' ( String.capitalize (split '-' str))
-let print_line = function
-  | "" -> printf " .\n"
-  | line -> printf " %s\n" line
-let print_pair (field, value) =
-  printf "%s:" (capitalize_parts field);
-  match split_lines value with
-  | [] -> print_newline ()
-  | "" :: rest ->
-      print_newline ();
-      List.iter print_line rest
-  | lines ->
-      List.iter print_line lines
-let print_paragraph p =
-  if !verbose then printf "[%d]\n" (Control_file.line_number p);
-  Control_file.iter_fields print_pair p;
-  print_newline ()
-let () =
-  Control_file.iter print_paragraph file
+open Testlib
+let bad_line = "one two three"
+let create_bad ctx =
+  let file, chan = bracket_tmpfile ctx in
+  output_string chan (bad_line ^ "\n");
+  close_out chan;
+  file
+let test_contents =
+  "Origin: Debian
+Label: Debian
+Suite: stable
+Version: 8.1
+Codename: jessie
+Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2015 11:09:34 UTC
+Description: Debian 8.1 Released 06 June 2015
+ a2ff86b08a2f114d6f0594ff69ef5c4d 14019410 main/binary-all/Packages
+ 9539760c49756bcaaf8640fd903ccbcf       92 main/binary-all/Release
+ 6b8b6dde32d863a7cde06b0c457b7ee4fb36bdbf 14019410 main/binary-all/Packages
+ 98fcd7b597b05f3f86acb0ec07c4d11ddcb670c4       92 main/binary-all/Release
+ 299181e362caae665aa68399bacde59f439a41b900e903c7104feea7a8377af1 14019410 
+ 84caeff910de244e607524c9b5fd370f064cbb849d3e67a8dac658cc21bba35c       92 
+let test_paragraph =
+  ["origin", "Debian";
+   "label", "Debian";
+   "suite", "stable";
+   "version", "8.1";
+   "codename", "jessie";
+   "date", "Sat, 06 Jun 2015 11:09:34 UTC";
+   "description", "Debian 8.1 Released 06 June 2015";
+   "md5sum", "\n\
+     a2ff86b08a2f114d6f0594ff69ef5c4d 14019410 main/binary-all/Packages\n\
+     9539760c49756bcaaf8640fd903ccbcf       92 main/binary-all/Release";
+   "sha1", "\n\
+     6b8b6dde32d863a7cde06b0c457b7ee4fb36bdbf 14019410 
+     98fcd7b597b05f3f86acb0ec07c4d11ddcb670c4       92 
+   "sha256", "\n\
+     299181e362caae665aa68399bacde59f439a41b900e903c7104feea7a8377af1 14019410 
+     84caeff910de244e607524c9b5fd370f064cbb849d3e67a8dac658cc21bba35c       92 
+let test_info_list =
+  [("299181e362caae665aa68399bacde59f439a41b900e903c7104feea7a8377af1", 
14019410L), "main/binary-all/Packages";
+   ("84caeff910de244e607524c9b5fd370f064cbb849d3e67a8dac658cc21bba35c", 92L), 
+let p_info = p_pair (p_pair p_str p_int64) p_str
+let create_good ctx =
+  let file, chan = bracket_tmpfile ctx in
+  output_string chan test_contents;
+  close_out chan;
+  file
+let read_good ctx =
+  bracket
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let file = create_good ctx in
+      let p = file in
+      p, file)
+    tear_down ctx
+let read_info ctx =
+  bracket
+    (fun ctx -> Control_file.read_checksum_info (create_good ctx))
+    tear_down ctx
+let suite = [
+  "read_tests" >:::
+  ["(read \"good\")" >::
+     (fun ctx ->
+      let file = bracket create_good tear_down ctx in
+      ignore ( file));
+   "(read \"bad\")" >::
+   (fun ctx ->
+     let file = bracket create_bad tear_down ctx in
+     assert_raises (Failure ("malformed line: " ^ bad_line))
+       (fun () -> ( file)))];
+  "file_name_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, file = read_good ctx in
+    assert_equal ~printer: p_str file (Control_file.file_name p));
+  "line_number_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, _ = read_good ctx in
+    assert_equal ~printer: p_int 1 (Control_file.line_number p));
+  "iter_fields_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, _ = read_good ctx in
+    let fields_read = ref [] in
+    let collect_field pair =
+      fields_read := pair :: !fields_read
+    in
+    Control_file.iter_fields collect_field p;
+    let fields = List.rev !fields_read in
+    assert_equal ~printer: (p_list p_str2) test_paragraph fields);
+  "defined_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, _ = read_good ctx in
+    assert_equal ~printer: p_bool false (Control_file.defined "unknown" p));
+  "missing_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, _ = read_good ctx in
+    assert_raises (Control_file.Missing (p, "unknown"))
+      (fun () -> Control_file.lookup "unknown" p));
+  "lookup_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, _ = read_good ctx in
+    assert_equal ~printer: p_str "jessie" (Control_file.lookup "codename" p));
+  "get_checksum_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, _ = read_good ctx in
+    let info = List.assoc "sha256" test_paragraph in
+    assert_equal ~printer: p_str info (fst (Control_file.get_checksum p)));
+  "lookup_info_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let p, _ = read_good ctx in
+    assert_equal ~printer: (p_list p_info) test_info_list 
(Control_file.lookup_info "sha256" p));
+  "read_checksum_info_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let info, _ = read_info ctx in
+    assert_equal ~printer: (p_list p_info) test_info_list info);
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 285ca06..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2011  Eric C. Cooper <>
-   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
-open Printf
-open Unix
-open Util
-let non_dirs, path =
-  match Sys.argv with
-  | [| _ |] -> false, "."
-  | [| _; "-n" |] -> true, "."
-  | [| _; dir |] -> false, dir
-  | [| _; "-n"; dir |] -> true, dir
-  | _ -> eprintf "Usage: %s [-n] [path]\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1
-let foldf, metric =
-  if non_dirs then fold_non_dirs, file_size
-  else fold_dirs, fun f -> Int64.of_int (stat f).st_nlink
-let bigger (path, n as orig) path' =
-  let n' = metric path' in
-  print_endline path';
-  if n >= n' then orig else (path', n')
-let () =
-  let biggest, n = foldf bigger ("", 0L) path in
-  printf "\n%Ld\t%s\n" n biggest
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 177310a..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2011  Eric C. Cooper <>
-   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
-open Config
-open Program
-open Util
-let cache_relative path =
-  if is_prefix cache_dir path then
-    substring path ~from: (String.length cache_dir + 1)
-  else
-    path
-let check show_immutable path =
-  let file = cache_relative path in
-  let pr = file_message file in
-  let pv msg =
-    pr ((if Release.valid file then "valid" else "invalid") ^ " " ^ msg)
-  in
-  if not (Sys.file_exists file) then pr "not found"
-  else if is_cached_nak file then pr "cached NAK"
-  else if Release.immutable file then (if show_immutable then pr "immutable")
-  else if Release.is_release file then pr "release"
-  else if Release.is_index file then pv "index"
-  else if Release.is_diff_index file then pv "diff_index"
-  else if Release.is_i18n_index file then pv "i18n_index"
-  else pr "unknown"
-let () =
-  Sys.chdir cache_dir;
-  if arguments = [] then iter_non_dirs (check false) cache_dir
-  else List.iter (check true) arguments
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e26904..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2008  Eric C. Cooper <>
-   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
-open Printf
-open Util
-let diff_file, file_to_patch =
-  match Array.length Sys.argv with
-  | 2 -> Sys.argv.(1), None
-  | 3 -> Sys.argv.(1), Some Sys.argv.(2)
-  | _ -> eprintf "Usage: %s pdiff [file]\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1
-let cmds = with_in_channel open_file diff_file Patch.parse
-let () =
-  match file_to_patch with
-  | Some file ->
-      with_in_channel open_file file (fun chan -> Patch.apply cmds chan stdout)
-  | None ->
-      printf "Parsed %s\n" diff_file
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e007c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
+   Copyright (C) 2014  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
+open OUnit2
+let tests = List.concat
+    [Util_test.suite;
+     Config_file_test.suite;
+     Config_test.suite;
+     Control_file_test.suite]
+let () = run_test_tt_main (test_list tests)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eb9836..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
-   Copyright (C) 2007  Eric C. Cooper <>
-   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
-open Printf
-open Util
-let file =
-  match Array.length Sys.argv with
-  | 2 -> Sys.argv.(1)
-  | _ -> eprintf "Usage: %s file\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1
-let get_info chan =
-  let size = LargeFile.in_channel_length chan in
-  let checksum = Sha1.to_hex ( chan (-1)) in
-  printf "%s %Ld\n" checksum size
-let () = with_in_channel open_file file get_info
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0649f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
+   Copyright (C) 2015  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
+open Printf
+let p_bool = sprintf "%b"
+let p_chr = sprintf "%C"
+let p_str = sprintf "%S"
+let p_pair pf1 pf2 (x, y) = sprintf "(%s, %s)" (pf1 x) (pf2 y)
+let p_str2 = p_pair p_str p_str
+let p_list pf x = "[" ^ String.concat "; " ( pf x) ^ "]"
+let p_int = sprintf "%d"
+let p_int64 = sprintf "%Ld"
+let p_opt pf = function | Some x -> pf x | None -> "-"
+let p_exn = Printexc.to_string
+let tear_down _ _ = ()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363c802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+(* approx: proxy server for Debian archive files
+   Copyright (C) 2015  Eric C. Cooper <>
+   Released under the GNU General Public License *)
+open OUnit2
+open List
+open Printf
+open Testlib
+let create_empty_file ctx =
+  bracket
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let file, chan = bracket_tmpfile ctx in
+      close_out chan;
+      file)
+    tear_down ctx
+let create_non_empty_file ctx =
+  bracket
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let file, chan = bracket_tmpfile ctx in
+      for i = 1 to 100 do
+       output_string chan "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy\n"
+      done;
+      close_out chan;
+      file)
+    tear_down ctx
+let create_tree ctx =
+  bracket
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let root = bracket_tmpdir ctx in
+      with_bracket_chdir ctx root
+       (fun ctx ->
+         close_out (open_out "a");
+         Unix.mkdir "b" 0o755;
+         Unix.mkdir "c" 0o755;
+         close_out (open_out "c/d"));
+      root)
+    tear_down ctx
+let cons lst x = x :: lst
+let suite = [
+  "is_prefix_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (x, y, res) ->
+    sprintf "(is_prefix %s %s)" (p_str x) (p_str y) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_bool res (Util.is_prefix x y)))
+    ["ban", "banana", true;
+     "bar", "banana", false;
+     "",    "",       true;
+     "",    "abc",    true;
+     "abc", "",       false];
+  "substring_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (from, until, str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(substring %s %s %s)"
+      (p_opt p_int from) (p_opt p_int until) (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Util.substring ?from ?until 
+    [None,   None,   "",       "";
+     None,   None,   "abcdef", "abcdef";
+     Some 0, None,   "abcdef", "abcdef";
+     None,   Some 6, "abcdef", "abcdef";
+     Some 0, Some 6, "abcdef", "abcdef";
+     Some 1, None,   "abcdef", "bcdef";
+     Some 1, Some 6, "abcdef", "bcdef";
+     None,   Some 5, "abcdef", "abcde";
+     Some 0, Some 5, "abcdef", "abcde";
+     Some 1, Some 5, "abcdef", "bcde";
+     Some 2, Some 4, "abcdef", "cd";
+     Some 3, Some 3, "abcdef", "";
+     Some 6, None,   "abcdef", "";
+     Some 6, Some 6, "abcdef", ""]
+  @
+  map (fun (from, until, str, e) ->
+    sprintf "(substring %s %s %s)"
+      (p_opt p_int from) (p_opt p_int until) (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_raises e (fun () -> Util.substring ?from ?until str)))
+    [None,   Some 7, "abcdef", Invalid_argument "String.sub";
+     Some 0, Some 7, "abcdef", Invalid_argument "String.sub";
+     Some 1, None,   "",       Invalid_argument "String.sub";
+     Some 7, None,   "abcdef", Invalid_argument "String.sub";
+     Some 4, Some 3, "abcdef", Invalid_argument "String.sub"];
+  "split_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (c, str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(split %s %s)" (p_chr c) (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: (p_list p_str) res (Util.split c str)))
+    ['/', "abc",    ["abc"];
+     '/', "/a/b/c", [""; "a"; "b"; "c"];
+     '/', "a/b/c/", ["a"; "b"; "c"; ""];
+     '/', "/",      [""; ""]];
+  "join_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (c, strs, res) ->
+    sprintf "(join %s %s)" (p_chr c) (p_list p_str strs) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Util.join c strs)))
+    ['/', ["abc"],             "abc";
+     '/', [""; "a"; "b"; "c"], "/a/b/c";
+     '/', ["a"; "b"; "c"; ""], "a/b/c/";
+     '/', [""; ""],            "/"];
+  "relative_path_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(relative_path %s)" (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Util.relative_path str)))
+    ["/a/b/c",             "a/b/c";
+     "/abc",               "abc";
+     "/abc/",              "abc/";
+     "/",                  ".";
+     "//",                 ".";
+     "",                   "."];
+  "relative_url_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(relative_url %s)" (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Util.relative_url str)))
+    ["http://x.y.z/a/b/c";,  "a/b/c";
+     "http://x.y.z/a/b/c/";, "a/b/c/";
+     "http://x.y.z/";,       "."]
+  @
+  map (fun (str, e) ->
+    sprintf "(relative_url %s)" (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_raises e (fun () -> (Util.relative_url str))))
+    ["http://x.y.z";,      Failure "malformed URL: http://x.y.z";;
+     "http:/x.y.z/a/b/c", Failure "malformed URL: http:/x.y.z/a/b/c"];
+  "split_extension_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(split_extension %s)" (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str2 res (Util.split_extension str)))
+    ["abc.def",          ("abc", ".def");
+     "abc.def.ghi",      ("abc.def", ".ghi");
+     "abc.",             ("abc", ".");
+     ".abc",             ("", ".abc");
+     "abc",              ("abc", "");
+     "",                 ("", "");
+     "/abc.def/ghi.jkl", ("/abc.def/ghi", ".jkl");
+     "/abc.def/ghi.",    ("/abc.def/ghi", ".");
+     "/abc.def/.ghi",    ("/abc.def/", ".ghi");
+     "/abc.def/ghi",     ("/abc.def/ghi", "");
+     "/abc.def/.",       ("/abc.def/", ".");
+     "/abc.def/",        ("/abc.def/", "");
+     "/.",               ("/", ".");
+     "/",                ("/", "")];
+  "remove_leading_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (c, str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(remove_leading %s %s)" (p_chr c) (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Util.remove_leading c str)))
+    ['/', "abc",     "abc";
+     '/', "/abc",    "abc";
+     '/', "///abc",  "abc";
+     '/', "abc/",    "abc/";
+     '/', "/abc/",   "abc/";
+     '/', "///abc/", "abc/";
+     '/', "/",        "";
+     '/', "///",      "";
+     '/', "",         ""];
+  "remove_trailing_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (c, str, res) ->
+    sprintf "(remove_trailing %s %s)" (p_chr c) (p_str str) >::
+    (fun _ -> assert_equal ~printer: p_str res (Util.remove_trailing c str)))
+    ['/', "abc",     "abc";
+     '/', "abc/",    "abc";
+     '/', "abc///",  "abc";
+     '/', "/abc",    "/abc";
+     '/', "/abc/",   "/abc";
+     '/', "/abc///", "/abc";
+     '/', "/",       "";
+     '/', "///",     "";
+     '/', "",        ""];
+  "file_size_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (name, creator, size) ->
+    sprintf "(file_size %s)" (p_str name) >::
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let file = creator ctx in
+      assert_equal ~printer: p_int64 size (Util.file_size file)))
+    ["empty", create_empty_file, 0L;
+     "non-empty", create_non_empty_file, 4300L];
+  "file_md5sum_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (name, creator, md5sum) ->
+    sprintf "(file_md5sum %s)" (p_str name) >::
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let file = creator ctx in
+      assert_equal ~printer: p_str md5sum (Util.file_md5sum file)))
+    ["empty", create_empty_file, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e";
+     "non-empty", create_non_empty_file, "e273eb02272f516abfad1bfdfb51caf0"];
+  "file_sha1sum_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (name, creator, sha1sum) ->
+    sprintf "(file_sha1sum %s)" (p_str name) >::
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let file = creator ctx in
+      assert_equal ~printer: p_str sha1sum (Util.file_sha1sum file)))
+    ["empty", create_empty_file, "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709";
+     "non-empty", create_non_empty_file, 
+  "file_sha256sum_tests" >:::
+  map (fun (name, creator, sha256sum) ->
+    sprintf "(file_sha256sum %s)" (p_str name) >::
+    (fun ctx ->
+      let file = creator ctx in
+      assert_equal ~printer: p_str sha256sum (Util.file_sha256sum file)))
+    ["empty", create_empty_file, 
+     "non-empty", create_non_empty_file, 
+  "fold_dirs_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let root = create_tree ctx in
+    let expected = root :: map (Filename.concat root) ["b"; "c"] in
+    let got = sort (Util.fold_dirs cons [] root) in
+    assert_equal ~printer: (p_list p_str) expected got);
+  "fold_non_dirs_test" >::
+  (fun ctx ->
+    let root = create_tree ctx in
+    let expected = map (Filename.concat root) ["a"; "c/d"] in
+    let got = sort (Util.fold_non_dirs cons [] root) in
+    assert_equal ~printer: (p_list p_str) expected got);
diff --git a/ b/
index 400e4d1..e4b8096 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -47,6 +47,23 @@ let implode_path = join '/'
 let (^/) = Filename.concat
+let remove_leading c str =
+  let n = String.length str in
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i = n then ""
+    else if str.[i] <> c then substring str ~from: i
+    else loop (i + 1)
+  in
+  loop 0
+let remove_trailing c str =
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i < 0 then ""
+    else if str.[i] <> c then substring str ~until: (i + 1)
+    else loop (i - 1)
+  in
+  loop (String.length str - 1)
 let make_directory path =
   (* Create a directory component in the path. Since it might be
      created concurrently, we have to ignore the Unix EEXIST error:
@@ -70,8 +87,6 @@ let make_directory path =
 let quoted_string = sprintf "%S"
-(* Return the relative portion of a pathname *)
 let relative_path path =
   let n = String.length path in
   let rec loop i =
@@ -94,18 +109,13 @@ let relative_url path =
   with _ ->
     failwith ("malformed URL: " ^ path)
-(* Split a filename into the leading portion without an extension
-   and the extension, if any, beginning with '.' *)
 let split_extension file =
-  let base = Filename.basename file in
   (* look for '.' in basename only, not parent directories *)
+  let left = try String.rindex file '/' with Not_found -> -1 in
-    let i = String.rindex base '.' in
-    let dir = Filename.dirname file in
-    let name = substring base ~until: i in
-    let ext = substring base ~from: i in
-    (if dir = "." then name else dir ^/ name), ext
+    let i = String.rindex file '.' in
+    if i > left then (substring file ~until: i, substring file ~from: i)
+    else (file, "")
   with Not_found -> (file, "")
 (* Return a filename with its extension, if any, removed *)
@@ -155,7 +165,7 @@ let tmp_dir () =
   | None ->
       let dir =
-          let dir = Filename.temp_dir_name in
+          let dir = Filename.get_temp_dir_name () in
           access dir [R_OK; W_OK; X_OK];
         with Unix_error _ -> "/tmp"
diff --git a/util.mli b/util.mli
index 2575f41..a72dafb 100644
--- a/util.mli
+++ b/util.mli
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ val implode_path : string list -> string
 val (^/) : string -> string -> string
+(* Remove leading occurrences of the given char from a string *)
+val remove_leading : char -> string -> string
+(* Remove trailing occurrences of the given char from a string *)
+val remove_trailing : char -> string -> string
 (* Create a directory, including any intermediate directories
    along the specified path (like "mkdir --parents") *)
@@ -47,10 +55,19 @@ val make_directory : string -> unit
 val quoted_string : string -> string
+(* Return the relative portion of a pathname *)
+val relative_path : string -> string
 (* Return the relative portion of a URL *)
 val relative_url : string -> string
+(* Split a filename into the leading portion without an extension
+   and the extension, if any, beginning with '.' *)
+val split_extension : string -> (string * string)
 (* Return the extension of a filename, including the initial '.' *)
 val extension : string -> string

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