On 15/04/14 11:35, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> I have prepared a package for the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet. You
>> can find the ITP bug here:
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744842
> We're in the process of moving all OSM related packages to the Debian GIS
> team, as we're trying to get rid of the unneccesary split between OSM
> specific and generic GIS packages.
> It would be great if you're willing to maintain openstreetmap-carto as
> part of the Debian GIS team. Please refer to the Debian GIS Policy for
> more information about the team and how to join:
> http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/policy/index.html#introduction
> After you're membership application is approved, you can create a git
> repository on Alioth to push your packaging to.

Sounds great, I am already a member of the GIS team
(https://alioth.debian.org/users/cbaines-guest/ ), so I will start
looking at git'ing the package shortly.

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