This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

abe pushed a commit to branch master
in repository librtf-document-perl.

commit 1cb24ff3f270d73d6d48b8af4b464685d410c3bd
Author: Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <>
Date:   Mon Feb 13 16:10:58 2006 +0100

    Imported Debian patch 0.64-9
---                             | 2392 +++++++++++++++----------------
 debian/changelog                        |    7 +
 debian/patches/00list                   |    1 +
 debian/patches/01_make_it_strict.dpatch |  239 +++
 debian/rules                            |    5 +-
 debian/watch                            |    2 +
 6 files changed, 1448 insertions(+), 1198 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 2912269..a21b986 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,1196 +1,1196 @@
-package RTF::Document;
-require 5.005;
-require Exporter;
-use vars qw(
-$VERSION = "0.64";
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw();
-@EXPORT_OK = qw();
-use Carp;
-use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
-use Convert::Units::Type 0.33;
-    '1' => '\pndec',
-    'a' => '\pnlcltr',
-    'i' => '\pnlcrm',
-    'A' => '\pnucltr',
-    'I' => '\pnucrm',
-    '1st' => '\pnord'
-sub _prop_list
-    my ($self, $code, $properties) = @_;
-    my ($result, $level, $style);
-    if ($properties eq "off") {
-        return '\pard';
-    }
-    $result = $self->new_group( '\*', '\pn' );
-    ${$properties}{level} = ${$properties}{style}, if (${$properties}{style} 
eq "bullet");
-    if (${$properties}{level}) {
-        $level = ${$properties}{level};
-        $level = "blt", if ($level eq "bullet");
-        if ((($level<1) or ($level>11)) and ($level ne "blt"))
-        {
-            carp "List level \`$level\' is out of range";
-            $level = 'body';
-        }
-    } else {
-        $level = 'body';
-    }
-    $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnlvl'.$level);
-    if ($level eq "body")  {
-        $style = $NUMSTYLES{${$properties}{style}} || '\pndec';
-        $self->add_raw ($result, $style);
-    }
-    if (defined(${$properties}{font}))
-    {
-       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnf'.${$properties}{font});
-    }
-    if (defined(${$properties}{color}))
-    {
-       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pncf'.${$properties}{color});
-    }
-    if (defined(${$properties}{before}))
-    {
-       my $group = $self->add_group($result);
-       $self->add_raw ($group, '\pntxtb 
'.escape_simple(${$properties}{before}) );
-    }
-    if (defined(${$properties}{after}))
-    {
-       my $group = $self->add_group($result);
-       $self->add_raw ($group, '\pntxta '.escape_simple(${$properties}{after}) 
-    }
-    if (${$properties}{across})
-    {
-       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnacross');
-    }
-    if (defined(${$properties}{indent}))
-    {
-       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnindent'.POSIX::floor(
-         Convert::Units::Type::convert(${$properties}{indent}, "twips")
-       ));
-    }
-    if (defined(${$properties}{space}))
-    {
-       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnsp'.POSIX::floor(
-         Convert::Units::Type::convert(${$properties}{space}, "twips")
-       ));
-    }
-    if (${$properties}{hang})
-    {
-       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnhang');
-    }
-    if (defined(${$properties}{start}))
-    {
-       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnstart'.${$properties}{start});
-    }
-    return ($result);
-# $arg is a key to RTF control in hash value
-sub _prop_decode
-    my ($self, $hash, $arg) = @_;
-    my $result = ${$hash}{$arg};
-    unless (defined($result)) {
-        carp "Don\'t know how to handle value \`$arg\'";
-    }
-    return ("\\".$result);
-sub _prop_style {
-    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
-    $code = decode_stylename($arg, '\s222');
-    my $formatting, $style_properties;
-    if (defined($code)) {
-        $formatting = $self->new_group();
-        %{$style_properties} = %{$self->{styles}->{$code}};
-        if (${$style_properties}{secd}) {
-            $self->add_raw($formatting, '\secd');
-            delete ${$style_properties}{secd};
-        }
-        if (${$style_properties}{pard}) {
-            $self->add_raw($formatting, '\pard');
-            delete ${$style_properties}{pard};
-        }
-        if (${$style_properties}{plain}) {
-            $self->add_raw($formatting, '\plain');
-            delete ${$style_properties}{plain};
-        }
-        $self->set_properties( \%PROPERTIES, $style_properties, $formatting);
-        unless (@{$formatting}) {
-            carp "Style \`$arg\' is not defined";
-            $code = decode_stylename("none");
-        }
-    }
-    return ($code, @{$formatting} );
-# $arg is a unit of type (points, picas, inches) converted to twips
-sub _prop_twips {
-    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
-    return ("\\".$code.POSIX::floor(Convert::Units::Type::convert($arg, 
-# $arg is a unit of type (points, picas, inches) converted to half-points
-sub _prop_halfpts {
-    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
-    return ("\\".$code.POSIX::floor(Convert::Units::Type::convert($arg, 
-# $arg is a string (which may need to be escaped)
-sub _prop_pcdata {
-    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
-    $arg =~ s/([\\\{\}])/\\$1/g;
-    return ("\\".$code, escape_simple($arg));
-# $arg is a raw value
-sub _prop_raw {
-    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
-    return ("\\".$code.$arg);
-# $arg is a an on/off indicator (0 = off, NZ = on)
-sub _prop_onoff {
-    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
-    if ($arg)
-    {
-        return ("\\".$code);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return ("\\".$code."0");
-    }
-# $arg is a an emit/don't emit indicator (0 = don't emit control, NZ = emit)
-sub _prop_on {
-    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
-    if ($arg)
-    {
-        return ("\\".$code);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return undef;
-    }
-# Synopsis of %DOCINFO and %PROPERTIES
-#   property => [ where, control, group, function ]
-#     property = name of the property
-#     where    = what section of the document this control is usually applied 
-#     control   = the control word used (if a hash, how to decode various 
-#     group    = if non-zero, emit this as part of a group
-#     function = what function to use to process this property
-# Most properties follow the following naming scheme:
-#  doc = document-wide properties (should be set only once)
-#  sec = section properties
-#  col = column properties (within a section)
-#  par = paragraph properties
-    # --- Document summary information
-    'doc_title'                => [ 'info',  'title',  1, \&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_author'               => [ 'info',  'author', 1, \&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_subject'              => [ 'info',  'subject',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_manager'              => [ 'info',  'manager',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_company'              => [ 'info',  'company',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_operator'             => [ 'info',  'operator',       1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_category'             => [ 'info',  'category',       1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_keywords'             => [ 'info',  'keywords',       1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_summary'              => [ 'info',  'doccomm',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_comment'              => [ 'text',  '*\comment',      1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_base_href'            => [ 'info',  'hlinkbase',      1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_version'              => [ 'info',  'version',        0, \&_prop_raw  
-    'doc_time_created' => [ 'creatim' ],
-    'doc_from_text'            => [ 'text',  'fromtext',    0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'doc_make_backup'  => [ 'text',  'makebackup',  0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'doc_rtf_def'              => [ 'text',  'defformat',   0, \&_prop_on ],
-    # --- Page sizes, margins, etc.
-    doc_page_width     => [ text,  paperw,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    doc_page_height    => [ text,  paperh,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    doc_landscape      => [ text,  landscape,  0, \&_prop_on ],
-    doc_facing => [ text,  facingp,    0, \&_prop_on ],
-    doc_margin_left    => [ text,  margl,              0,  \&_prop_twips ],
-    doc_margin_right   => [ text,  margr,              0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    doc_margin_top     => [ text,  margt,              0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    doc_margin_bottom => [ text,  margb,       0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    doc_margin_mirror=> [ text,  margmirror,   0, \&_prop_on ],
-    doc_gutter => [ text,  gutter,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    # --- Hyphenation
-    doc_hyphen_auto    => [ 'text', 'hyphauto', 0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
-    doc_hyphen_caps    => [ 'text', 'hyphcaps', 0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
-    doc_hyphen_lines   => [ 'text', 'hyphconsec', 0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
-    doc_hyphen_zone    => [ 'text', 'hyphhotz', 0,  \&_prop_twips ],
-    # --- Views
-    doc_view_scale     => [ text,  viewscale,   0, \&_prop_raw  ],
-    doc_view_zoom      => [ text, { none=>'viewzk0', 'full-page'=>'viewzk1',
-      'best-fit'=>'viewzk1' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
-    doc_view_caption   => [ text, windowcaption, 1, , \&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'doc_view_mode'    => [ 'text', { 'none'=>'viewkind0', 
-      'outline'=>'viewkind2', 'master'=>'viewkind3',
-      'normal'=>'viewkind4', 'online'=>'viewkind5'}, 0, \&_prop_decode ],
-    # --- Character set
-    'doc_charset'              => [ 'charset' ],
-    # --- Widow/orphan controls
-    doc_widow_cntrl    => [ text,  widowctrl,   0, \&_prop_on ],
-    # --- Tabs
-    tabs_default       => [ 'text',  'deftab',         0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    # --- New section, paragraph, line
-    'sec'              => [ 'text', 'sect',    0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'par'              => [ 'text', 'par',             0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'line'             => [ 'text', 'line',    0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'line_soft'        => [ 'text', 'softline',        0, \&_prop_on ],
-    # --- Sections....
-    'sec_brk'          => [ 'text', { 'none'=>'sbknone', 'column'=>'sbkcol',
-      'page'=>'sbkpage', 'even'=>'sbkeven', 'odd'=>'sbkodd'}, 0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
-    # --- Columns
-    col                => [ text,  'colulmn',          0, \&_prop_on ],
-    col_soft           => [ text,  'softcol',          0, \&_prop_on ],
-    col_num            => [ text,  'cols',     0, \&_prop_raw ],
-    col_space          => [ text,  'colsx',    0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    col_select => [ text,  'colno',    0, \&_prop_raw ],
-    col_padding_right => [ text, 'colsr',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    col_width  => [ text,  'colw',             0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    col_line           => [ text,  'linebetcol',       0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'page_brk' => [ 'text', 'page',    0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'page_softbrk'     => [ 'text', 'softpage',        0, \&_prop_on ],
-    # --- Forms....
-    'sec_unlock'       => [ 'text', 'sectunlocked',    0, \&_prop_on ],
-    # --- Footsnotes, endnotes stuff
-    'sec_endnotes_here' => [ 'text', 'endnhere',       0, \&_prop_on ],
-    # --- Alignment
-    'par_align'        => [ 'text', { left=>'ql', right=>'qr', center=>'qc', 
justify=>'qj' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
-    'sec_vert_align'   => [ 'text', { top=>vertalt, bottom=>vertalb, 
center=>vertalc },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
-    # --- Indentation
-    'par_indent_first' => [ 'text', 'fi',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    'par_indent_left'  => [ 'text', 'li',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    'par_indent_right' => [ 'text', 'ri',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    'par_outline_level'        => [ 'text', 'outlinelevel', 0, \&_prop_raw ],
-    'par_number_text'  => [ 'text', 'pntext', 1, \&_prop_pcdata ],
-    'par_number'               => [ 'text', 'pn', 0, \&_prop_list ],
-    # --- Style
-    'style'            => [ 'text', 's',               0, \&_prop_style ],
-    'style_default'    => [ 'text', { 'character'=>'plain', 
-        'section'=>'secd', 'row'=>'trowd', 'cell'=>'tcelld' },  0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
-    # --- Paragraph spacing
-    'par_space_before' => [ 'text', 'sb',      0,  \&_prop_twips ],
-    'par_space_after'  => [ 'text', 'sa',      0,  \&_prop_twips  ],
-    'par_space_lines'  => [ 'text', 'sl',      0,  \&_prop_raw  ],
-    'par_space_lines_mult'     => [ 'text', 'slmult', 0,  \&_prop_raw  ],
-    # --- Character formatting
-    'bold'             => [ 'text',  'b',              0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
-    'italic'           => [ 'text',  'i',              0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
-    'caps'             => [ 'text',  'caps',   0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
-    'caps_small'       => [ 'text',  'scaps',  0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
-    'underline'        => [ 'text', { 'off'=>'ul0', 'continuous'=>'ul', 
-        'dash'=>'uldash', 'dot-dash'=>'uldashd', 'dot-dot-dash'=>'uldashdd',
-        'double'=>'ulb', 'none'=>'ulnone', 'thick'=>'ulth', 'word'=>'ulw',
-        'wave'=>'ulwave' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
-    'hidden'                   => [ 'text', 'v',               0,  
\&_prop_onoff ],
-    # --- Colors
-    'color_foreground'         => [ 'text', 'cf',              0, \&_prop_raw 
-    'color_background'         => [ 'text', 'cb',              0, \&_prop_raw 
-    'highlight'                => [ 'text', 'highlight',       0, \&_prop_raw 
-    # --- Fonts
-    'font'                     => [ 'text', 'f',               0, \&_prop_raw 
-    'font_size'                => [ 'text', 'fs',              0, 
\&_prop_halfpts ],
-    'font_scale'               => [ 'text', 'charscalex',      0,  \&_prop_raw 
-    # --- Page sizes, margins, etc.
-    'sec_page_width'           => [ 'text', 'pgwsxn',  0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_page_height'  => [ 'text', 'pghsxn',  0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_landscape'            => [ 'text', 'lndscpsxn',       0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'sec_margin_left'  => [ 'text', 'marglsxn',        0, \&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_margin_right'         => [ 'text', 'margrsxn',        0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_margin_top'           => [ 'text', 'margtsxn',        0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_margin_bottom'        => [ 'text', 'margbsxn',        0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_margin_mirror'        => [ 'text', 'margmirsxn',      0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'sec_gutter'               => [ 'text', 'guttersxn',       0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_title_pg'             => [ 'text', 'titlepg',         0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'sec_header_margin'        => [ 'text', 'headery',         0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
-    'sec_footer_margin'        => [ 'text', 'footery',         0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
-    # --- Hyphenation
-    'par_hyphen'               => [ 'text', 'hyphpar',         0,  
\&_prop_onoff ],
-    # --- Widow/orphan controls
-    'par_widow_cntrl'  => [ text, { 0=>nowidctlpar, 1=>widctlpar }, 0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
-    'par_intact'               => [ 'text', 'keep',    0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'par_keep_next'            => [ 'text', 'keepn',   0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'par_pgbrk_before'         => [ 'text', 'pagebb',  0, \&_prop_on ],
-    # --- Page numbering
-    'pg_num_start'             => [ 'text', 'pgnstart',        0, \&_prop_raw 
-    'pg_num_cont'              => [ 'text', 'pgncont', 0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'pg_num_restart'   => [ 'text', 'pgnrestart',      0, \&_prop_on ],
-    'sec_title_pg'             => [ 'text', 'titlepg',         0, \&_prop_on ]
-sub set_properties
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $table = shift,
-       $settings = shift,
-       $destination = shift;
-    my ($property, $value, $where, $what, $arg, $default);
-    local ($_);
-    foreach $property (keys %{$settings}) {   
-        if (defined(${$table}{$property}))
-        {
-            ($where, $what, $group, $default, $arg) = @{${$table}{$property}};
-            if (defined($destination))
-            {
-                carp "\`$property\' is not a section, paragraph or character 
-                    if ($where ne "text");
-                $where = $destination;
-            } else {
-                $where = $self->{$where}, if (defined($what));
-            }
-            if (defined($what))
-            {
-                $value = ${$settings}{$property};
-                my @controls = $self->$default($what, $value, $arg);
-                if (@controls)
-                {
-                    if ($group) {
-                        my $subgroup = $self->add_group($where);
-                        $self->add_raw ($subroup, @controls );
-                    } else {
-                        $self->add_raw ($where, @controls );
-                    }
-                }                
-            } else {
-                $self->{$where} = ${$settings}{$property};
-            }
-        } else {
-            carp "Don\'t know how to handle property: \`$property\'";
-        }
-    }
-sub initialize
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->{charset}   = "ansi";       # Character Set
-    # --- Document Header
-    $self->{DOCUMENT}  = $self->new_group( '\rtf', $self->{charset} );
-    $self->{fonttbl}           = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
-    $self->{fontCnt}           = 0;
-    $self->{colortbl}  = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
-    $self->{colorCnt}  = 0;    # count of colors in table
-    $self->{styletbl}  = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
-    $self->{styleCnt}  = 0;    # count of styles defined
-    $self->{text}              = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
-    $self->{info}              = $self->add_group();
-    $self->add_raw             ( $self->{info}, '\info' );
-    $self->{creatim}   = time();
-sub import {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->set_properties (\%DOCINFO, @_);
-    $self->splice_raw ($self->{DOCUMENT}, 1, 1, "\\".$self->{charset});
-    # --- Insert creation time in Information Group
-    if ($self->{creatim})
-    {
-        my ($ss, $mn, $hr, $dd, $mm, $yy) = localtime($self->{creatim});
-        $yy+=1900; $mm++;
-        my $creatim = $self->add_group($self->{info});
-        $self->add_raw( $creatim,  '\creatim',
-            "\\yr$yy", "\\mo$mm", "\\dy$dd", "\\hr$hr", "\\min$mn", "\\sec$ss"
-        );
-        $self->{creatim} = 0;
-    };
-sub new
-    my $this = shift;
-    my $class = ref($this) || $this;
-    my $self = {};
-    bless $self, $class;
-    $self->initialize();
-    $self->import(@_);
-    return $self;
-sub emit_group {
-    local ($el, $data);
-    unless (@_) {
-        return undef;
-    }
-    $data = "\{";
-    foreach $el (@_)
-    {
-        if (ref($el) eq ARRAY) {
-            $data .= emit_group(@$el);
-        } else {
-            if (($el !~ m/^[\\\;\{\}]/) and (substr($data, length($data)-1) !~ 
m/[\}\{\s]/)) {
-                $data .= " ";
-            }
-            $data .= $el;
-        }
-    }
-    $data .= "\}";
-    return $data;
-    'swiss'    => 'swiss',
-    'sans-serif' => 'swiss',
-    'roman'    => 'roman',
-    'serif'    => 'roman',
-    'modern'   => 'modern',
-    'monospace' => 'modern',
-    'script'   => 'script',
-    'decor'    => 'decor',
-    'fantasy'  => 'decor',
-    'tech'     => 'tech',
-    'symbol'   => 'tech',
-    'bidi'     => 'bidi'
-    'default' => 0,
-    'fixed'    => 1,
-    'variable' => 2
-sub add_font
-    local ($_);
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $name = shift,
-       $attributes = shift;
-    my $class = $FONTCLASSES{${$attributes}{family}};
-    unless (defined($class)) {
-        $class = "nil";
-        carp "Unknown font family \`${$attributes}{family}\'";
-    }
-    unless ($self->{fontCnt}) {
-        $self->add_raw ($self->{fonttbl}, '\fonttbl');
-        $self->splice_raw ($self->{DOCUMENT}, 2, 0, "\\deff".$self->{fontCnt});
-    }
-    my $fattr = $self->add_group($self->{fonttbl});
-    $self->add_raw ($fattr, ('\f'.$self->{fontCnt}, '\f'.$class) );
-    if (defined(my $pitch = ${$attributes}{pitch}))
-    {
-        $self->add_raw ($fattr, '\fprq'. ($FONTPITCH{ $pitch }
-            or carp "Don\'t know how to handle \`pitch => $pitch\'" )
-        );
-    }
-    if (defined(my $actual = ${$attributes}{name})) # non-tagged name (is this 
-    {
-        $self->add_raw ($fattr, ['\*\fname '.escape_simple($actual) ] );
-    }
-    $self->add_raw ($fattr, escape_simple($name) );
-    my @alternates = @{${$attributes}{alternates}};
-    if (@alternates) {
-        while ($_ = shift @alternates) {
-            $self->add_raw ($fattr, [ '\*\falt '.escape_simple($_) ] );
-        }
-    }
-    $self->add_raw ($fattr, ';' );
-    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
-        carp "Default font redefined",
-            if (@{$self->{DOCUMENT}}[2] ne "\\deff0");
-            @{$self->{DOCUMENT}}[2] = "\\deff".$self->{fontCnt};
-    }
-    return $self->{fontCnt}++;
-sub decode_stylename
-    my $name = shift;
-    my $current = shift || '\s0';
-    $current =~ m/^\\[cd]?s(\d+)/;
-    my ($next, $last) = ($1+1, $1-1);
-    $last = 222, if ($last<0);
-    return '\s222', if ($name eq "none");
-    return '\s0', if ($name eq "default");
-    return $current, if ($name eq "self");
-    return '\s'.$next, if ($name eq "next");
-    return '\s'.$last, if ($name eq "last");
-    return $name;
-    'character' => '\*\cs',
-    'paragraph' => '\s',
-    'section' => '\ds'
-sub add_style
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($name, $formatting, $attributes) = @_;
-    unless (@{$self->{styletbl}}) {
-        $self->add_raw ( $self->{styletbl}, '\stylesheet');
-    }
-    $type = ${$attributes}{type} || "paragraph";
-    my $code = $STYLETYPES{$type};
-    unless (defined($code)) {
-        carp "Don\'t know how to handle a \`$type\' style";
-    }
-    my $style;
-    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
-        carp "Default style\'s type must be \`paragraph\'", if ($type ne 
-        $code = "\\s0";
-        $style = $code;
-        $self->{$style} = $self->new_group();;
-    } else {
-        $code .= ++$self->{styleCnt};
-        ($style = $code) =~ s/^\\\*//;
-        $self->{$style} = $self->new_group( $code );
-    }
-    $self->set_properties( \%PROPERTIES, $formatting, $self->{$style} );
-    carp "Warning: next attribute for style sheets is not used",
-        if (defined(${$attributes}{next}));
-    my $sbasedon = ${$attributes}{basedon} || "none",
-       $snext    = ${$attributes}{next}    || "self";
-    $sbasedon = decode_stylename($sbasedon, $style);
-    $snext    = decode_stylename($snext, $style);
-    # --- Inherit stylesheet from "basedon"
-    if ($sbasedon ne '\s222') {
-         %{$self->{styles}->{$style}} = %{$self->{styles}->{$sbasedon}};
-    } else {
-        $self->{styles}->{$style} = {};
-    }
-    foreach my $aux (keys %{$formatting}) {
-        ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{$aux} = ${$formatting}{$aux};
-    }
-    $sbasedon =~ s/^\\[dc]?s//; $snext =~ s/^\\[dc]?s//;
-    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\sbasedon'.$sbasedon), if 
-    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\snext'.$snext), if 
-    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\shidden'), if (${$attributes}{hidden});
-    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\sautoupd'), if (${$attributes}{autoupdate});
-    if ($type eq "character") {
-        if (${$attributes}{additive}) {
-            push @{$self->{$style}}, '\additive';
-        } else {
-            ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{plain} = 1;
-        }
-    } else {
-         ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{plain} = 1;
-         ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{pard}  = 1;
-         if ($type eq "section") {
-             ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{secd}  = 1;
-         }
-    }
-    push @{$self->{$style}}, escape_simple($name).";";
-    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
-        $self->splice_raw($self->{styletbl}, 1, 0, $self->{$style});
-    } else {
-        $self->add_raw($self->{styletbl}, $self->{$style});
-    }
-    return $style;
-# --- These are the color names used in the HTML 4.0 spec. WordPad also uses 
-#     names too. However, Microsoft's RTF 1.5 spec uses different color names.
-    'black'    => [0, 0, 0],
-    'blue'     => [0, 0, 255],
-    'aqua'     => [0, 255, 255],
-    'lime'     => [0, 255, 0],
-    'fuscia'   => [255, 0, 255],
-    'red'      => [255, 0, 0],
-    'yellow'   => [255, 255, 0],
-    'white'    => [255, 255, 255],
-    'navy'     => [0, 0, 128],
-    'teal'     => [0, 128, 128],
-    'green'    => [0, 128, 0],
-    'purple'   => [128, 0, 128],
-    'maroon'   => [128, 0, 0],
-    'olive'    => [128, 128, 0],
-    'gray'     => [128, 128, 128],
-    'silver'   => [192, 192, 192],
-sub parse_value
-    local ($_) = shift;
-    $_ = $1 * 2.55, if (m/\-?(\d+(\.\d*)?)\s*\%$/);
-    return POSIX::ceil($_);
-sub add_color
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $attributes = shift;
-    my ($red, $grn, $blu);
-    if (defined(${$attributes}{name})) {
-        my $name = ${$attributes}{name};
-        ($red, $grn, $blu) = @{$COLORNAMES{$name}};
-        carp "Unrecognized color name \`$name\'", 
-          unless (defined($COLORNAMES{$name}));
-    } else {
-        $red = parse_value(${$attributes}{red});
-        $grn = parse_value(${$attributes}{green});
-        $blu = parse_value(${$attributes}{blue});
-    }
-    if (${$attributes}{gray}) {
-        ($red, $grn, $blu) = (255, 255, 255), unless ($red+$grn+$blu);
-        $red = POSIX::ceil(parse_value(${$attributes}{gray}) / 255 * $red);
-        $grn = POSIX::ceil(parse_value(${$attributes}{gray}) / 255 * $grn);
-        $blu = POSIX::ceil(parse_value(${$attributes}{gray}) / 255 * $blu);
-    }
-    unless ($self->{colorCnt}) {
-        $self->add_raw ($self->{colortbl}, ('\colortbl', ';'));
-    }
-    foreach ($red, $grn, $blu) {
-        carp "Invalid color value: $_.", if ($_<0) or ($_>255);
-    }
-    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
-        carp "Default color will not used by most RTF readers";
-        $self->splice_raw ($self->{colortbl}, 1, 1, ("\\red$red", 
"\\green$grn", "\\blue$blu;") );
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        $self->add_raw ($self->{colortbl}, ("\\red$red", "\\green$grn", 
"\\blue$blu;") );
-        return ++$self->{colorCnt};
-    }
-sub new_group {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $group = [];
-    push @{$group}, @_;
-    return $group;
-sub add_group {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $section = shift || $self->root();
-    my $group = shift || $self->new_group();
-    $self->add_raw ($section, $group);
-    return $group;
-sub root {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->{text};
-sub splice_raw # splice a raw value into a section
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $section = shift;
-    my $position = shift;
-    my $length = shift;
-    splice @{$section}, $position, $length, @_;
-sub add_raw # add a raw value to a section
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $section = shift;
-    push @{$section}, @_ ;
-# --- Escape brackets, backslashes and 8-bit characters
-sub escape_simple {
-    local ($_) = shift;
-    s/([\\\{\}])/\\$1/g;       
-    s/([\x80-\xff])/sprintf("\\\'\%02x", ord($1))/eg;
-    return $_;
-# --- Escapes special characters to common RTF controls
-sub escape_text
-    local ($_) = escape_simple(shift);
-    s/\r/\\par/g;              # carriage returns = new paragraphs
-    s/\n/\\line/g;             # escape newlines
-    s/\t/\\tab/g;              # escape tabs
-    return $_;
-sub split_text # splits special characters and regular text into list items
-    my ($line) = shift;
-    $line =~ s/\r//g;          # remove carriage returns
-    $line =~ s/\n\n/\r/g;              # change double-newlines to new 
carriage returns
-    my (@list) = ();
-    local($_);
-    foreach (split /(?<=[\n\r\t\\\{\}])|(?=[\n\r\t\\\{\}])/, $line) {
-        push @list, escape_text ($_);
-    }
-    return @list;
-sub add_text {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $group = shift || $self->root();
-    my ($arg, $rarg);
-    while ($arg = shift) {
-        $rarg = ref($arg);
-        if ($rarg eq HASH)
-        {
-            $self->set_properties (\%PROPERTIES, $arg, $group);
-        }
-        elsif ($rarg eq ARRAY)
-        {
-            my $subgroup = $self->add_group($group);
-            $self->add_text ($subgroup, @{$arg} );
-        }
-        elsif ($rarg eq SCALAR)
-        {
-            $self->add_text (${$arg});
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $self->add_raw ($group, split_text($arg));
-        }
-    }
-sub rtf
-    my $self = shift;
-    unless ($self->{fontCnt}) {
-        carp "No default font has been specified";
-    }
-    return emit_group @{$self->{DOCUMENT}};
-=head1 NAME
-RTF::Document - Perl extension for generating Rich Text (RTF) Files 
-RTF::Document is a module for generating Rich Text Format (RTF) documents
-that can be used by most text converters and word processors.
-For a listing of properties, consult the %DOCINFO and %PROPERTIES hashes
-in the source code.
-    Carp
-    POSIX
-    Convert::Units::Type 0.33
-=head1 EXAMPLE
-    use RTF::Document;
-    # Document properties
-    $rtf = new RTF::Document(
-      {
-        doc_page_width => '8.5in',
-        doc_page_height => '11in'
-      }
-    );
-    # Font definitions
-    $fAvantGarde = $rtf->add_font ("AvantGarde", 
-       { family=>swiss,
-         default=>1
-       } );
-    $fCourier = $rtf->add_font ("Courier",
-      { family=>monospace, pitch=>fixed, 
-        alternates=>["Courier New", "American Typewriter"] 
-      } );
-    # Color definitions
-    $cRed   = $rtf->add_color ( { red=>255 } );
-    $cGreen = $rtf->add_color ( { green=>128 } );
-    $cCustm = $rtf->add_color ( { red=>0x66, blue=>0x33, green=>0x33 } );
-    $cBlack = $rtf->add_color ( { name=>'black' } );
-    $cWhite = $rtf->add_color ( { gray=>'100%' } );
-    $cNavy = $rtf->add_color ( { blue=>'100%', gray=>'50%' } );
-    # style definitions
-    $sNormal = $rtf->add_style( "Normal",
-      { font=>$fAvantGarde, font_size=>'12pt',
-        color_foreground=>$cBlack },
-      { type=>paragraph, default=>1 }
-    );
-    $sGreen = $rtf->add_style( "Green",
-      { color_foreground=>$cGreen },
-      { type=>character, additive=>1 }
-    );
-    # Mix any combo of properties and text...
-    $rtf->add_text( $rtf->root(),
-       "Default text\n\n",
-       { bold=>1, underline=>continuous },
-       "Bold/Underlined Text\n\n",
-       { font_size=>'20pt', font=>$fCourier,
-         color_foreground=>$cRed },
-       "Bigger, Red and Monospaced.\n\n",
-       { style_default=>paragraph },
-       { style_default=>character },
-       "This is ",
-       [ { style=>$sGreen }, "green" ],
-       " styled.\n\n"
-    );
-    open FILE, ">MyFile.rtf";
-    binmode FILE;
-    print FILE $rtf->rtf();
-    close FILE;
-For purposes of using this module, a Rich Text (RTF) Document can be 
subdivided into
-I<groups>. Groups can be considered containers for I<text> and I<controls> 
-document and text properties).
-For all intents and purposes, a group limits the scope of controls. So if we 
-the "bold" character property within a group, the text will be bold only within
-that group (until it is turned off within that group).
-When generating a RTF document using this module, we are only concerned with 
-I<root> group (also called the "Document Area"). (The "Header" groups are taken
-care of automatically by this module.)
-The Document Area is subdivided into I<sections>. Each section is subdivided 
-=head1 METHODS
-Some of the methods are documented below. (Methods not documented here may
-be changed in future versions.)
-=head2 new
-    $rtf = new RTF::Document( \%DocumentProperties );
-Creates a new RTF document object.
-=head2 root
-    $gRoot = $rtf->root();
-Returns the "root" group in the RTF document.
-=head2 new_group
-    $gMyGroup = $rtf->new_group();
-Creates a new group (not inside of the RTF document).
-=head2 add_group
-    $gChildOfRoot = $rtf->add_group();
-    $gChildOfChild = $rtf->add_group( $gChild );
-Adds a child group to the specfied group. If no group is specified, the "root"
-group is assumed.
-    $rtf->add_group( $rtf->root(), $gMyGroup );
-Adds a group to the specified parent group (in this case, the root group).
-=head2 add_raw
-    $rtf->add_raw( $group, '\par', "Some Text" );
-Adds raw controls and text to the group. This method is intended for internal
-use only.
-=head2 add_text
-    $rtf->add_text( $group, "Some text ", { bold=>1 }, "more text" );
-Adds text and controls to a group. Text is escaped.
-=head2 add_font
-=head2 add_color
-=head2 add_style
-=head2 Document Properties
-=head2 Section Properties
-=head2 Paragraph Properties
-=head2 Character Properties
-This module should be considered in the "alpha" stage. Use at your own risk.
-There are no default document or style properties produced by this module,
-with the exception of the character set. If you want to make sure that a
-I<specific> font, color, or style is used, you must specify it. Otherwise
-you rely on the assumptions of whatever RTF reader someone is using.
-This module does not insert newlines anywhere in the text, even though some
-RTF writers break lines before they exceed 225 characters.  This may or may
-not be an issue with some reader software.
-Unknown font or style properties will generally be ignored without warning.
-This module supports some newer RTF controls (used in Word 95/Word 97) that
-may are not understood by older RTF readers.
-Once a Font, Color or Style is added, it cannot be changed. No checking
-for redundant entries is done.
-Generally, it is not possible to reference a not-yet-created Style with the
-next or basedon attributes. However, you can use the constances "last",
-"self" or "next" to reference the last style added, the current style
-being added, or the next style that will be added, respectively.
-Specifying properties in a particular order within a group does not
-guarantee that they will be emitted in that order. If order matters,
-specify them separetly. For instance,
-    $rtf->add_text($rtf->root, { style_default=>character, bold=>1 } );
-should be (if you want to ensure character styles are reset before setting
-bold text):
-    $rtf->add_text($rtf->root, { style_default=>character }, { bold=>1 } );
-Also note that duplicate properties within the same group won't work. i.e.,
-If you want to set "style_default" for both paragraphs and characters, you
-must do so in separate groups.
-This isn't so much as a bug as the way Perl handles hashes.
-=head2 Unimplemented Features
-A rather large number of features and control words are not handled in this
-version. Among the major features:
-=item Annotations and Comments
-=item Bookmarks
-=item Bullets and Paragraph Numbering
-Some support has been added. The backwards-compatability controls for numbered
-paragraphs used by older readers has not been added because it is not properly
-handled by newer readers.
-=item Character Sets and Internationalization
-Non-"ANSI" character sets (i.e., Macintosh) and Unicode character
-sets are not supported (at least not intentionally). There is no
-support for Asian character sets in this version of the module.
-Unicode character escapes are not implemented.
-Language codes (defining a default language, or a language for a
-group of characters) are not implemented.
-Bi-directional and text-flow controls are not implemented.
-=item Embedded Images and OLE Objects
-=item File Tables
-=item Footnotes and Endnotes
-=item Forms
-=item Headers and Footers
-=item Hyphenation Control
-Some minimal controls have been added.
-=item Lists and List Tables
-Not implemented: List Tables are really a kind of style sheet for lists.
-Priority will be given to support generic bullets and paragraph numbering.
-=item Page Numbering
-Minimal definition, untested.
-=item Printer Bin Controls
-=item Revision Tables
-=item Special Characters and Document Variables
-Most special characters not not implemented, with the exception of tabs. Double
-newline characters are converted to a new paragraph control, and single 
-are converted to a new line control.
-=item Tabs
-=item Tables and Frames
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Microsoft Technical Support and Application Note, "Rich Text Format (RTF)
-Specification and Sample Reader Program", Version 1.5.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Robert Rothenberg <>
-=head1 LICENSE
-Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Robert Rothenberg. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package RTF::Document;
+require 5.005;
+require Exporter;
+use vars qw(
+$VERSION = "0.64";
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+use Carp;
+use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
+use Convert::Units::Type 0.33;
+    '1' => '\pndec',
+    'a' => '\pnlcltr',
+    'i' => '\pnlcrm',
+    'A' => '\pnucltr',
+    'I' => '\pnucrm',
+    '1st' => '\pnord'
+sub _prop_list
+    my ($self, $code, $properties) = @_;
+    my ($result, $level, $style);
+    if ($properties eq "off") {
+        return '\pard';
+    }
+    $result = $self->new_group( '\*', '\pn' );
+    ${$properties}{level} = ${$properties}{style}, if (${$properties}{style} 
eq "bullet");
+    if (${$properties}{level}) {
+        $level = ${$properties}{level};
+        $level = "blt", if ($level eq "bullet");
+        if ((($level<1) or ($level>11)) and ($level ne "blt"))
+        {
+            carp "List level \`$level\' is out of range";
+            $level = 'body';
+        }
+    } else {
+        $level = 'body';
+    }
+    $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnlvl'.$level);
+    if ($level eq "body")  {
+        $style = $NUMSTYLES{${$properties}{style}} || '\pndec';
+        $self->add_raw ($result, $style);
+    }
+    if (defined(${$properties}{font}))
+    {
+       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnf'.${$properties}{font});
+    }
+    if (defined(${$properties}{color}))
+    {
+       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pncf'.${$properties}{color});
+    }
+    if (defined(${$properties}{before}))
+    {
+       my $group = $self->add_group($result);
+       $self->add_raw ($group, '\pntxtb 
'.escape_simple(${$properties}{before}) );
+    }
+    if (defined(${$properties}{after}))
+    {
+       my $group = $self->add_group($result);
+       $self->add_raw ($group, '\pntxta '.escape_simple(${$properties}{after}) 
+    }
+    if (${$properties}{across})
+    {
+       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnacross');
+    }
+    if (defined(${$properties}{indent}))
+    {
+       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnindent'.POSIX::floor(
+         Convert::Units::Type::convert(${$properties}{indent}, "twips")
+       ));
+    }
+    if (defined(${$properties}{space}))
+    {
+       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnsp'.POSIX::floor(
+         Convert::Units::Type::convert(${$properties}{space}, "twips")
+       ));
+    }
+    if (${$properties}{hang})
+    {
+       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnhang');
+    }
+    if (defined(${$properties}{start}))
+    {
+       $self->add_raw ($result, '\pnstart'.${$properties}{start});
+    }
+    return ($result);
+# $arg is a key to RTF control in hash value
+sub _prop_decode
+    my ($self, $hash, $arg) = @_;
+    my $result = ${$hash}{$arg};
+    unless (defined($result)) {
+        carp "Don\'t know how to handle value \`$arg\'";
+    }
+    return ("\\".$result);
+sub _prop_style {
+    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+    $code = decode_stylename($arg, '\s222');
+    my $formatting, $style_properties;
+    if (defined($code)) {
+        $formatting = $self->new_group();
+        %{$style_properties} = %{$self->{styles}->{$code}};
+        if (${$style_properties}{secd}) {
+            $self->add_raw($formatting, '\secd');
+            delete ${$style_properties}{secd};
+        }
+        if (${$style_properties}{pard}) {
+            $self->add_raw($formatting, '\pard');
+            delete ${$style_properties}{pard};
+        }
+        if (${$style_properties}{plain}) {
+            $self->add_raw($formatting, '\plain');
+            delete ${$style_properties}{plain};
+        }
+        $self->set_properties( \%PROPERTIES, $style_properties, $formatting);
+        unless (@{$formatting}) {
+            carp "Style \`$arg\' is not defined";
+            $code = decode_stylename("none");
+        }
+    }
+    return ($code, @{$formatting} );
+# $arg is a unit of type (points, picas, inches) converted to twips
+sub _prop_twips {
+    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+    return ("\\".$code.POSIX::floor(Convert::Units::Type::convert($arg, 
+# $arg is a unit of type (points, picas, inches) converted to half-points
+sub _prop_halfpts {
+    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+    return ("\\".$code.POSIX::floor(Convert::Units::Type::convert($arg, 
+# $arg is a string (which may need to be escaped)
+sub _prop_pcdata {
+    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+    $arg =~ s/([\\\{\}])/\\$1/g;
+    return ("\\".$code, escape_simple($arg));
+# $arg is a raw value
+sub _prop_raw {
+    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+    return ("\\".$code.$arg);
+# $arg is a an on/off indicator (0 = off, NZ = on)
+sub _prop_onoff {
+    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+    if ($arg)
+    {
+        return ("\\".$code);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return ("\\".$code."0");
+    }
+# $arg is a an emit/don't emit indicator (0 = don't emit control, NZ = emit)
+sub _prop_on {
+    my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+    if ($arg)
+    {
+        return ("\\".$code);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return undef;
+    }
+# Synopsis of %DOCINFO and %PROPERTIES
+#   property => [ where, control, group, function ]
+#     property = name of the property
+#     where    = what section of the document this control is usually applied 
+#     control   = the control word used (if a hash, how to decode various 
+#     group    = if non-zero, emit this as part of a group
+#     function = what function to use to process this property
+# Most properties follow the following naming scheme:
+#  doc = document-wide properties (should be set only once)
+#  sec = section properties
+#  col = column properties (within a section)
+#  par = paragraph properties
+    # --- Document summary information
+    'doc_title'                => [ 'info',  'title',  1, \&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_author'               => [ 'info',  'author', 1, \&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_subject'              => [ 'info',  'subject',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_manager'              => [ 'info',  'manager',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_company'              => [ 'info',  'company',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_operator'             => [ 'info',  'operator',       1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_category'             => [ 'info',  'category',       1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_keywords'             => [ 'info',  'keywords',       1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_summary'              => [ 'info',  'doccomm',        1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_comment'              => [ 'text',  '*\comment',      1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_base_href'            => [ 'info',  'hlinkbase',      1, 
\&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_version'              => [ 'info',  'version',        0, \&_prop_raw  
+    'doc_time_created' => [ 'creatim' ],
+    'doc_from_text'            => [ 'text',  'fromtext',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'doc_make_backup'  => [ 'text',  'makebackup',  0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'doc_rtf_def'              => [ 'text',  'defformat',   0, \&_prop_on ],
+    # --- Page sizes, margins, etc.
+    doc_page_width     => [ text,  paperw,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    doc_page_height    => [ text,  paperh,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    doc_landscape      => [ text,  landscape,  0, \&_prop_on ],
+    doc_facing => [ text,  facingp,    0, \&_prop_on ],
+    doc_margin_left    => [ text,  margl,              0,  \&_prop_twips ],
+    doc_margin_right   => [ text,  margr,              0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    doc_margin_top     => [ text,  margt,              0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    doc_margin_bottom => [ text,  margb,       0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    doc_margin_mirror=> [ text,  margmirror,   0, \&_prop_on ],
+    doc_gutter => [ text,  gutter,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    # --- Hyphenation
+    doc_hyphen_auto    => [ 'text', 'hyphauto', 0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+    doc_hyphen_caps    => [ 'text', 'hyphcaps', 0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+    doc_hyphen_lines   => [ 'text', 'hyphconsec', 0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+    doc_hyphen_zone    => [ 'text', 'hyphhotz', 0,  \&_prop_twips ],
+    # --- Views
+    doc_view_scale     => [ text,  viewscale,   0, \&_prop_raw  ],
+    doc_view_zoom      => [ text, { none=>'viewzk0', 'full-page'=>'viewzk1',
+      'best-fit'=>'viewzk1' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
+    doc_view_caption   => [ text, windowcaption, 1, , \&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'doc_view_mode'    => [ 'text', { 'none'=>'viewkind0', 
+      'outline'=>'viewkind2', 'master'=>'viewkind3',
+      'normal'=>'viewkind4', 'online'=>'viewkind5'}, 0, \&_prop_decode ],
+    # --- Character set
+    'doc_charset'              => [ 'charset' ],
+    # --- Widow/orphan controls
+    doc_widow_cntrl    => [ text,  widowctrl,   0, \&_prop_on ],
+    # --- Tabs
+    tabs_default       => [ 'text',  'deftab',         0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    # --- New section, paragraph, line
+    'sec'              => [ 'text', 'sect',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'par'              => [ 'text', 'par',             0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'line'             => [ 'text', 'line',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'line_soft'        => [ 'text', 'softline',        0, \&_prop_on ],
+    # --- Sections....
+    'sec_brk'          => [ 'text', { 'none'=>'sbknone', 'column'=>'sbkcol',
+      'page'=>'sbkpage', 'even'=>'sbkeven', 'odd'=>'sbkodd'}, 0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
+    # --- Columns
+    col                => [ text,  'colulmn',          0, \&_prop_on ],
+    col_soft           => [ text,  'softcol',          0, \&_prop_on ],
+    col_num            => [ text,  'cols',     0, \&_prop_raw ],
+    col_space          => [ text,  'colsx',    0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    col_select => [ text,  'colno',    0, \&_prop_raw ],
+    col_padding_right => [ text, 'colsr',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    col_width  => [ text,  'colw',             0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    col_line           => [ text,  'linebetcol',       0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'page_brk' => [ 'text', 'page',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'page_softbrk'     => [ 'text', 'softpage',        0, \&_prop_on ],
+    # --- Forms....
+    'sec_unlock'       => [ 'text', 'sectunlocked',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+    # --- Footsnotes, endnotes stuff
+    'sec_endnotes_here' => [ 'text', 'endnhere',       0, \&_prop_on ],
+    # --- Alignment
+    'par_align'        => [ 'text', { left=>'ql', right=>'qr', center=>'qc', 
justify=>'qj' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
+    'sec_vert_align'   => [ 'text', { top=>vertalt, bottom=>vertalb, 
center=>vertalc },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
+    # --- Indentation
+    'par_indent_first' => [ 'text', 'fi',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    'par_indent_left'  => [ 'text', 'li',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    'par_indent_right' => [ 'text', 'ri',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    'par_outline_level'        => [ 'text', 'outlinelevel', 0, \&_prop_raw ],
+    'par_number_text'  => [ 'text', 'pntext', 1, \&_prop_pcdata ],
+    'par_number'               => [ 'text', 'pn', 0, \&_prop_list ],
+    # --- Style
+    'style'            => [ 'text', 's',               0, \&_prop_style ],
+    'style_default'    => [ 'text', { 'character'=>'plain', 
+        'section'=>'secd', 'row'=>'trowd', 'cell'=>'tcelld' },  0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
+    # --- Paragraph spacing
+    'par_space_before' => [ 'text', 'sb',      0,  \&_prop_twips ],
+    'par_space_after'  => [ 'text', 'sa',      0,  \&_prop_twips  ],
+    'par_space_lines'  => [ 'text', 'sl',      0,  \&_prop_raw  ],
+    'par_space_lines_mult'     => [ 'text', 'slmult', 0,  \&_prop_raw  ],
+    # --- Character formatting
+    'bold'             => [ 'text',  'b',              0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+    'italic'           => [ 'text',  'i',              0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+    'caps'             => [ 'text',  'caps',   0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+    'caps_small'       => [ 'text',  'scaps',  0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+    'underline'        => [ 'text', { 'off'=>'ul0', 'continuous'=>'ul', 
+        'dash'=>'uldash', 'dot-dash'=>'uldashd', 'dot-dot-dash'=>'uldashdd',
+        'double'=>'ulb', 'none'=>'ulnone', 'thick'=>'ulth', 'word'=>'ulw',
+        'wave'=>'ulwave' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
+    'hidden'                   => [ 'text', 'v',               0,  
\&_prop_onoff ],
+    # --- Colors
+    'color_foreground'         => [ 'text', 'cf',              0, \&_prop_raw 
+    'color_background'         => [ 'text', 'cb',              0, \&_prop_raw 
+    'highlight'                => [ 'text', 'highlight',       0, \&_prop_raw 
+    # --- Fonts
+    'font'                     => [ 'text', 'f',               0, \&_prop_raw 
+    'font_size'                => [ 'text', 'fs',              0, 
\&_prop_halfpts ],
+    'font_scale'               => [ 'text', 'charscalex',      0,  \&_prop_raw 
+    # --- Page sizes, margins, etc.
+    'sec_page_width'           => [ 'text', 'pgwsxn',  0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_page_height'  => [ 'text', 'pghsxn',  0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_landscape'            => [ 'text', 'lndscpsxn',       0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'sec_margin_left'  => [ 'text', 'marglsxn',        0, \&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_margin_right'         => [ 'text', 'margrsxn',        0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_margin_top'           => [ 'text', 'margtsxn',        0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_margin_bottom'        => [ 'text', 'margbsxn',        0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_margin_mirror'        => [ 'text', 'margmirsxn',      0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'sec_gutter'               => [ 'text', 'guttersxn',       0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_title_pg'             => [ 'text', 'titlepg',         0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'sec_header_margin'        => [ 'text', 'headery',         0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
+    'sec_footer_margin'        => [ 'text', 'footery',         0, 
\&_prop_twips ],
+    # --- Hyphenation
+    'par_hyphen'               => [ 'text', 'hyphpar',         0,  
\&_prop_onoff ],
+    # --- Widow/orphan controls
+    'par_widow_cntrl'  => [ text, { 0=>nowidctlpar, 1=>widctlpar }, 0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
+    'par_intact'               => [ 'text', 'keep',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'par_keep_next'            => [ 'text', 'keepn',   0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'par_pgbrk_before'         => [ 'text', 'pagebb',  0, \&_prop_on ],
+    # --- Page numbering
+    'pg_num_start'             => [ 'text', 'pgnstart',        0, \&_prop_raw 
+    'pg_num_cont'              => [ 'text', 'pgncont', 0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'pg_num_restart'   => [ 'text', 'pgnrestart',      0, \&_prop_on ],
+    'sec_title_pg'             => [ 'text', 'titlepg',         0, \&_prop_on ]
+sub set_properties
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $table = shift,
+       $settings = shift,
+       $destination = shift;
+    my ($property, $value, $where, $what, $arg, $default);
+    local ($_);
+    foreach $property (keys %{$settings}) {   
+        if (defined(${$table}{$property}))
+        {
+            ($where, $what, $group, $default, $arg) = @{${$table}{$property}};
+            if (defined($destination))
+            {
+                carp "\`$property\' is not a section, paragraph or character 
+                    if ($where ne "text");
+                $where = $destination;
+            } else {
+                $where = $self->{$where}, if (defined($what));
+            }
+            if (defined($what))
+            {
+                $value = ${$settings}{$property};
+                my @controls = $self->$default($what, $value, $arg);
+                if (@controls)
+                {
+                    if ($group) {
+                        my $subgroup = $self->add_group($where);
+                        $self->add_raw ($subroup, @controls );
+                    } else {
+                        $self->add_raw ($where, @controls );
+                    }
+                }                
+            } else {
+                $self->{$where} = ${$settings}{$property};
+            }
+        } else {
+            carp "Don\'t know how to handle property: \`$property\'";
+        }
+    }
+sub initialize
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->{charset}   = "ansi";       # Character Set
+    # --- Document Header
+    $self->{DOCUMENT}  = $self->new_group( '\rtf', $self->{charset} );
+    $self->{fonttbl}           = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
+    $self->{fontCnt}           = 0;
+    $self->{colortbl}  = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
+    $self->{colorCnt}  = 0;    # count of colors in table
+    $self->{styletbl}  = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
+    $self->{styleCnt}  = 0;    # count of styles defined
+    $self->{text}              = $self->add_group($self->{DOCUMENT});
+    $self->{info}              = $self->add_group();
+    $self->add_raw             ( $self->{info}, '\info' );
+    $self->{creatim}   = time();
+sub import {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->set_properties (\%DOCINFO, @_);
+    $self->splice_raw ($self->{DOCUMENT}, 1, 1, "\\".$self->{charset});
+    # --- Insert creation time in Information Group
+    if ($self->{creatim})
+    {
+        my ($ss, $mn, $hr, $dd, $mm, $yy) = localtime($self->{creatim});
+        $yy+=1900; $mm++;
+        my $creatim = $self->add_group($self->{info});
+        $self->add_raw( $creatim,  '\creatim',
+            "\\yr$yy", "\\mo$mm", "\\dy$dd", "\\hr$hr", "\\min$mn", "\\sec$ss"
+        );
+        $self->{creatim} = 0;
+    };
+sub new
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $self->initialize();
+    $self->import(@_);
+    return $self;
+sub emit_group {
+    local ($el, $data);
+    unless (@_) {
+        return undef;
+    }
+    $data = "\{";
+    foreach $el (@_)
+    {
+        if (ref($el) eq ARRAY) {
+            $data .= emit_group(@$el);
+        } else {
+            if (($el !~ m/^[\\\;\{\}]/) and (substr($data, length($data)-1) !~ 
m/[\}\{\s]/)) {
+                $data .= " ";
+            }
+            $data .= $el;
+        }
+    }
+    $data .= "\}";
+    return $data;
+    'swiss'    => 'swiss',
+    'sans-serif' => 'swiss',
+    'roman'    => 'roman',
+    'serif'    => 'roman',
+    'modern'   => 'modern',
+    'monospace' => 'modern',
+    'script'   => 'script',
+    'decor'    => 'decor',
+    'fantasy'  => 'decor',
+    'tech'     => 'tech',
+    'symbol'   => 'tech',
+    'bidi'     => 'bidi'
+    'default' => 0,
+    'fixed'    => 1,
+    'variable' => 2
+sub add_font
+    local ($_);
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift,
+       $attributes = shift;
+    my $class = $FONTCLASSES{${$attributes}{family}};
+    unless (defined($class)) {
+        $class = "nil";
+        carp "Unknown font family \`${$attributes}{family}\'";
+    }
+    unless ($self->{fontCnt}) {
+        $self->add_raw ($self->{fonttbl}, '\fonttbl');
+        $self->splice_raw ($self->{DOCUMENT}, 2, 0, "\\deff".$self->{fontCnt});
+    }
+    my $fattr = $self->add_group($self->{fonttbl});
+    $self->add_raw ($fattr, ('\f'.$self->{fontCnt}, '\f'.$class) );
+    if (defined(my $pitch = ${$attributes}{pitch}))
+    {
+        $self->add_raw ($fattr, '\fprq'. ($FONTPITCH{ $pitch }
+            or carp "Don\'t know how to handle \`pitch => $pitch\'" )
+        );
+    }
+    if (defined(my $actual = ${$attributes}{name})) # non-tagged name (is this 
+    {
+        $self->add_raw ($fattr, ['\*\fname '.escape_simple($actual) ] );
+    }
+    $self->add_raw ($fattr, escape_simple($name) );
+    my @alternates = @{${$attributes}{alternates}};
+    if (@alternates) {
+        while ($_ = shift @alternates) {
+            $self->add_raw ($fattr, [ '\*\falt '.escape_simple($_) ] );
+        }
+    }
+    $self->add_raw ($fattr, ';' );
+    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
+        carp "Default font redefined",
+            if (@{$self->{DOCUMENT}}[2] ne "\\deff0");
+            @{$self->{DOCUMENT}}[2] = "\\deff".$self->{fontCnt};
+    }
+    return $self->{fontCnt}++;
+sub decode_stylename
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $current = shift || '\s0';
+    $current =~ m/^\\[cd]?s(\d+)/;
+    my ($next, $last) = ($1+1, $1-1);
+    $last = 222, if ($last<0);
+    return '\s222', if ($name eq "none");
+    return '\s0', if ($name eq "default");
+    return $current, if ($name eq "self");
+    return '\s'.$next, if ($name eq "next");
+    return '\s'.$last, if ($name eq "last");
+    return $name;
+    'character' => '\*\cs',
+    'paragraph' => '\s',
+    'section' => '\ds'
+sub add_style
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($name, $formatting, $attributes) = @_;
+    unless (@{$self->{styletbl}}) {
+        $self->add_raw ( $self->{styletbl}, '\stylesheet');
+    }
+    $type = ${$attributes}{type} || "paragraph";
+    my $code = $STYLETYPES{$type};
+    unless (defined($code)) {
+        carp "Don\'t know how to handle a \`$type\' style";
+    }
+    my $style;
+    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
+        carp "Default style\'s type must be \`paragraph\'", if ($type ne 
+        $code = "\\s0";
+        $style = $code;
+        $self->{$style} = $self->new_group();;
+    } else {
+        $code .= ++$self->{styleCnt};
+        ($style = $code) =~ s/^\\\*//;
+        $self->{$style} = $self->new_group( $code );
+    }
+    $self->set_properties( \%PROPERTIES, $formatting, $self->{$style} );
+    carp "Warning: next attribute for style sheets is not used",
+        if (defined(${$attributes}{next}));
+    my $sbasedon = ${$attributes}{basedon} || "none",
+       $snext    = ${$attributes}{next}    || "self";
+    $sbasedon = decode_stylename($sbasedon, $style);
+    $snext    = decode_stylename($snext, $style);
+    # --- Inherit stylesheet from "basedon"
+    if ($sbasedon ne '\s222') {
+         %{$self->{styles}->{$style}} = %{$self->{styles}->{$sbasedon}};
+    } else {
+        $self->{styles}->{$style} = {};
+    }
+    foreach my $aux (keys %{$formatting}) {
+        ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{$aux} = ${$formatting}{$aux};
+    }
+    $sbasedon =~ s/^\\[dc]?s//; $snext =~ s/^\\[dc]?s//;
+    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\sbasedon'.$sbasedon), if 
+    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\snext'.$snext), if 
+    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\shidden'), if (${$attributes}{hidden});
+    push @{$self->{$style}}, ('\sautoupd'), if (${$attributes}{autoupdate});
+    if ($type eq "character") {
+        if (${$attributes}{additive}) {
+            push @{$self->{$style}}, '\additive';
+        } else {
+            ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{plain} = 1;
+        }
+    } else {
+         ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{plain} = 1;
+         ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{pard}  = 1;
+         if ($type eq "section") {
+             ${$self->{styles}->{$style}}{secd}  = 1;
+         }
+    }
+    push @{$self->{$style}}, escape_simple($name).";";
+    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
+        $self->splice_raw($self->{styletbl}, 1, 0, $self->{$style});
+    } else {
+        $self->add_raw($self->{styletbl}, $self->{$style});
+    }
+    return $style;
+# --- These are the color names used in the HTML 4.0 spec. WordPad also uses 
+#     names too. However, Microsoft's RTF 1.5 spec uses different color names.
+    'black'    => [0, 0, 0],
+    'blue'     => [0, 0, 255],
+    'aqua'     => [0, 255, 255],
+    'lime'     => [0, 255, 0],
+    'fuscia'   => [255, 0, 255],
+    'red'      => [255, 0, 0],
+    'yellow'   => [255, 255, 0],
+    'white'    => [255, 255, 255],
+    'navy'     => [0, 0, 128],
+    'teal'     => [0, 128, 128],
+    'green'    => [0, 128, 0],
+    'purple'   => [128, 0, 128],
+    'maroon'   => [128, 0, 0],
+    'olive'    => [128, 128, 0],
+    'gray'     => [128, 128, 128],
+    'silver'   => [192, 192, 192],
+sub parse_value
+    local ($_) = shift;
+    $_ = $1 * 2.55, if (m/\-?(\d+(\.\d*)?)\s*\%$/);
+    return POSIX::ceil($_);
+sub add_color
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $attributes = shift;
+    my ($red, $grn, $blu);
+    if (defined(${$attributes}{name})) {
+        my $name = ${$attributes}{name};
+        ($red, $grn, $blu) = @{$COLORNAMES{$name}};
+        carp "Unrecognized color name \`$name\'", 
+          unless (defined($COLORNAMES{$name}));
+    } else {
+        $red = parse_value(${$attributes}{red});
+        $grn = parse_value(${$attributes}{green});
+        $blu = parse_value(${$attributes}{blue});
+    }
+    if (${$attributes}{gray}) {
+        ($red, $grn, $blu) = (255, 255, 255), unless ($red+$grn+$blu);
+        $red = POSIX::ceil(parse_value(${$attributes}{gray}) / 255 * $red);
+        $grn = POSIX::ceil(parse_value(${$attributes}{gray}) / 255 * $grn);
+        $blu = POSIX::ceil(parse_value(${$attributes}{gray}) / 255 * $blu);
+    }
+    unless ($self->{colorCnt}) {
+        $self->add_raw ($self->{colortbl}, ('\colortbl', ';'));
+    }
+    foreach ($red, $grn, $blu) {
+        carp "Invalid color value: $_.", if ($_<0) or ($_>255);
+    }
+    if (${$attributes}{default}) {
+        carp "Default color will not used by most RTF readers";
+        $self->splice_raw ($self->{colortbl}, 1, 1, ("\\red$red", 
"\\green$grn", "\\blue$blu;") );
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        $self->add_raw ($self->{colortbl}, ("\\red$red", "\\green$grn", 
"\\blue$blu;") );
+        return ++$self->{colorCnt};
+    }
+sub new_group {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $group = [];
+    push @{$group}, @_;
+    return $group;
+sub add_group {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $section = shift || $self->root();
+    my $group = shift || $self->new_group();
+    $self->add_raw ($section, $group);
+    return $group;
+sub root {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{text};
+sub splice_raw # splice a raw value into a section
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $section = shift;
+    my $position = shift;
+    my $length = shift;
+    splice @{$section}, $position, $length, @_;
+sub add_raw # add a raw value to a section
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $section = shift;
+    push @{$section}, @_ ;
+# --- Escape brackets, backslashes and 8-bit characters
+sub escape_simple {
+    local ($_) = shift;
+    s/([\\\{\}])/\\$1/g;       
+    s/([\x80-\xff])/sprintf("\\\'\%02x", ord($1))/eg;
+    return $_;
+# --- Escapes special characters to common RTF controls
+sub escape_text
+    local ($_) = escape_simple(shift);
+    s/\r/\\par/g;              # carriage returns = new paragraphs
+    s/\n/\\line/g;             # escape newlines
+    s/\t/\\tab/g;              # escape tabs
+    return $_;
+sub split_text # splits special characters and regular text into list items
+    my ($line) = shift;
+    $line =~ s/\r//g;          # remove carriage returns
+    $line =~ s/\n\n/\r/g;              # change double-newlines to new 
carriage returns
+    my (@list) = ();
+    local($_);
+    foreach (split /(?<=[\n\r\t\\\{\}])|(?=[\n\r\t\\\{\}])/, $line) {
+        push @list, escape_text ($_);
+    }
+    return @list;
+sub add_text {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $group = shift || $self->root();
+    my ($arg, $rarg);
+    while ($arg = shift) {
+        $rarg = ref($arg);
+        if ($rarg eq HASH)
+        {
+            $self->set_properties (\%PROPERTIES, $arg, $group);
+        }
+        elsif ($rarg eq ARRAY)
+        {
+            my $subgroup = $self->add_group($group);
+            $self->add_text ($subgroup, @{$arg} );
+        }
+        elsif ($rarg eq SCALAR)
+        {
+            $self->add_text (${$arg});
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $self->add_raw ($group, split_text($arg));
+        }
+    }
+sub rtf
+    my $self = shift;
+    unless ($self->{fontCnt}) {
+        carp "No default font has been specified";
+    }
+    return emit_group @{$self->{DOCUMENT}};
+=head1 NAME
+RTF::Document - Perl extension for generating Rich Text (RTF) Files 
+RTF::Document is a module for generating Rich Text Format (RTF) documents
+that can be used by most text converters and word processors.
+For a listing of properties, consult the %DOCINFO and %PROPERTIES hashes
+in the source code.
+    Carp
+    POSIX
+    Convert::Units::Type 0.33
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+    use RTF::Document;
+    # Document properties
+    $rtf = new RTF::Document(
+      {
+        doc_page_width => '8.5in',
+        doc_page_height => '11in'
+      }
+    );
+    # Font definitions
+    $fAvantGarde = $rtf->add_font ("AvantGarde", 
+       { family=>swiss,
+         default=>1
+       } );
+    $fCourier = $rtf->add_font ("Courier",
+      { family=>monospace, pitch=>fixed, 
+        alternates=>["Courier New", "American Typewriter"] 
+      } );
+    # Color definitions
+    $cRed   = $rtf->add_color ( { red=>255 } );
+    $cGreen = $rtf->add_color ( { green=>128 } );
+    $cCustm = $rtf->add_color ( { red=>0x66, blue=>0x33, green=>0x33 } );
+    $cBlack = $rtf->add_color ( { name=>'black' } );
+    $cWhite = $rtf->add_color ( { gray=>'100%' } );
+    $cNavy = $rtf->add_color ( { blue=>'100%', gray=>'50%' } );
+    # style definitions
+    $sNormal = $rtf->add_style( "Normal",
+      { font=>$fAvantGarde, font_size=>'12pt',
+        color_foreground=>$cBlack },
+      { type=>paragraph, default=>1 }
+    );
+    $sGreen = $rtf->add_style( "Green",
+      { color_foreground=>$cGreen },
+      { type=>character, additive=>1 }
+    );
+    # Mix any combo of properties and text...
+    $rtf->add_text( $rtf->root(),
+       "Default text\n\n",
+       { bold=>1, underline=>continuous },
+       "Bold/Underlined Text\n\n",
+       { font_size=>'20pt', font=>$fCourier,
+         color_foreground=>$cRed },
+       "Bigger, Red and Monospaced.\n\n",
+       { style_default=>paragraph },
+       { style_default=>character },
+       "This is ",
+       [ { style=>$sGreen }, "green" ],
+       " styled.\n\n"
+    );
+    open FILE, ">MyFile.rtf";
+    binmode FILE;
+    print FILE $rtf->rtf();
+    close FILE;
+For purposes of using this module, a Rich Text (RTF) Document can be 
subdivided into
+I<groups>. Groups can be considered containers for I<text> and I<controls> 
+document and text properties).
+For all intents and purposes, a group limits the scope of controls. So if we 
+the "bold" character property within a group, the text will be bold only within
+that group (until it is turned off within that group).
+When generating a RTF document using this module, we are only concerned with 
+I<root> group (also called the "Document Area"). (The "Header" groups are taken
+care of automatically by this module.)
+The Document Area is subdivided into I<sections>. Each section is subdivided 
+=head1 METHODS
+Some of the methods are documented below. (Methods not documented here may
+be changed in future versions.)
+=head2 new
+    $rtf = new RTF::Document( \%DocumentProperties );
+Creates a new RTF document object.
+=head2 root
+    $gRoot = $rtf->root();
+Returns the "root" group in the RTF document.
+=head2 new_group
+    $gMyGroup = $rtf->new_group();
+Creates a new group (not inside of the RTF document).
+=head2 add_group
+    $gChildOfRoot = $rtf->add_group();
+    $gChildOfChild = $rtf->add_group( $gChild );
+Adds a child group to the specfied group. If no group is specified, the "root"
+group is assumed.
+    $rtf->add_group( $rtf->root(), $gMyGroup );
+Adds a group to the specified parent group (in this case, the root group).
+=head2 add_raw
+    $rtf->add_raw( $group, '\par', "Some Text" );
+Adds raw controls and text to the group. This method is intended for internal
+use only.
+=head2 add_text
+    $rtf->add_text( $group, "Some text ", { bold=>1 }, "more text" );
+Adds text and controls to a group. Text is escaped.
+=head2 add_font
+=head2 add_color
+=head2 add_style
+=head2 Document Properties
+=head2 Section Properties
+=head2 Paragraph Properties
+=head2 Character Properties
+This module should be considered in the "alpha" stage. Use at your own risk.
+There are no default document or style properties produced by this module,
+with the exception of the character set. If you want to make sure that a
+I<specific> font, color, or style is used, you must specify it. Otherwise
+you rely on the assumptions of whatever RTF reader someone is using.
+This module does not insert newlines anywhere in the text, even though some
+RTF writers break lines before they exceed 225 characters.  This may or may
+not be an issue with some reader software.
+Unknown font or style properties will generally be ignored without warning.
+This module supports some newer RTF controls (used in Word 95/Word 97) that
+may are not understood by older RTF readers.
+Once a Font, Color or Style is added, it cannot be changed. No checking
+for redundant entries is done.
+Generally, it is not possible to reference a not-yet-created Style with the
+next or basedon attributes. However, you can use the constances "last",
+"self" or "next" to reference the last style added, the current style
+being added, or the next style that will be added, respectively.
+Specifying properties in a particular order within a group does not
+guarantee that they will be emitted in that order. If order matters,
+specify them separetly. For instance,
+    $rtf->add_text($rtf->root, { style_default=>character, bold=>1 } );
+should be (if you want to ensure character styles are reset before setting
+bold text):
+    $rtf->add_text($rtf->root, { style_default=>character }, { bold=>1 } );
+Also note that duplicate properties within the same group won't work. i.e.,
+If you want to set "style_default" for both paragraphs and characters, you
+must do so in separate groups.
+This isn't so much as a bug as the way Perl handles hashes.
+=head2 Unimplemented Features
+A rather large number of features and control words are not handled in this
+version. Among the major features:
+=item Annotations and Comments
+=item Bookmarks
+=item Bullets and Paragraph Numbering
+Some support has been added. The backwards-compatability controls for numbered
+paragraphs used by older readers has not been added because it is not properly
+handled by newer readers.
+=item Character Sets and Internationalization
+Non-"ANSI" character sets (i.e., Macintosh) and Unicode character
+sets are not supported (at least not intentionally). There is no
+support for Asian character sets in this version of the module.
+Unicode character escapes are not implemented.
+Language codes (defining a default language, or a language for a
+group of characters) are not implemented.
+Bi-directional and text-flow controls are not implemented.
+=item Embedded Images and OLE Objects
+=item File Tables
+=item Footnotes and Endnotes
+=item Forms
+=item Headers and Footers
+=item Hyphenation Control
+Some minimal controls have been added.
+=item Lists and List Tables
+Not implemented: List Tables are really a kind of style sheet for lists.
+Priority will be given to support generic bullets and paragraph numbering.
+=item Page Numbering
+Minimal definition, untested.
+=item Printer Bin Controls
+=item Revision Tables
+=item Special Characters and Document Variables
+Most special characters not not implemented, with the exception of tabs. Double
+newline characters are converted to a new paragraph control, and single 
+are converted to a new line control.
+=item Tabs
+=item Tables and Frames
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Microsoft Technical Support and Application Note, "Rich Text Format (RTF)
+Specification and Sample Reader Program", Version 1.5.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Robert Rothenberg <>
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Robert Rothenberg. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 51085a9..2cf296e 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+librtf-document-perl (0.64-9) unstable; urgency=low
+  * bugfix release
+  * patch from Victor Clodoaldo Salas Pumacayo (nmag only)
+ -- Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <>  Mon, 13 Feb 2006 16:10:58 
 librtf-document-perl (0.64-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * cleaning for Standards-Version: 3.6.2
diff --git a/debian/patches/00list b/debian/patches/00list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f74dee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/00list
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/01_make_it_strict.dpatch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8faaa84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/01_make_it_strict.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+---        2006-02-13 15:53:37.122539911 +0100
++++ debian/ 2006-02-13 15:51:04.891781370 +0100
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+ use Carp;
++use strict 'vars', 'subs';
+ use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
+ use Convert::Units::Type 0.33;
+@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@
+ sub _prop_style {
+     my ($self, $code, $arg) = @_;
+     $code = decode_stylename($arg, '\s222');
+-    my $formatting, $style_properties;
++    my ($formatting, $style_properties);
+     if (defined($code)) {
+         $formatting = $self->new_group();
+@@ -242,16 +243,16 @@
+     'doc_rtf_def'             => [ 'text',  'defformat',   0, \&_prop_on ],
+     # --- Page sizes, margins, etc.
+-    doc_page_width    => [ text,  paperw,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    doc_page_height   => [ text,  paperh,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    doc_landscape     => [ text,  landscape,  0, \&_prop_on ],
+-    doc_facing        => [ text,  facingp,    0, \&_prop_on ],
+-    doc_margin_left   => [ text,  margl,              0,  \&_prop_twips ],
+-    doc_margin_right  => [ text,  margr,              0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    doc_margin_top    => [ text,  margt,              0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    doc_margin_bottom => [ text,  margb,      0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    doc_margin_mirror=> [ text,  margmirror,  0, \&_prop_on ],
+-    doc_gutter        => [ text,  gutter,     0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    doc_page_width    => [ 'text',  'paperw', 0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    doc_page_height   => [ 'text',  'paperh', 0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    doc_landscape     => [ 'text',  'landscape',      0, \&_prop_on ],
++    doc_facing        => [ 'text',  'facingp',        0, \&_prop_on ],
++    doc_margin_left   => [ 'text',  'margl',          0,  \&_prop_twips ],
++    doc_margin_right  => [ 'text',  'margr',          0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    doc_margin_top    => [ 'text',  'margt',          0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    doc_margin_bottom => [ 'text',  'margb',  0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    doc_margin_mirror=> [ 'text',  'margmirror',      0, \&_prop_on ],
++    doc_gutter        => [ 'text',  'gutter',         0, \&_prop_twips ],
+     # --- Hyphenation
+     doc_hyphen_auto   => [ 'text', 'hyphauto', 0,  \&_prop_onoff ],
+@@ -260,10 +261,10 @@
+     doc_hyphen_zone   => [ 'text', 'hyphhotz', 0,  \&_prop_twips ],
+     # --- Views
+-    doc_view_scale    => [ text,  viewscale,   0, \&_prop_raw  ],
+-    doc_view_zoom     => [ text, { none=>'viewzk0', 'full-page'=>'viewzk1',
++    doc_view_scale    => [ 'text',  'viewscale',   0, \&_prop_raw  ],
++    doc_view_zoom     => [ 'text', { none=>'viewzk0', 'full-page'=>'viewzk1',
+       'best-fit'=>'viewzk1' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
+-    doc_view_caption  => [ text, windowcaption, 1, , \&_prop_pcdata ],
++    doc_view_caption  => [ 'text', 'windowcaption', 1, , \&_prop_pcdata ],
+     'doc_view_mode'   => [ 'text', { 'none'=>'viewkind0', 
+       'outline'=>'viewkind2', 'master'=>'viewkind3',
+@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@
+     'doc_charset'             => [ 'charset' ],
+     # --- Widow/orphan controls
+-    doc_widow_cntrl   => [ text,  widowctrl,   0, \&_prop_on ],
++    doc_widow_cntrl   => [ 'text',  'widowctrl',   0, \&_prop_on ],
+     # --- Tabs
+     tabs_default      => [ 'text',  'deftab',         0, \&_prop_twips ],
+@@ -296,14 +297,14 @@
+       'page'=>'sbkpage', 'even'=>'sbkeven', 'odd'=>'sbkodd'}, 0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
+     # --- Columns
+-    col               => [ text,  'colulmn',          0, \&_prop_on ],
+-    col_soft          => [ text,  'softcol',          0, \&_prop_on ],
+-    col_num           => [ text,  'cols',     0, \&_prop_raw ],
+-    col_space         => [ text,  'colsx',    0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    col_select        => [ text,  'colno',    0, \&_prop_raw ],
+-    col_padding_right => [ text, 'colsr',     0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    col_width         => [ text,  'colw',             0, \&_prop_twips ],
+-    col_line          => [ text,  'linebetcol',       0, \&_prop_on ],
++    col               => [ 'text',  'colulmn',        0, \&_prop_on ],
++    col_soft          => [ 'text',  'softcol',        0, \&_prop_on ],
++    col_num           => [ 'text',  'cols',   0, \&_prop_raw ],
++    col_space         => [ 'text',  'colsx',  0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    col_select        => [ 'text',  'colno',  0, \&_prop_raw ],
++    col_padding_right => [ 'text', 'colsr',   0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    col_width         => [ 'text',  'colw',           0, \&_prop_twips ],
++    col_line          => [ 'text',  'linebetcol',     0, \&_prop_on ],
+     'page_brk'        => [ 'text', 'page',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+     'page_softbrk'    => [ 'text', 'softpage',        0, \&_prop_on ],
+@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@
+     # --- Alignment
+     'par_align'       => [ 'text', { left=>'ql', right=>'qr', center=>'qc', 
justify=>'qj' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
+-    'sec_vert_align'  => [ 'text', { top=>vertalt, bottom=>vertalb, 
center=>vertalc },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
++    'sec_vert_align'  => [ 'text', { top=>'vertalt', bottom=>'vertalb', 
center=>'vertalc' },  0, \&_prop_decode ],
+     # --- Indentation
+     'par_indent_first'        => [ 'text', 'fi',      0, \&_prop_twips ],
+@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@
+     'par_hyphen'              => [ 'text', 'hyphpar',         0,  
\&_prop_onoff ],
+     # --- Widow/orphan controls
+-    'par_widow_cntrl'         => [ text, { 0=>nowidctlpar, 1=>widctlpar }, 0, 
\&_prop_decode ],
++    'par_widow_cntrl'         => [ 'text', { 0=>'nowidctlpar', 1=>'widctlpar' 
}, 0, \&_prop_decode ],
+     'par_intact'              => [ 'text', 'keep',    0, \&_prop_on ],
+     'par_keep_next'           => [ 'text', 'keepn',   0, \&_prop_on ],
+@@ -397,9 +398,9 @@
+     my $self = shift;
+     my $table = shift,
+-       $settings = shift,
+-       $destination = shift;
+-    my ($property, $value, $where, $what, $arg, $default);
++    my $settings = shift,
++    my $destination = shift;
++    my ($property, $value, $where, $what, $group, $arg, $default);
+     local ($_);
+@@ -426,7 +427,7 @@
+                 {
+                     if ($group) {
+                         my $subgroup = $self->add_group($where);
+-                        $self->add_raw ($subroup, @controls );
++                        $self->add_raw ($subgroup, @controls );
+                     } else {
+                         $self->add_raw ($where, @controls );
+                     }
+@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@
+     my $self = shift;
+     $self->set_properties (\%DOCINFO, @_);
+-    $self->splice_raw ($self->{DOCUMENT}, 1, 1, "\\".$self->{charset});
++    $self->splice_raw ($self->{DOCUMENT}, 1, 1, "\\".$self->{charset}) if ( 
defined $self->{charset} );
+     # --- Insert creation time in Information Group
+     if ($self->{creatim})
+@@ -498,7 +499,7 @@
+ }
+ sub emit_group {
+-    local ($el, $data);
++    my ($el, $data);
+     unless (@_) {
+         return undef;
+@@ -508,7 +509,7 @@
+     foreach $el (@_)
+     {
+-        if (ref($el) eq ARRAY) {
++        if (ref($el) eq "ARRAY") {
+             $data .= emit_group(@$el);
+         } else {
+             if (($el !~ m/^[\\\;\{\}]/) and (substr($data, length($data)-1) 
!~ m/[\}\{\s]/)) {
+@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@
+     my $self = shift;
+     my $name = shift,
+-       $attributes = shift;
++    my $attributes = shift;
+     my $class = $FONTCLASSES{${$attributes}{family}};
+@@ -580,7 +581,8 @@
+     $self->add_raw ($fattr, escape_simple($name) );
+-    my @alternates = @{${$attributes}{alternates}};
++    my @alternates = ();
++       @alternates = @{${$attributes}{alternates}} if ( defined 
@{${$attributes}{alternates}} );
+     if (@alternates) {
+         while ($_ = shift @alternates) {
+             $self->add_raw ($fattr, [ '\*\falt '.escape_simple($_) ] );
+@@ -630,7 +632,7 @@
+         $self->add_raw ( $self->{styletbl}, '\stylesheet');
+     }
+-    $type = ${$attributes}{type} || "paragraph";
++    my $type = ${$attributes}{type} || "paragraph";
+     my $code = $STYLETYPES{$type};
+     unless (defined($code)) {
+         carp "Don\'t know how to handle a \`$type\' style";
+@@ -654,7 +656,7 @@
+         if (defined(${$attributes}{next}));
+     my $sbasedon = ${$attributes}{basedon} || "none",
+-       $snext    = ${$attributes}{next}    || "self";
++    my $snext    = ${$attributes}{next}    || "self";
+     $sbasedon = decode_stylename($sbasedon, $style);
+     $snext    = decode_stylename($snext, $style);
+@@ -802,7 +804,7 @@
+     my $position = shift;
+     my $length = shift;
+-    splice @{$section}, $position, $length, @_;
++    splice @{$section}, $position, $length, @_ ;
+ }
+ sub add_raw # add a raw value to a section
+@@ -855,16 +857,16 @@
+     while ($arg = shift) {
+         $rarg = ref($arg);
+-        if ($rarg eq HASH)
++        if ($rarg eq "HASH")
+         {
+             $self->set_properties (\%PROPERTIES, $arg, $group);
+         }
+-        elsif ($rarg eq ARRAY)
++        elsif ($rarg eq "ARRAY")
+         {
+             my $subgroup = $self->add_group($group);
+             $self->add_text ($subgroup, @{$arg} );
+         }
+-        elsif ($rarg eq SCALAR)
++        elsif ($rarg eq "SCALAR")
+         {
+             $self->add_text (${$arg});
+         }
+@@ -1192,5 +1194,9 @@
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
++=head1 FIXES
++Some bugs have been fixed by nmag only <>, now
++the code is clean and under strict directives.
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 25d122e..22fb31b 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
 # -*- Makefile -*-
+include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
 # Make sure perl is defined (allow overriding from the command line
 PERL ?= /usr/bin/perl
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ binary-indep-stamp: arrange
        touch binary-indep-stamp
 build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: config
+build-stamp: patch config
        $(MAKE) test
@@ -67,4 +68,4 @@ install-stamp: build
        $(MAKE) install PREFIX=$(b)/usr
        touch install-stamp
-.PHONY: arrange binary binary-arch binary-indep build clean config install
+.PHONY: arrange binary binary-arch binary-indep build clean config install 
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba5672c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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