"Alexander E. Patrakov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (16/08/2008):
> Yes,

fine, build in progress, upload will follow.

> but upstream has put them into a #if 0 block, so you may want to copy
> their decision.

I guess they used that to easily revert it to a non-disabled code in
case it's needed, while my maintaining a tiny patch removing those lines
is functionally the same. That'll be more obvious to approve this change
for lenny since that's a 3-line removal, while adding an #if 0 there,
and an endif later (probably in another hunk) might not sound as “safe”
as it is (that could coment out a whole file or something).

> And BTW, Debian bug 482848 looks like a duplicate, as the launchpad
> entry also has this 0x04da:0x2372 USB ID, and thus you can probably
> close it too with your upload.

I've indeed added it to my Closes: statement, thanks.


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