Hi Yuv,

On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 12:33:46AM -0400, Yuval Levy wrote:
> Sebastian Harl wrote:
>> 3.2 is not available in any stable release so far and we're gonna have
>> some time to fix any outstanding issues before the next release
>> (Squeeze).
> when is Debian Squeeze planned?

This is currently being discussed. I suppose, we'll know more about that
within the next few weeks. I'm pretty sure, the freeze won't happen this

>>>> Currently, the only outstanding issue that has been reported is the
>>>> embedded version of libvigraimpex. It would be nice to be able to use
>>>> the packaged, unmodified version at some point in the future (see
>>>> [bts542258] for details).
>>> yes, this would be nice. I am not enough of a coder to take care of   
>>> this. I've added it to the Enblend bug tracker, [artifact 2853074]
>> I might look into that myself when I find some time to do so. I'm
>> currently about to finish my university studies and I'll have more free
>> time once that's done ;-)
> congrats on your graduation!

Thanks - I'm not quite there yet, though ;-)

>>> have you tried the latest Hg version? you probably don't need   
>>> [instructions] - it's much faster on multi-core CPUs; it is much more 
>>>  robust (projects of mine that segfault 3.2 complete like a charm on 
>>> 4.0  pre release); and worth being pushed into unstable already now.
>> I will have a look at that. Do you think it's in a state that might be
>> released with Debian already? Else, I guess, I'll upload to experimental
>> for now.
> my personal judgment: 4.0 pre-release (a.k.a. Christoph's branch) is  
> better than anything 3.x. I had plenty of cases where 3.x crashed and  
> 4.0 pre-release did the job. Chris can tell you more about the status of  
> 4.0.

Well, according to your timeline, enblend 4.0 should be released well
before Squeeze, so there should be plenty of time to get that 4.0 into
Debian in time.

> thank you, yes. I understand the general idea. The detailed question  
> would be then: who put 0.7.0 into backports.org? how does this happen?  

Looks like Andreas (Metzler) did that. I'm taking care of the enblend
backport. The general policy for backports.org is to backport packages
from testing only (i.e. packages that most likely will be included in
the next stable release). Basically, backports are maintained by whoever
is interested in a particular package but, I guess, in most cases it's
the same person taking care of the package in the official Debian
archive as well. If that's not the case, the backporter is encouraged to
talk to the maintainer first to make sure that possible problems are

> can we make it happen for 0.8.0 ? and for 2009.2.0 (expected before the  
> end of the month)? and for enblend 4.0?

Sure - as soon as they are available in testing.


Sebastian "tokkee" Harl +++ GnuPG-ID: 0x8501C7FC +++ http://tokkee.org/

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.         -- Benjamin Franklin

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