Re: NOKUBI Takatsugu 2014-02-24 <>
> I tried to change locale as C, but the message was same as ?????,
> it is the real question characters in Japanese/C locale.

Ok. That's a different problem, postgresql doesn't like running in an
empty environment (like pg_ctlcluster used to provide), that's fixed
in more recent postgresql-common versions. Then the log should be
proper Japanese.

> > Possibly the server.crt and server.key files used have diverged since
> > the PostgreSQL server was last restarted. Could you check if the files
> > match?
> I don't have server.* files in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main, I considered
> postgresql refers the directory, is it correct?

In <= 9.1, the files are in /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main. (Probably
symlinks to /etc/ssl/*.)

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