Martin Pitt wrote:

> So I think the best we can do here is to document how to do the
> upgrade

What Aiko wrote is *mostly* what I did (apt-get, not aptitude), but:

On Sun, 12 Oct 2014, Aiko Barz wrote:

> Backup /etc/postgresql first. From my memory:
> $ su - postgres
> $ pg_dumpall > backup_today.sql # User/DB access
> $ pg_dropcluster --stop 9.4 main
> $ exit
> $ aptitude upgrade
> $ su - postgres
> $ pg_createcluster --locale en_US.UTF-8 9.4 main

Right, except pg_createcluster only works as root, and
it takes options. Lots of options. I did not know all
the locale, lc_*, encoding, etc. options, so I settled
for --locale=C --encoding=UTF-8 which sounded the most
close to what I’d personally be doing, here.

And this is the reason I still don’t know if I introduced
any changes into the DB now or not…

> $ exit

Here in this place I had to manually compare all files
from /etc/postgresql against the saved ones and transfer
changes to the new files in /etc/postgresql manually.

> $ /etc/init.d/postgresql start
> $ su - postgres
> $ psql -f backup_today.sql postgres # User/DB access
> $ exit

Or: sudo -u postgres psql postgres <backup.sql

Martin Pitt wrote:

> and then not repeat the premature release of betas to
> unstable?

Yes, please.

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