We're migrating a database running on PostgreSQL 9.2.4 that was init'd a
looong time ago (8+years) - being moved to an Ubuntu 14.0.4 server running
the PostgreSQL 9.2.9-1 DEB package.  We've always cloned data on disk
(never had time to do a dump->restore when we had to go from 8.3 -> 9.2,
etc.) so we still have floating-point datetimes.  After cloning the files,
I try to mount and get "The database cluster was initialized without
HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP but the server was compiled with
HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP."  Our legacy system runs Postgres that we compiled
with "--disable-integer-datetimes" but on our new systems, we'd like to not
compile our own major applications, and use the Ubuntu packaging systems
and appreciate vendor-provided updates.

I just need to recompile with --disable-integer-datetimes but would like to
match exactly the flags used when the
postgresql-9.2_9.2.9-1.pgdg14.04+1_amd64.deb was packaged.  My initial run
of "configure --disable-integer-datetimes; make; make install" produces a
executable that mounts our non-integer datetime database files just fine.

Is there a configure.log available that explains the way these packages are
built so we can compile with as few differences between the supported
version and ours?

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