Hi, I am about to perform a mass-update in the repository: Changing the packages' sections to be under Ruby, as requested by the ftp-master team [1] on March 15. Note that I am _not_ performing any updates, only marking them as pending for the next upload (whenever it happens).
Note that I am _not_ basing the packages moved on the list of packages Joerg announced to have manually reclassified [2], although it will probably be close - Although also the packages in -wip are included. So, the list of packages I'm changing is: packages-wip: libacts-as-list-ruby libbackgroundrb-ruby libdev-utils-ruby libextensions-ruby libfacets-ruby libmatheval-ruby libnet-scp-ruby libnet-ssh-gateway-ruby libscruffy-ruby libwww-delicious-ruby packages: libamstd-ruby libbluecloth-ruby libbreakpoint-ruby libbuilder-ruby libcairo-ruby libcmdparse2-ruby libcmd-ruby libcolor-tools-ruby libcommandline-ruby libcomplearn-ruby libdaemons-ruby libdb4.2-ruby libdb4.3-ruby libdb4.4-ruby libdb-ruby libdbus-ruby libfeedparser-ruby libferret-ruby libform-validator-ruby libfusefs-ruby libgemplugin-ruby libgems-ruby libgnuplot-ruby libgpgme-ruby libgruff-ruby libgsl-ruby libhaml-ruby libhighline-ruby libhmac-ruby libhtmlentities-ruby libhtml-parser-ruby libihelp-ruby libimage-science-ruby libinline-ruby libintl-gettext-ruby libkrb5-ruby liblocale-ruby liblog4r-ruby libmarkaby-ruby libmaruku-ruby libmmap-ruby libmocha-ruby libnarray-ruby libnet-tftp-ruby libopenid-ruby libpcap-ruby libpdf-writer-ruby libprogressbar-ruby libqt4-ruby librevolution-ruby librmagick-ruby libsdl-ruby libserialport-ruby libsetup-ruby libshoulda-ruby libsvg-ruby libsvm-ruby libtermios-ruby libtext-format-ruby libtorrent-ruby libtransaction-simple-ruby libwill-paginate-ruby libwirble-ruby libxml-parser-ruby libxmpp4r-ruby libyadis-ruby Of course, I am also adding changelog entries (at UNRELEASED) for them all. Just if you are curious as to exactly what did I do, this happened at the repository's commit #3416 [3]. [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/03/msg00010.html [2] http://ftp-master.debian.org/~joerg/sections.march2009.txt [3] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ruby-extras/?op=comp&compare[]=...@3415&compare[]=...@3416 -- Gunnar Wolf - gw...@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244 PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23 Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973 F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF
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