Am 17.12.18 um 13:27 schrieb Raphael Manfredi:
> Quoting Michael Biebl:
> : Please boot with systemd as PID 1 and try to get a debug shell on tty9
> : by adding systemd.debug-shell=1 to the kernel command line.
> : 
> : On tty9 you can then inspect the system.
> : The output of
> : systemctl status dbus
> : systemctl status systemd-logind
> : systemctl list-jobs
> : would be a good start.
> It booted but...
>       /etc/profile puts /usr/local/bin at the start of the PATH.
> This created problems: for some reason, the autofs mount of /usr/local
> was not working.  I changed /etc/profile to remove these /usr/local
> prepending.  I also reset the PATH at the command line to avoid
> /usr/local....
> (This is funny. Autofs was started, see mount output below, but indeed
> trying to access any of the auto-mounted dirs failed -- I forgot to
> test my network by issuing a ping).

Could you uncomment those autofs mounts and try again?

> Next, a basic ps -ef worked and showed /sbin/init as being PID 1.
> It's a symlink:
>               lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Oct 28 18:02 /sbin/init -> 
> /lib/systemd/systemd
> So I was under systemd.
> I launched these commands (typing the full path just in case):
>       # /bin/systemctl status dbus
>       # /bin/systemctl status systemd-logingd
>       # /bin/systemctl list-jobs
> All three hung and I had to ^C them after a few secs.

Can you strace the process an attach the log.

> : A verbose debug log would be helpful as well.
> Tell me what log you want.  The output of "dmesg"?  Some other log file?

The output of ps aux, dmesg and journalctl -alb
Please add systemd.log_level=debug to the kernel command line to get a
more verbose boot log.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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