Am Freitag, den 08.06.2012, 19:18 -0600 schrieb Gordon Haverland:
> On June 8, 2012, Paul Menzel wrote:
> > Am Freitag, den 08.06.2012, 16:34 -0600 schrieb Gordon Haverland:
> > > On June 8, 2012, Paul Menzel wrote:
> > > > thank for the follow up. In the future please add the
> > > > addresses of all people who responded in that bug thread
> > > > to CC.
> > > > 
> > > > Even better, import the messages from the mbox you get with
> > > > 
> > > >     bts show --mbox 676463
> > > 
> > > What mbox?  I don't get any mboxen.
> > 
> > Did you run the command? `bts` is in package `devscripts`.
> > Normally mutt opens automatically, but you can exit with `q`
> > right away. The downloaded mbox (mail box) files is stored
> > under
> > `~/.devscripts_cache/bts/`.
> > 
> > > I just sent an email with kmail to the bugs address for this
> > > bug.
> > 
> > I know. And I did not receive your message. I had to check the
> > Web page manually to see if there was an answer.
> Sorry, I am not a developer or a Debian maintainer.  I've lived 
> with UNIX since 1984 and computers since 1978.  At heart, I am a 
> FORTRAN programmer, but I've dabbled in lots of stuff.  I have 
> more than enough other stuff to keep me busy, I was just trying to 
> help.  Downloading other mbox to add to my kmail isn't on my list 
> of things I want to do.

It takes one minute and saves everyone else time. I cannot tell you what
to do with your time. But frankly every one of us even following up on
reports has »more than enough other stuff to keep her/him busy«. And
most of the time it is just a matter if you take the time, which
unfortunately I had to do now.

By the way, if it is quicker you can also download the mbox file of one
message from the »mbox« link on the HTML bug report page. To keep
threading you just need the last one.

> > > > and reply to the appropriate message to keep the threading
> > > > and ease the life of everyone.
> > > 
> > > I'm sure if I do that all the time, someone will come along
> > > with something else I am doing wrong.
> > 
> > Nobody has said such things to me yet. I am pretty sure that is
> > the preferred way.
> Over the years, I seldom "reply to all".  As a general principle, 
> it seemed to cause more problems than it solved.  I will try to do 
> this with bugreports, but I suspect even there, I will find more 
> people wondering why I wrote them, than people thanking me for 
> writing them.
> > > > Am Freitag, den 08.06.2012, 21:40 +0100 schrieb Roger Leigh:
> > > > > On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 02:16:58PM -0600, Gordon Haverland wrote:
> > > > > > I have the same packages triggering init script
> > > > > > warnings.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > In addition, I get a warning from insserv files about
> > > > > > K20scsi-idle and scsi-idle missing LSB tags and
> > > > > > overrides.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Could you possibly attach a copy of each failing script?
> > > > 
> > > > Please find the scripts attached. There seem to be also
> > > > three scripts from the `initscripts` package which cause
> > > > some problems.
> > > > 
> > > >         /etc/init.d
> > > >         /etc/init.d/rmnologin
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/umountroot
> > > >         /etc/init.d/sendsigs
> > > >         /etc/init.d/single
> > > >         /etc/init.d/killprocs
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/halt
> > > >         /etc/init.d/umountfs
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/bootlogs
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/skeleton
> > > >         /etc/init.d/reboot
> > > >         /etc/init.d/mountoverflowtmp
> > > >         /etc/init.d/rc.local
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/
> > > >         /etc/init.d/urandom
> > > 
> > > Okay, I forced dpkg to install the new initscripts package
> > > with -- force-depends.  I now get 3 mystery files from
> > > initscripts causing problems.
> > 
> > I also get these errors with `initscripts` 2.88dsf-22.1
> > installed. Only `sysv-rc` is currently not configured on this
> > system.
> > 
> > > I looked at all the files from initscripts that install in
> > > init.d/


Ok, reading the `postinst` script

        is_unsafe_to_activate() {
            # Refuse to convert when there are obsolete init.d scripts left
            # behind, as these tend to confuse the boot sequence.
            echo "info: Checking if it is safe to convert to dependency based 
boot." 1>&2
            for package in $(dpkg -S $(find /etc/init.d -type f -perm /+x) \
                             2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f1 | sort -u); do
                obsolete_initscripts=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' 
$package | \
                    grep 'obsolete$' | grep -o '/etc/init.d/[^ ]\+') || :
                if [ "$obsolete_initscripts" ]; then
                    for initscript in $obsolete_initscripts; do
                        if [ -e "$initscript" ]; then
                            add_problematic "package $package left obsolete 
init.d script behind"

Please also add `$initscript` to the output.

                            add_suggestion "$package"

basically the following is done. Get all packages having an init.d
script installed on the system and look if it is marked as obsolete.

So basically this check fails its intention when a package removed its
init.d script in the past but failed to remove that during the upgrade.

In my case I submitted one bug report and followed up on two already
existing bug reports.


A solution would be to check *in addition* if the package is still
installed or make a note that this could also be an error in the
corresponding package that it did not remove obsolete conffiles.




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