header for /etc/init.d/cryptdisks-early
also attached my depend.boot
I guess it started, but can't read stdin/write to stdout, so I can't
input password.

#! /bin/sh
# Provides:          cryptdisks-early
# Required-Start:    checkroot
# Required-Stop:     umountroot
# Should-Start:      udev mdadm-raid
# Should-Stop:       udev mdadm-raid
# X-Start-Before:    lvm2
# X-Stop-After:      lvm2
# X-Interactive:     true
# Default-Start:     S
# Default-Stop:      0 6
# Short-Description: Setup early encrypted block devices.
# Description:

В Сбт, 16/06/2012 в 19:06 +0100, Roger Leigh пишет: 
> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 03:00:55PM +0400, Alexander V. Kudrevatykh wrote:
> > Package: sysvinit-utils
> > Version: 2.88dsf-27
> > Severity: important
> > 
> > after upgrading to 2.88dsf-27 boot stops on "cleaning temprorary
> > files... /tmp" and not ask
> > password for cryptdisks
> > disabling cryptdisks or switch to legacy boot order fixes problem
> Any idea about what is causing the breakage here?  Does cryptdisks
> have incorrect LSB dependencies?
> Using legacy boot might correct things, but it's not an acceptable
> solution given that dependency based booting is the default.
> Instructions for getting a graph of the dependency tree are here:
> http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts/DependencyBasedBoot
> Thanks,
> Roger

TARGETS = mountkernfs.sh udev mountdevsubfs.sh qemu-kvm bootlogd keymap.sh 
keyboard-setup hwclock.sh hostname.sh hdparm checkroot.sh cryptdisks-early lvm2 
mtab.sh kmod checkroot-bootclean.sh cryptdisks checkfs.sh mountall.sh 
networking urandom ebtables mountall-bootclean.sh procps pppd-dns udev-mtab 
rpcbind ifscheme nfs-common mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh console-screen.sh 
console-setup fuse alsa-utils x11-common bootmisc.sh lm-sensors screen-cleanup 
INTERACTIVE = udev keymap.sh keyboard-setup checkroot.sh cryptdisks-early 
cryptdisks checkfs.sh console-screen.sh console-setup
udev: mountkernfs.sh
mountdevsubfs.sh: mountkernfs.sh udev
qemu-kvm: mountkernfs.sh udev
bootlogd: mountdevsubfs.sh
keymap.sh: mountdevsubfs.sh bootlogd
keyboard-setup: mountkernfs.sh keymap.sh udev bootlogd
hwclock.sh: mountdevsubfs.sh bootlogd
hostname.sh: bootlogd
hdparm: mountdevsubfs.sh udev bootlogd
checkroot.sh: hwclock.sh mountdevsubfs.sh hostname.sh keymap.sh hdparm bootlogd 
cryptdisks-early: checkroot.sh udev
lvm2: cryptdisks-early mountdevsubfs.sh udev bootlogd
mtab.sh: checkroot.sh
kmod: checkroot.sh
checkroot-bootclean.sh: checkroot.sh
cryptdisks: checkroot.sh cryptdisks-early udev lvm2
checkfs.sh: cryptdisks checkroot.sh mtab.sh lvm2
mountall.sh: checkfs.sh lvm2
networking: mountkernfs.sh mountall.sh
urandom: mountall.sh hwclock.sh
ebtables: mountall.sh
mountall-bootclean.sh: mountall.sh
procps: mountkernfs.sh mountall.sh udev bootlogd
pppd-dns: mountall.sh
udev-mtab: udev mountall.sh
rpcbind: networking mountall.sh
nfs-common: rpcbind hwclock.sh
mountnfs.sh: mountall.sh networking rpcbind nfs-common
mountnfs-bootclean.sh: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh
console-screen.sh: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh
console-setup: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh console-screen.sh
fuse: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh
alsa-utils: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh
x11-common: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh
bootmisc.sh: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh udev
lm-sensors: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh
screen-cleanup: mountall.sh mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh
stop-bootlogd-single: mountall.sh udev console-screen.sh keymap.sh 
keyboard-setup console-setup cryptdisks cryptdisks-early networking 
mountkernfs.sh fuse mountnfs.sh mountnfs-bootclean.sh nfs-common rpcbind 
hwclock.sh checkroot.sh lvm2 checkfs.sh mountdevsubfs.sh ifscheme urandom 
alsa-utils ebtables hostname.sh x11-common bootmisc.sh mtab.sh 
mountall-bootclean.sh qemu-kvm procps hdparm bootlogd kmod 
checkroot-bootclean.sh pppd-dns lm-sensors screen-cleanup udev-mtab

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